
Is this the board you want?

What does ILA add to this board other than the kind of hateful racism that degrades all of us?

I put this up here with your name because not one con told ILA off on that thread. In fact, yurt studiously ignored him and then chatted him up on another thread. It's this silence more than anything that is unacceptable. It is indecent. Now I know many weren't here, I wasn't either. But no excuses! I saw it, now more will see it.

Anyone who doesn't IA I love america, is supporting him. Anyone who talks to him, is supporting him. Remember, it's not the words of your enemies but the silence of your friends that cuts deepest. Anyone who is silent on this should be ashamed.

No excuses. I already had him on IA, doesn't cut it. You all have tons of time to chase Desh and Poet around the board calling them racist. But the actual racists, oh funny, none of you ever see it because you "put racists on IA'. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. No excuses.

We now know that Yurt supports ILA's racism. Let's see who else does.

This person needs to be persona non grata here and the only way to do that, under current board rules, is for decent people to give him what used to be known as, the cut direct.

Anyone who talks to him will be IA'd by me and I don't care who you are.
Would you mind linking to the thread in question?
(just curious as I have given up battling the racism I find here)
Is this the board you want?

What does ILA add to this board other than the kind of hateful racism that degrades all of us?

I put this up here with your name because not one con told ILA off on that thread. In fact, yurt studiously ignored him and then chatted him up on another thread. It's this silence more than anything that is unacceptable. It is indecent. Now I know many weren't here, I wasn't either. But no excuses! I saw it, now more will see it.

Anyone who doesn't IA I love america, is supporting him. Anyone who talks to him, is supporting him. Remember, it's not the words of your enemies but the silence of your friends that cuts deepest. Anyone who is silent on this should be ashamed.

No excuses. I already had him on IA, doesn't cut it. You all have tons of time to chase Desh and Poet around the board calling them racist. But the actual racists, oh funny, none of you ever see it because you "put racists on IA'. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. No excuses.

We now know that Yurt supports ILA's racism. Let's see who else does.

This person needs to be persona non grata here and the only way to do that, under current board rules, is for decent people to give him what used to be known as, the cut direct.

Anyone who talks to him will be IA'd by me and I don't care who you are.

Interesting that you libtards can attack people mercilessly and that is ok. Bit when someone dishes back out you cry foul.
Is this the board you want?

What does ILA add to this board other than the kind of hateful racism that degrades all of us?

I put this up here with your name because not one con told ILA off on that thread. In fact, yurt studiously ignored him and then chatted him up on another thread. It's this silence more than anything that is unacceptable. It is indecent. Now I know many weren't here, I wasn't either. But no excuses! I saw it, now more will see it.

Anyone who doesn't IA I love america, is supporting him. Anyone who talks to him, is supporting him. Remember, it's not the words of your enemies but the silence of your friends that cuts deepest. Anyone who is silent on this should be ashamed.

No excuses. I already had him on IA, doesn't cut it. You all have tons of time to chase Desh and Poet around the board calling them racist. But the actual racists, oh funny, none of you ever see it because you "put racists on IA'. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. No excuses.

We now know that Yurt supports ILA's racism. Let's see who else does.

This person needs to be persona non grata here and the only way to do that, under current board rules, is for decent people to give him what used to be known as, the cut direct.

Anyone who talks to him will be IA'd by me and I don't care who you are.

Tell ya what sugar tits. Why don't you boycott my sponsors?

no need to ban or anything of the like.

the way this guy represents the right is what NEEDS to be aired out.

the way he is tolerated and treated kindly by others on the right says all one needs to know
Quite disgusting, but also quite humorous in that BAC kicked him so hard and repeatedly, ILA can't possibly a any testicles left LOL.

Good luck Darla.
Quite disgusting, but also quite humorous in that BAC kicked him so hard and repeatedly, ILA can't possibly a any testicles left LOL. Good luck Darla.
i find it humorous that darla can dish out the most vulgar insults, yet gets her panties in a twist when someone slings racial slurs.

what a titmouse. clean up your own act before you whine about others darla.

pound sand.
Jeez - I hadn't read through that thread. It's pretty bad, though the racism that goes unchallenged here on a daily basis is definitely depressing.

This board has such a weird tilt to it.
Jeez - I hadn't read through that thread. It's pretty bad, though the racism that goes unchallenged here on a daily basis is definitely depressing.

This board has such a weird tilt to it.

Yeah, it used to be a much better board I thought. It's become diseased in some way, I am not sure how. It's the people I am sure. Ech.
No doubt ILA had it coming, but watching BAC dismantle him like that almost seemed unfair.

Definitely a battle of wits where one side was completely empty. Like, devoid of any wits whatsoever.
Jeez - I hadn't read through that thread. It's pretty bad, though the racism that goes unchallenged here on a daily basis is definitely depressing.

This board has such a weird tilt to it.

To me a person has three options.

1) If someone is making racial (or really any) comments you don't like you can let that poster know the comments aren't appropriate, are offensive and to knock it off.

2) You can ignore the poster making the comments and just communicate with others on the board.

3) You can leave the board.

If you try approach number one and the person continues to make racial type of comments there's not a whole lot you can do (short of trying to get the person banned I guess).