Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

I had so very many articles documenting various issues with regard to the vaccine and the Covid response .
However, the forum I was on consolidated and deep sixed whole forum categories. Covid was one of them.
I left that forum because of that as well as other issues. I was on that forum for 10 years.
To use search engines to find articles on issues that I posted about is not only time consuming but futile.
The power that be have SCRUBBED the internet of so many very good research pieces.
I now get almost all of my info from Youtube and X ....Google is Evil but they are failing to scrub dissidents fast enough, and X is somewhat FreeMind.

My consumption of Regime Media....of which the Murdoch properties are almost down to Zero. I was a big fan of RedState but they turned to shit.
Just as Fauci pushed the failed cancer drug on unsuspecting and trusting AIDS patients, he repeated his kill for money routine with the failed Ebola drug Remdesivir.
How this mofo Fauci does not get life in prison or the death penalty for what he has done during his long career is beyond me.
I dont think it was about was about glory for was about the Revolution.
translation: you can't logically or factually fully refute the OP or our subsequent exchanges. Whatever.
No, I work in healthcare so I will always follow the science and what my employer (my doctor) is saying is best to protect me from current health issues. I will protect me. I don't give a fuck about the maga idiots anymore. You made your bed, lay in it.
No, I work in healthcare so I will always follow the science and what my employer (my doctor) is saying is best to protect me from current health issues. I will protect me. I don't give a fuck about the maga idiots anymore. You made your bed, lay in it.
:rolleyes: Okay, once more for the cheap seats: the party line doesn't give a damn about the MAGA mooks or the liberal parrots ... it's all about the benjamins, prestige and egos. Your doctor and your bosses in "healthcare" follow(ed) the mandate ..... a LOT of people unnecessarily died because of that. The PCR test was NOT designed to diagnose what is making you sick....period. The late Dr. Mullis (nobel prize inventor) told that to anyone who would listen when it was incorrectly used to diagnose HIV. He challenged Fauci to open, peer reviewed debate on the subject then.... Fauci never took up the challenge. He is, however, repeating similar BS regarding Covid.

All my previous points and references are things you don't dare address because that would require you to think beyond the comfort zone fear has put you in. Your last sentence is just childish, as it's the increasing number of cardio and respiratory problems and fatalities each year of the jab who are lying in a bed that is not doing well by them. Carry on.
:rolleyes: Okay, once more for the cheap seats: the party line doesn't give a damn about the MAGA mooks or the liberal parrots ... it's all about the benjamins, prestige and egos. Your doctor and your bosses in "healthcare" follow(ed) the mandate ..... a LOT of people unnecessarily died because of that. The PCR test was NOT designed to diagnose what is making you sick....period. The late Dr. Mullis (nobel prize inventor) told that to anyone who would listen when it was incorrectly used to diagnose HIV. He challenged Fauci to open, peer reviewed debate on the subject then.... Fauci never took up the challenge. He is, however, repeating similar BS regarding Covid.

All my previous points and references are things you don't dare address because that would require you to think beyond the comfort zone fear has put you in. Your last sentence is just childish, as it's the increasing number of cardio and respiratory problems and fatalities each year of the jab who are lying in a bed that is not doing well by them. Carry on.
The cardio and pulmonary problems you like to cite were extremely rare, almost never fatal and almost always had positive outcomes. So, don’t bullshit us on that one.

COVID became the disease of the unvaccinated, no matter how you wish to spin it. Were there fatalities in the vaccinated? Yes. The efficacy was not 100%, as vaccines rarely are, and most often other co-morbidities existed.
The cardio and pulmonary problems you like to cite were extremely rare, almost never fatal and almost always had positive outcomes. So, don’t bullshit us on that one.

COVID became the disease of the unvaccinated, no matter how you wish to spin it. Were there fatalities in the vaccinated? Yes. The efficacy was not 100%, as vaccines rarely are, and most often other co-morbidities existed.
The Regimes propaganda sure worked on you....
The cardio and pulmonary problems you like to cite were extremely rare, almost never fatal and almost always had positive outcomes. So, don’t bullshit us on that one.

COVID became the disease of the unvaccinated, no matter how you wish to spin it. Were there fatalities in the vaccinated? Yes. The efficacy was not 100%, as vaccines rarely are, and most often other co-morbidities existed.
As I previously pointed out with valid, peer reviewed evidence by reputable sources, the cardio & pulmonary problems ARE NOT EXTREMELY RARE. In fact the "relatively small" reactions are INCREASING EACH YEAR. A matter of fact, a matter of history whether you like it/acknowledge it or not.

Your last sentence is PURE BS that you've concocted. A pathogen/virus/disease exists ... period. While vaccines have been effective to a great degree, there are nasty side effects as with each generation the vaccines become more experimental or use ingredients that are not conducive to health or increase the "load" for childhood vaccinations. Like it or not, the FACT is that the Covid vaccines used would NOT have passed the previous requirements of the FDA and such. The consistent fear-based spin by Pharma companies, Fauci & company (with assistance from MSM) on any detrimental results is very effective, as you demonstrate.
As I previously pointed out with valid, peer reviewed evidence by reputable sources, the cardio & pulmonary problems ARE NOT EXTREMELY RARE. In fact the "relatively small" reactions are INCREASING EACH YEAR. A matter of fact, a matter of history whether you like it/acknowledge it or not.

Your last sentence is PURE BS that you've concocted. A pathogen/virus/disease exists ... period. While vaccines have been effective to a great degree, there are nasty side effects as with each generation the vaccines become more experimental or use ingredients that are not conducive to health or increase the "load" for childhood vaccinations. Like it or not, the FACT is that the Covid vaccines used would NOT have passed the previous requirements of the FDA and such. The consistent fear-based spin by Pharma companies, Fauci & company (with assistance from MSM) on any detrimental results is very effective, as you demonstrate.
One more time, with the truth.

The cardio/pulmonary problems associated with the vaccine were exceptionally RARE, with even rarer fatalities and almost all had favorable outcomes. They were merely inflammations that were minor and fleeting.

The fact is that COVID deaths were of the unvaccinated or those that had serious co-morbities. The vaccines were put on the fast track due to the seriousness of the pandemic. They worked with very few side effects. Side effects much less serious than COVID itself.
One more time, with the truth.

The cardio/pulmonary problems associated with the vaccine were exceptionally RARE, with even rarer fatalities and almost all had favorable outcomes. They were merely inflammations that were minor and fleeting.

The fact is that COVID deaths were of the unvaccinated or those that had serious co-morbities. The vaccines were put on the fast track due to the seriousness of the pandemic. They worked with very few side effects. Side effects much less serious than COVID itself.
One more time, you just regurgitate the SOS that's already been addressed. Repeating yourself ad nausea won't make the contrary FACTS go away.
Whatever are contrary are not facts. I repeat those facts to correct your misinformation.
Oh that tired ass stupidity? Suddenly you act as if you can't comprehend any of the previous exchange, then you lie about information given in the OP. Essentially, you're just going in circles....being insipidly stubborn. So unless you can do better, I won't bother responding to any further drivel from you here.
Look, pally boy, you anti-vax idiots keep beating the same old fucking conspiracy horse. It didn’t wash the first time and it won’t the millionth.

When you present the same debunked bullshit time and again, you’ll get the same fucking correction you were given the first gazillion times.

Give it up, fucktard. The vaccine worked. It saved millions of lives and heartbreak. It had some side affects, but they were mostly minor and fleeting.

There was no massive conspiracy among hospitals, health care workers, CDC, NIH, and pharma to control people, kill people or any of the other tinfoil shit you guys come up with