D Creates Far More Jobs Than R

Calling and emailing, hell even verbally ripping your reps does zero good, they only care about the benefits of their position and lining their pockets with gold....thats it, nothing else

You asked.

I suggest you become a rich monopolist/John then. That way you can buy your politician/whore. Because that's what the Dems, and Reps are.

They want to keep as many people poor and dependent as possible.
We are exposing how the Free Market Republicans create less jobs. Your solution is Tea Party/Libertarian which is where they learn Free Market from.

An absolute Free Market will set the proven corrupt Capitalist free to destroy American by sending us into another depression where the rich will be swimming in wealth once again and the rest of us will be working full days for pennies with no guarantee of a days work. Some of us learn from the past.

Hows that -30 hour work week working out for you?

Or maybe your not one of the lucky ones.

Those bad capitalist,,,,,,, cutting back hours,,,,,, because of Boehnercare. What a bunch of really bad rich people.
At least the Dems did something, the Repubs never do anything.

It would be something from the Repubs, who control the house,...............................the way I and America sees it they have done absolutely nothing, not took care of any business other than obstructing anything that doesn't benefit their corporate masters, Repubs could give two shits less about the middle and lower classes, anybody with half a brain can figure that out.

Always makes me shake my head when a person who works at Wal-Mart(or equivalent), makes minimum wage and has to go on the dole while being employed at Wal-Mart, can't afford their health insurance plan..........................still votes Repub because they support his right to have his AR-15, these type morons don't realize that the Repubs are bending him over and laughing at the fact that they still garner their votes.

Then why haven't liberals created businesses and jobs that pay better; seeing as how it appears there would be legions of people flocking to work at those jobs.
I didn't make this a question, by putting a ? at the end; because the answer is obvious.
Even liberals know their plan would fail (business wise) and the fact that they're all talk and no action.
Like this?

Look. Don't participate in threads like this if you're not able to back up your words with honesty. Government isn't about the "cliffs".

People like you are why our country's fucked up right now.

Howey, if you're still following this thread was your comment about people like me f'ing up America about me not reading cover to cover the jobs bill act or because I'm not in support of it?
Calling and emailing, hell even verbally ripping your reps does zero good, they only care about the benefits of their position and lining their pockets with gold....thats it, nothing else

And you support one of these two parties?
I tried voting 3rd party but I can't get enough of the American sheeple to go along so now its anybody but Repubs.

Well,,,, I hate the republican politicians more than anyone I know, so I can sympathize to some degree, but voting for any of the two factions is like giving my approval. I just can't do it. Maybe if one, or so says, and does the right things, but that's rare, and it seems like they're never running in my district, or state.