Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

Look, pally boy, you anti-vax idiots keep beating the same old fucking conspiracy horse. It didn’t wash the first time and it won’t the millionth.

When you present the same debunked bullshit time and again, you’ll get the same fucking correction you were given the first gazillion times.

Give it up, fucktard. The vaccine worked. It saved millions of lives and heartbreak. It had some side affects, but they were mostly minor and fleeting.

There was no massive conspiracy among hospitals, health care workers, CDC, NIH, and pharma to control people, kill people or any of the other tinfoil shit you guys come up with
You're an arrogant stupid son of a bitch.
Most of what you say has been debunked has been papered over.
You and the other Massformated shit for brains have been brainwashed.
The Covid pandemic has been the biggest psyop ever perpetrated on the largest number of people in the history of the world.
You're an arrogant stupid son of a bitch.
Most of what you say has been debunked has been papered over.
You and the other Massformated shit for brains have been brainwashed.
The Covid pandemic has been the biggest psyop ever perpetrated on the largest number of people in the history of the world.
You can’t name one, fucktard. NOT ONE. Just the same old conspiracy bullshit. Go get more tinfoil, moron.
You can’t name one, fucktard. NOT ONE. Just the same old conspiracy bullshit. Go get more tinfoil, moron.
I can get you lots of proof but you are not worth my time''''''''''''''Someone who is so ill informed.

You're a fucking stunad!
I can get you lots of proof but you are not worth my time''''''''''''''Someone who is so ill informed.

You're a fucking stunad!
You tried, asswipe, but all you can find is conspiracy bullshit. Here’s a suggestion, fuckwad, stay away from any article that has an abstract in it. It’s way the fuck over your head.
I can get you lots of proof but you are not worth my time''''''''''''''Someone who is so ill informed.

You're a fucking stunad!
I would say the "psy-op" came AFTER the disease was rampant. It came in the form of almost everyone in the health industry following the dictates/party line. (big bucks for Big Pharma, promos and kudos all around for the likes of Fauci). I find it hilarious when I enter the late Dr. Mullis and the current Dr. Deussberg into the conversation. Also, pointing to NIH and CDC reports that contradict the party line grinds their gears. The mental gymnastics done to try and discredit/downplay those two is a site to behold!

We’ve been lied to on a scale most people’s brains can’t comprehend. And since Chuck Schumer let the cat out of the bag and admitted the CIA doesn’t work for the President & that the President should fear the “Intelligence Community”, it makes me wonder who exactly does the CIA work for & why would they be lying to us about Covid? Amazingly this will not be talked about on the front pages of national newspapers, nor even the topic of jokes for Late Night comedians. They lied about -The Origin Of The Virus -masks-herd immunity-Natural immunity-early treatment-Ivermectin-Hydroxychloroquine -Vaccine Stopping transmission-VaccineStopping contraction -The fatality rate of infection -funding gain of function experiments that produced Covid -6ft social distancing -vaccine being Safe & Effective they’ve lied about everything at every turn, but keep shouting down skeptics of Big Pharma as anti-vaxx .And the people in media & comedy who call themselves “Anti-Establishment” & “Truth Tellers” are STILL SILENT and afraid to say ANYTHING. So many people I once respected have revealed themselves to be cowards & go along actually afraid to challenge power or the establishment narrative for fear of losing their place in society.

^Dumbfuck doesn’t realize that distancing worked. It’s the abstinence version of communicable disease. If you stay away from people with a contagious disease, your likelihood of catching it diminishes.

A big “DERP” for you, idiot.
^Dumbfuck doesn’t realize that distancing worked. It’s the abstinence version of communicable disease. If you stay away from people with a contagious disease, your likelihood of catching it diminishes.

A big “DERP” for you, idiot.

Every day I thank God for inventing plexiglass and floor stickers.
It is so strange today in America that good health care becomes a stick. Our large extended family have all been vaccinated and all are fine. Anyone who served in the military was lined up and vaccinated in both arms no one died. But some Americans are easily played and most are republican Trump puppets. Why is that? Trump is a liar, a convicted rapist, a document thief, an adulterous leech and yet some follow him. Really weird.
It is so strange today in America that good health care becomes a stick. Our large extended family have all been vaccinated and all are fine. Anyone who served in the military was lined up and vaccinated in both arms no one died. But some Americans are easily played and most are republican Trump puppets. Why is that? Trump is a liar, a convicted rapist, a document thief, an adulterous leech and yet some follow him. Really weird.
It is so strange today in America that good health care becomes a stick. Our large extended family have all been vaccinated and all are fine. Anyone who served in the military was lined up and vaccinated in both arms no one died. But some Americans are easily played and most are republican Trump puppets. Why is that? Trump is a liar, a convicted rapist, a document thief, an adulterous leech and yet some follow him. Really weird.
Hmm, not quite the rosy picture you paint. Observe and learn from 3 years ago:

Heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected in study of U.S. military​

The average American is caught between a rock and a hard place: MAGA cultist who question the medical establishment covid vaccine push for the wrong reasons, scientist, doctors and researchers of valid caliber that question the medical establishment covid vaccine push based on facts, and the Big Pharma/CDC influenced powers that be who fear monger to pave over their products detrimental short comings.
Hmm, not quite the rosy picture you paint. Observe and learn from 3 years ago:

Heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected in study of U.S. military​

The average American is caught between a rock and a hard place: MAGA cultist who question the medical establishment covid vaccine push for the wrong reasons, scientist, doctors and researchers of valid caliber that question the medical establishment covid vaccine push based on facts, and the Big Pharma/CDC influenced powers that be who fear monger to pave over their products detrimental short comings.
From your article, heart inflammation was higher “although the condition was still extremely rare”.


Not only was it extremely rare, the outcomes were almost always positive with no long lasting effects.

Your same dumbfuck claims. The same rebuttals by me. And even your own citations.

Give it up, pally boy. Your horse is dead.
From your article, heart inflammation was higher “although the condition was still extremely rare”.


Not only was it extremely rare, the outcomes were almost always positive with no long lasting effects.

Your same dumbfuck claims. The same rebuttals by me. And even your own citations.

Give it up, pally boy. Your horse is dead.
We know get lied to constantly, to the point that things are not rarely called the exact opposite of what they are.

I need data, and someone I can trust to go over the data.
We live in a time where the Regime ran multiple "studies" on ivermectin to be used to sell the false narrative that it does not work on must be very mindful of where we are.....that this is a particularly nasty dark age.
Barack also was not required to get the same vaccine you did. Oh, he got a vaccine, but it did not contain the same things...

Nobody among the Elite, Congress, TLAs, and the Illegals, was required to get the same vaccine, spike protein and all... that we were required to take.

Everyday, I am in extreme pain, because of the protein neuro-shealth inflammation. One day, it will stop my heart.

I will not forgive or forget.
