D Creates Far More Jobs Than R

also lost more, but hey.....

by the way, we have had several threads about this chart.....why don't you read one of them and see what we had to say about it.....
New jobs disproportionately low-pay or part-time


And your solution for that?

I don't know what the solution is. I've stated my ideas for how I believe we can promote better economic growth in this country. Does it necessarily mean all wages will rise with it? I don't know.
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I don't know what the solution is. I've stated my ideas for how I believe we can promote better economic growth in this country. Does it necessarily mean all wages will rise with it? I don't know.
Invest in infrastructure. That's the solution. It creates all sorts of high paying jobs due to the demand for skilled labor, it puts billions into circulation boosting the economy and employment, with increased employment and higher wages comes increased demand for consumer goods and it's invested in infrastructure, such as public utilities, electrical grids, roads, harbors, communication networks, broadband information networks, etc, etc, that create and promote expanded commerce for all and it won't mostly get pissed away as a very large part of defense spending does.

That's also why Democrats have a better track record on creating jobs and wealth in this nation than Republicans have. They are more willing to make these sort of far sighted public investments. Republicans, with a few notable exceptions like Dwight D. Eisenhower, the greatest Republican President of the last half of the 20th century, have historically been opposed to such public investment and their track record in creating jobs and wealth shows.

How many job bills have house Repubs sponsored? I can tell you but I won't spoil it. In the meantime they have wasted the people's time by trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act how many times?

And the low pay thingy.............Repubs want no raise in the minimum wage but at the same time bitch about the pay of the jobs created, can they make up their fucking minds?
There the Big Government party for the few and elite.

Well the party of corporations as witnessed by their recent welfare farm bill, they hand out corporate welfare to farms(most of whom are now run by corporations rather than individual farmers) and at the same time cut food stamps for the poor. Now i'm no ardent supporter of food stamps but this bullshit you hear from the right about people abusing the system in large numbers is simple caterwauling, sure there is some abuse but there are far more people out there who genuinely need that safety net especially since 2008 when Repubs and neocons tried to submarine the economy and damn near succeeded.
How many job bills have house Repubs sponsored? I can tell you but I won't spoil it. In the meantime they have wasted the people's time by trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act how many times?

And the low pay thingy.............Repubs want no raise in the minimum wage but at the same time bitch about the pay of the jobs created, can they make up their fucking minds?

How would a new jobs bill that you want make a change in the fact that new jobs have been disproportionately lower paying and part-time?

I see nothing in my response or the article that referenced political party.
How would a new jobs bill that you want make a change in the fact that new jobs have been disproportionately lower paying and part-time?

I see nothing in my response or the article that referenced political party.

At least the Dems did something, the Repubs never do anything.

It would be something from the Repubs, who control the house,...............................the way I and America sees it they have done absolutely nothing, not took care of any business other than obstructing anything that doesn't benefit their corporate masters, Repubs could give two shits less about the middle and lower classes, anybody with half a brain can figure that out.

Always makes me shake my head when a person who works at Wal-Mart(or equivalent), makes minimum wage and has to go on the dole while being employed at Wal-Mart, can't afford their health insurance plan..........................still votes Repub because they support his right to have his AR-15, these type morons don't realize that the Repubs are bending him over and laughing at the fact that they still garner their votes.
At least the Dems did something, the Repubs never do anything.

It would be something from the Repubs, who control the house,...............................the way I and America sees it they have done absolutely nothing, not took care of any business other than obstructing anything that doesn't benefit their corporate masters, Repubs could give two shits less about the middle and lower classes, anybody with half a brain can figure that out.

Always makes me shake my head when a person who works at Wal-Mart(or equivalent), makes minimum wage and has to go on the dole while being employed at Wal-Mart, can't afford their health insurance plan..........................still votes Repub because they support his right to have his AR-15, these type morons don't realize that the Repubs are bending him over and laughing at the fact that they still garner their votes.

Ok. But that still doesn't address anything. Do you think a jobs bill is going to raise rates of workers in the U.S.?
Ok. But that still doesn't address anything. Do you think a jobs bill is going to raise rates of workers in the U.S.?

Sure, so long as it includes a provision raising the minimum wage.........but house R will not allow that..........in their minds it will hurt their corporate masters, the CEO will only be able to afford a 90 ft yacht instead of a 120 ft yacht and then he is going to be pissed and cut his campaign contribution.
There's a difference?

Not much but there is a little........................this can't be denied:that D at least tries something whether you agree or not....R just likes the status quo and does not make any progress whatsoever on any issue. They are like the employee who just sits around and fucks off but cashes that paycheck every Friday.
Sure, so long as it includes a provision raising the minimum wage.........but house R will not allow that..........in their minds it will hurt their corporate masters, the CEO will only be able to afford a 90 ft yacht instead of a 120 ft yacht and then he is going to be pissed and cut his campaign contribution.

Do you believe raising the minimum wage will cause other wages to rise as well?
Not much but there is a little........................this can't be denied:that D at least tries something whether you agree or not....R just likes the status quo and does not make any progress whatsoever on any issue. They are like the employee who just sits around and fucks off but cashes that paycheck every Friday.

The dems screw us/me just as much as the repubs.

I'm getting tired of this East German type of government that both have stole upon us/me.

You shouldn't favor one over the other.