Dam along the Gunnison River opens all of its spillways for the first time since 2017

Yes, and what you did was ad hominem.

No it wasn't. It was an INSULT. Get it straight, moron. (that was ANOTHER INSULT)

How does anything you just said change my question? Why should the federal government be responsible for you not preparing for recurring weather events where you live? If you live in a flood plain and your home gets flooded every few years, how is that the responsibility of the federal government to mitigate or cover you for the resulting damages?

What you WANT (a nation which doesn't respond to natural disasters) isn't the nation you live in. If you want that move to fucking Afghanistan.
There is a similar pattern in California, Nevada and Arizona. It's funny how the usual suspects have all shut their traps about permanent droughts.

Yep I was told a few years ago that we'd have decades of drought here in Colorado because of global warming, and here we are with enormous snowpack and precipitation levels the last couple years, erasing the 'megadrought' they claimed was occuring
Yes, and what you did was ad hominem. You directed insults at my post and comments. That's the very definition of ad hominem, you fucking retard. (that isn't ad hominem, that's an insult)

How does anything you just said change my question? Why should the federal government be responsible for you not preparing for recurring weather events where you live? If you live in a flood plain and your home gets flooded every few years, how is that the responsibility of the federal government to mitigate or cover you for the resulting damages?
Sounds like you don't grasp what an ad hominem is.
I knew you wouldn't/couldn't answer the question.

Face it, you MAYBE graduated from high school, probably a GED. You don't know anything about this topic.
again you post things about which you have zero knowledge......I have a juris doctorate and a masters in theology......the main thing I know about this topic is that it is comprised of 20 years of lib'rul lies......
LOL. Everything you disagree with is a lie. Actually everything you don't understand is a lie. Which means you think introductory chemistry is a "lie", physics is a "lie", etc.

Maybe you'd find fewer lies if you were more educated. But there are obvious limits for you and "learning" appears to be one.
Wait. His “education” tells him that the events in Genesis are true and factual.
I'm not, but you obviously are. Why should the federal government be paying for someone's failure to prepare for an event like a hurricane? Hurricanes occur every year, and they hit the same region of the US. If you know you live where hurricanes happen shouldn't it be incumbent on you to prepare for that and the possible consequences?

Or, are you claiming nobody has any personal responsibility and should be treated as children?

How does your ad hominem change anything?
Same thing for ANY and ALL extreme weather that hits everywhere from the Midwest to the Atlantic Coast. The rest of us want to know.
LOL. Be honest (for once)...you've never had even one chemistry class, maybe, MAYBE, a high school physics class.

What in god's name do you possibly know about ANY of this topic that is of a technical nature???

The answer is: NONE. But I'm sure you'll dance around and avoid the question. Bearing false witness seems to be your jam.
I have a BS in Chemistry from Missouri Institute of Science and Technology.

Atmospheric concentrations of .0004 are having NO EFFECR on thermal retention, and there has never been a test using SCIENTIFIC METHOD proving othe4rwise....ever.
I have a BS in Chemistry from Missouri Institute of Science and Technology.

Back in my day it was Missouri-Rolla! (I'm Mizzou, so obviously the superior school :) )

Atmospheric concentrations of .0004 are having NO EFFECR


You should know that the greenhouse gases in general are responsible for why the earth's average surface temperature is about 30degC higher than the blackbody temp from the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. Further you should know that, while H2O vapor is probably the dominant greenhouse gas it is pretty much concentrated in the lower atmosphere. CO2 mixes well at much higher elevations and as one goes up the air column it becomes more efficient at the job.

The poor argument from incredulity (your suggestion that a tiny amount of something cannot have an outsized effect) indicates you may not have actually have any science classes there at Rolla. Which is a shame because there was some good earth science coming outta Rolla.

Back in my day it was Missouri-Rolla! (I'm Mizzou, so obviously the superior school :) )


You should know that the greenhouse gases in general are responsible for why the earth's average surface temperature is about 30degC higher than the blackbody temp from the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. Further you should know that, while H2O vapor is probably the dominant greenhouse gas it is pretty much concentrated in the lower atmosphere. CO2 mixes well at much higher elevations and as one goes up the air column it becomes more efficient at the job.

The poor argument from incredulity (your suggestion that a tiny amount of something cannot have an outsized effect) indicates you may not have actually have any science classes there at Rolla. Which is a shame because there was some good earth science coming outta Rolla.
Hardly. Much harder to het into Rolla. Still waiting on the legit test proving the thermal retention properties of .0004 CO2