COVID guidelines caused millions to suffer. Now Fauci admits 'there was no science behind it.'

I remember when the Coron-a-crat leftdrones would go apoplectic if you dared to dispute the asininely ridiculous "pangolin to human" claims, and called anyone citing the Wuhan lab "racist".

We haven't forgotten you.
Fauci wrote over 50 papers with Morens, the man who just admitted deleting incriminating emails, and teaching Fauci, etal, how to avoid FOI requests, now tries to downplay his relationship with him.
The claim that huge numbers of PCR test positives, perhaps the majority, were wrong because of lab cross contamination and poor testing protocols is something to pay attention to.
I mean we heard years ago that they were ampting up the signal too much and thus getting false positives, plus they often ran stunningly sloppy labs.
Dal Haybron

They already proved there were Three Vaccine Formulas indentified in Swedish Cout a year & a half ago & just now in England's Court.. One was nothing but Saline, the second was a mild m-RNA & the third was the Killer. Dr. McCullough said six months ago he's freaking out because the batch his wife took was the mild one, but he got the killer batch & is trying to flush that out of his system. In April of 2020, Two Months After The Outbreak, Trump after talking with the scientist at the Salk Institute & Dr. Zelenko who only lost one patient that was a 90 year old stage 4 cancer paient using Ivermectin, Hydroxy & V-D. Trump said, you can take the vaccine If You Want or try other mobilities like Ivermectin & Hydroxy & was accused of trying to kill people with Horse Paste & Hydroxy that could kill people accourding to Fake News long before anyone showed any bad side effects or died from the Vaccine. Trump never mandated anyone take the Jab.. This is the same thing Con they did with their 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine, give the politicains Saline & kill at will the others, mostly in the Millitary. The Hospital Deaths was because the Doctors were killing people with Remdisivir for the $30,000 Covid Death payoff. The Carter Center, Fauci, Bix, the CDC & FDA knew Remdisivir was a killer with the Ebola Outbreak, just like the Carter Center found Invermectin eraticated not only River Blindness but Ebola too..
See the local Coron-A-Crats desperately trying to cover for Fauci's treachery, and their own actions.
And now watch all the leftists who were his loyal Coron-A Crats try to rewrite history, lie through their teeth to protect their beloved pandemic emperor.

An orange jumpsuit, massive fine, and loss of pension would be a good start on what Little Anthony deserves, IMHO.

He knew he was full of shit, and subjected us to all the catastrophic bullshit, including the decimation of our Greatest generation by Democrat governors, setting our kids back years, and costing us $trillions, forced , ineffectual vaccines, harmful masking of children, none of which have we fully recovered from, even yet.

COVID guidelines caused millions to suffer. Now Fauci admits 'there was no science behind it" but he LOVED HIS POWER ABD ATTENTION TOO MUCH TO ADMIT IT.​

When COVID-19 hit in 2020, I jotted down a makeshift "will" for my four kids under 12. It wasn't official, just a set of instructions for my children and other immediate family members in case anything happened to me. Bank accounts, passwords, and access to other valuable information the family might need were included.

It was the beginning of the pandemic and we had no idea just how serious things would get.

As a single parent, I worried that if I suddenly caught it and died, my children would languish. The virus was rampant, and the risk of dying seemed high and very real. Fear and anxiety took hold.

COVID-19 deaths weren't exactly uncommon. The pandemic killed more than a million Americans, and there have been about 104 million confirmed cases in the United States alone. A lot of decisions were rooted in fear and brought with them life-changing consequences. Statewide lockdowns, shuttered businesses, school closings: All were based initially on the social distancing rule of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We're now getting answers to questions those decisions raised.

In his testimony to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and former chief medical adviser to President Donald Trump, said the 6-foot social distancing rule, which the CDC originally recommended, had not been backed by a clinical trial. This is despite constant claims that COVID-19 protocols were based on science.

These disclosures are damning and maddening for all of us who had structured our lives around these rules for years. As a result, millions of people suffered needlessly.

On Monday, Fauci was also asked to clarify his comments during the two-day congressional testimony he gave in January. The transcript of that testimony was recently released.

He specifically responded on Monday to questions about the 6-foot rule: “It had little to do with me since I didn’t make the recommendation and my saying ‘there was no science behind it’ meant there was no clinical trial behind that."

In January, Fauci told staff and members of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that "there was no science behind" the 6-foot social distancing rule that state and local governments repeated for months if not years.

“You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be 5 or 6 or whatever,” Fauci said in January's testimony.

He also admitted in the January interview that there was little science that backed requiring children to wear masks in public and at schools for almost two years.

“Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?” a staffer asked Fauci.

“You know, I might have," he answered, "but I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.”

These revelations are infuriating. Fauci repeated CDC-based COVID-19 protocols as the mouthpiece of President Trump's administration. Desperate for guidance, states, local governments, businesses, churches and schools instituted them.

He needs to be in jail the filthy animal.