Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's a little tidbit that's come up regarding the CDC information being released to the general public. It's really sad that you have to have podcasts from comedians and self described investigative journalist to get ALL THE FACTS regarding something as serious as Covid. It's a bit long, but the first 5 minutes are enlightening. Enjoy:

Here's a little tidbit that's come up regarding the CDC information being released to the general public. It's really sad that you have to have podcasts from comedians and self described investigative journalist to get ALL THE FACTS regarding something as serious as Covid. It's a bit long, but the first 5 minutes are enlightening. Enjoy:

Been debunked. The blank pages were internal memos, not studies.

The COVID/myocarditis relationship is well known and easily found. What is it?

That the risk of myocarditis is multiple times higher with COVID than with vaccine.
Been debunked. The blank pages were internal memos, not studies.

The COVID/myocarditis relationship is well known and easily found. What is it?

That the risk of myocarditis is multiple times higher with COVID than with vaccine.

On the contrary, that was addressed in the video that you obviously failed to see. The "memos" WERE ABOUT THE STUDIES, IN RELATION TO THE STUDIES.

Your last 2 sentences are misleading. Note that all the studies you swear by are done a less than 2 month period after a jab. However, each YEAR that progresses keeps reporting "slight increases":

Do the math, because it's a LONG term effect.

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”

“By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.”

“I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued.

“It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at my job. I killed a bunch of people, but I’m a great person.’ It’s like, no, it’s too big a sin to overlook. You have no credibility unless you apologize for that and explain how you reached that wrong conclusion.”
On the contrary, that was addressed in the video that you obviously failed to see. The "memos" WERE ABOUT THE STUDIES, IN RELATION TO THE STUDIES.

Your last 2 sentences are misleading. Note that all the studies you swear by are done a less than 2 month period after a jab. However, each YEAR that progresses keeps reporting "slight increases":

Do the math, because it's a LONG term effect.

Both of your articles validate what I said. Their words? “Rare”. “Very rare”.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
On the contrary, that was addressed in the video that you obviously failed to see. The "memos" WERE ABOUT THE STUDIES, IN RELATION TO THE STUDIES.

Your last 2 sentences are misleading. Note that all the studies you swear by are done a less than 2 month period after a jab. However, each YEAR that progresses keeps reporting "slight increases":

Do the math, because it's a LONG term effect.

Both of your articles validate what I said. Their words? “Rare”. “Very rare”.

Ahhh, but not that EACH YEAR there is an INCREASE in the "rare" and "very rare". These add up and become the new constant. Also, here's an apropos that is rarely showcased by ANYONE regarding the jabs from 2021:
Ahhh, but not that EACH YEAR there is an INCREASE in the "rare" and "very rare". These add up and become the new constant. Also, here's an apropos that is rarely showcased by ANYONE regarding the jabs from 2021:

That’s it? A letter from 2 right wing senators regarding ailments that may or may not be related to the vaccine?


Remember. If you have bad luck after a black cat crosses your path, the black cat may not actually be the cause of your bad luck.
That’s it? A letter from 2 right wing senators regarding ailments that may or may not be related to the vaccine?


Remember. If you have bad luck after a black cat crosses your path, the black cat may not actually be the cause of your bad luck.

Unfortunately, the site screws up and only presents a portion of the letter before hitting up for subscription. My bad.

Here's the thing:

There's more, but it seems the net is making it harder to find valid dissension among the academic ranks.
Here's a little tidbit that's come up regarding the CDC information being released to the general public. It's really sad that you have to have podcasts from comedians and self described investigative journalist to get ALL THE FACTS regarding something as serious as Covid. It's a bit long, but the first 5 minutes are enlightening. Enjoy:

Any kdy who still thinks covid is serious or that shots are needed is an idiot. The whole thing was contrived. Even the idiot midget fauci admitted that the six feet social distancing thing was nonsensical. How many times do people have to be lied to before they realize theyre being lied to. But I know human nature and it's hard for people to admit they were wrong after being so insanely adamant about something so clearly wrong.

Senator Rand Paul: "So one of the cool things I have discovered about Covid-19 is, they borrowed Oracle supercomputer, a scientist from Australia and the wanted to see which animal that virus would attach best didn't attach to any animals very well but it attached perfectly to humans. This does not happen, it's almost proof positive that this was manipulated in a lab. And what you do in a lab is you actually speed up evolution and you direct evolution, because you keep infecting mice that have human lung markers, so it thinks it's infecting a human lung and you do it over and over again, you get the sickest mouse, one with the highest viral load you take that out and you infect the mice again. And each time you pass it through the virus you get the sickest and the most infected mouse and you do it again. You're selecting for the worst, the most deadly, the most efficiently...What really was sort of the smoking gun though is we discovered that the way the virus is genetically constructed is virtually identical to a research project from 2018 that had dr. Baric from UNC, dr. Shi from Wuhan and dr. Peter Daszak from New York. They actually applied for money to create something that looks very suspiciously like Covid-19. They didn't get the money for it, but almost everybody believes now that dr. Shi went ahead in China and did that project, created that virus, probably to create a vaccine, probably was an accident that had leaked out. But we have all of this evidence now and yet it's been like pulling teeth to get a Democrat anywhere in congress to sign even a records release..."


Journalist Jane Bürgermeister Said In 2009 That They Were Planning The COVID Vaccines And The Pandemic.

"It Will Be The World Health Organization, In Charge Of Organizing The ENFORCEMENT"

"It Will Happen At The Same Time, In Parallel In All Countries"

"There Is A Secret Biological War Going On"

"Biological Warfare Against Civilians"

Cancer Doctor Issues Urgent Warning

The mRNA COVID-19 shots “should be completely banned! If they’re going to be used for anything, it has to be what they are, gene therapies.”

Prof. Angus Dalgleish says there is a “fundamental flaw” with COVID-19 shots, and the flaw is that “it carries on for an indeterminate period of time.”

What that means is the modified mRNA containing N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) allows the mRNA in the COVID shots to last in the body for an indefinite period of time, leading to an uncontrolled amount of spike protein production.

The bottom line: There is a great likelihood that the shots are causing cancer.

• Spike protein inhibits the activity of tumor suppressor genes.

• Spike protein interferes with BRCA, which keeps ovarian and breast cancer in check.

• The N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in itself leads to immune suppression. Without the immune system working in full force, it creates conditions conducive to rapid cancer growth—or what some people refer to as “turbo cancer.”

As such, Prof. Dalgleish says:

“You should never use them [mRNA shots] in the general population as vaccines because they’re not.”

“They [COVID shots] should be completely banned!”