Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

No one has been so wrong so many times on one issue as the right has been on Covid, beginning to end, and they are still at it today
Really? Because the very people you have trusted to support your stance are telling you a different story. Check my other links throughout this thread and you should get the picture. But remember, dead men tell no tales.
A cavalier and fatalistic attitude on your part. The people referred to in my links are not so lucky....and their numbers are growing each year. Also, 6 shots? What did all that entail and when did you get them? Just curious.
When they announced a new booster, I went to the pharmacy and got it for free.
I have a card on which all the shots are recorded as I got them.

This is all you need to know about the "unexplained" surge in sudden deaths:"If the sudden deaths we're seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it's not."Here's what's truly alarming: "The employed [people] of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. I blame the vaccines. If it's not that, then what is it? And why aren't we talking about it?"— Edward Dowd
The FDA deleting a Tweet doesn't mean Ivermectin was effective against Covid. It wasn't.

Myocarditis was a known side-effect of the Covid vaccine, and covid itself, very early on. The CDC acknowledged it in the summer of 2021.

Nothing to see here. Put the tin foil away.
Again, increases in fatal pulmonary and cardio attacks among relatively healthy people have occurred since the mass jab drive. Long term effects.
Long term Covid is real. You are making connections that are not tenable. We have had more gun deaths since Covid. Was that caused by the shots?

Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats, mounting evidence shows​

Lower vaccination rates among Republicans could explain the partisan gap, but some researchers say mask use and social distancing were bigger factors.


Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats, mounting evidence shows​

Lower vaccination rates among Republicans could explain the partisan gap, but some researchers say mask use and social distancing were bigger factors.

Natural selection.
Long term Covid is real. You are making connections that are not tenable. We have had more gun deaths since Covid. Was that caused by the shots?
Having had and am currently experiencing Covid and it's after effects, I don't doubt your first sentence. However, if you pay attention to the current information being released, the creeping increase of fatal pulmonary and cardio attacks are NOT being attributed to Covid in any form. BUT, if you do a little research you'll find reputable doctors and scientists giving early warnings of the serious implications of dosing millions with what is essentially experimental vaccines. To date, whether the latest victims I described were jabbed is not noted, BUT many were in careers that MANDATED being jabbed in the early days. Coincidence? :unsure:

Oh, your gun deaths comparison is just plain dumb. Sorry, but it is.
The FDA deleting a Tweet doesn't mean Ivermectin was effective against Covid. It wasn't.

Myocarditis was a known side-effect of the Covid vaccine, and covid itself, very early on. The CDC acknowledged it in the summer of 2021.

Nothing to see here. Put the tin foil away.
Personal experience: My situation of being hospitalized for a month only started to improve after being smuggled some Ivermectin by a family friend (also using fresh veggie/fruit juice and vitamin/mineral supplements). Remdesivir and baricitinib had little to no effect....and by the time I got that trial and error on previous patients had shown to reduce the dosage least get detrimental side effects. Believe it or not.