D Creates Far More Jobs Than R

I get quite well the power and strength of our market based economy. TARP wasn't about raising wages it was about preventing essentially the world financial markets from collapsing (so the argument went).

And just why did that collapse come close to happening in the first place?
And they became that leader through public investment. Give me one example of market economy that didn't have the public.dollar facilitating their.success.

If public investment is what caused the U.S. to be the world's economic leader why are we ahead of European countries that spend far more government money than us?
I'd like the firefighters who are fighting all the wildfires in California to hear PMP's opinion of public servants....

you don't know my opinion of public employees.....you only know my opinion of brain dead liberals who think they can work their way out of a slow economy by creating only public jobs.....
Civil Rights Act....way to go LBJ, what party was he from?

Not quite as low as during Clinton but nice, not sure that there was something to fix though. How was that unemployment at the end of his term?

better than the last five years of Obama....and do you remember all the support LBJ got from the Democrats in passing the CRA?.....
That's just it...it's not "excessive" government spending....it's that a small percentage of our population want to hoard wealth and then BLAME government.

Having hundred of billions of dollars in deficits and trillions and trillions of dollars in government debt isn't "excessive" spending to you? If it isn't I'd hate to see what you would consider excessive. When government debt grows it causes private investment to shrink and lowers future growth. That is why our economy is stuck in the rut it is.
I didn't blame a party. I'm talking about policies. Excessive government spending is harming the economy and contributing to holding the private sector back. The 2009 stimulus gave the states a bunch of money to fill voids in the state budget and help states avoid laying off public employees for a year or two. That's nice and all but did nothing to promote economic growth. The 2013 stimulus would be doing the same thing expecting different results.

Less government means more money in the private sector where it is more likely to promote growth hence the need for more fiscal responsibility from all in our government.

well, we've been cutting govt spending - or the growth of it. How has that worked? The deficit is declining. Where's the robust private economy spending?

Govt contracts out a lot of work to private sector companies; how exactly does less govt mean more money in the private sector?
Having hundred of billions of dollars in deficits and trillions and trillions of dollars in government debt isn't "excessive" spending to you? If it isn't I'd hate to see what you would consider excessive. When government debt grows it causes private investment to shrink and lowers future growth. That is why our economy is stuck in the rut it is.

Cawacko, we know you're a good guy; but during a recession the govt has to spend more; that's the only way to respond to a recession. Then when times get good (which they aren't yet - better, but not good) the govt can cut back.

I know you're wedded to private companies; but I know you're sensible, and you can see there is a role for both public sector spending and private company spending.
Cawacko, we know you're a good guy; but during a recession the govt has to spend more; that's the only way to respond to a recession. Then when times get good (which they aren't yet - better, but not good) the govt can cut back.

running it through a paper shredder like we did with the stimulus plan wasn't "spending more"........
If public investment is what caused the U.S. to be the world's economic leader why are we ahead of European countries that spend far more government money than us?

Because we do it more wisely? Because we are more akin to Germany than we are to Greece?

Because the European Union isn't really a Union...but a bunch of separate countries using the same currency? Tell me...right now.... why interest does Germany have in Greece succeeding?

Now...what interest does America have in Alabama succeeding?

There is your difference between the EU and the USA. WE are a Nation...they are not.
Cawacko, we know you're a good guy; but during a recession the govt has to spend more; that's the only way to respond to a recession. Then when times get good (which they aren't yet - better, but not good) the govt can cut back.

I know you're wedded to private companies; but I know you're sensible, and you can see there is a role for both public sector spending and private company spending.

tc, I'm smart enough and educated enough to know I don't know everything (nor am I anywhere close). And while I'm a Republican I know Republican ideas aren't all good ones and Democrats ideas aren't all bad ones. That's why I attempt to look at the idea or policy itself and not just the party behind it (I should say that's what I strive for as I'm just as partisan as anyone else).

I'm not an anarchist nor do I want no government. We need government and it has an important role to play in allowing our economy to flourish. I am a strong believer however in the power of free markets. So yes I do believe there our wise investments the government can make with our tax dollars. I do believe the money our government spends usually goes beyond that wise investment amount.
Because we do it more wisely? Because we are more akin to Germany than we are to Greece?

Because the European Union isn't really a Union...but a bunch of separate countries using the same currency? Tell me...right now.... why interest does Germany have in Greece succeeding?

Now...what interest does America have in Alabama succeeding?

There is your difference between the EU and the USA. WE are a Nation...they are not.

Steelplate, when I said European countries I meant individual countries. I wasn't referring to the EU. And yes I was referring to the larger economies of Germany, France and Spain.
Steelplate, when I said European countries I meant individual countries. I wasn't referring to the EU. And yes I was referring to the larger economies of Germany, France and Spain.

And that's. What the larger EU countries are dealing with....how to deal withe their Alabama's, Louisiana's and Kansas's.

Until they become United in things besides currency....they won't succeed.

We have the dollar...but the dollar doesn't define us as a nation.
better than the last five years of Obama....and do you remember all the support LBJ got from the Democrats in passing the CRA?.....

Thanks to Bush and the Repubs....and don't try that "all they have is its Bush's fault" shit with me.....fact is a fact, he fucked everything up and now Obama is trying to fix it, he, nor you, nor I know what will work, its pretty much uncharted waters so hey, you may not like his methodology or ideology but win a fucking election and then you can try and implement your ideology.

Do you know how embarrassed R's and cons should be that they lost the election in 2012? The guy had low approval ratings, the economy was stilll tanking and he still wins, with an ass stomping to boot! What does that tell us? The American peole will never, ever trust the economy again to conservatives.
Just to be clear are you one of those who consider Bill Clinton a Republican?

You've got to be kidding? Are you one of those who is now going to try and tell me that Dems are for deregulation and Repubs are for regulation? Next you will try and tell me the sun rises in the West and sets in the East........LOL.