
And what's it going to do Cawacko? I feel that if everyone ignored ILA because he is a racist who is harassing a black member of this board with racism, that he would eventually clean up his ways, or leave. That's what I feel decent people should do, how they should react. If he's permitted to keep doing it and hardly anyone says anything, and people just continue talking to him (but on other threads so it's not so obvious the way Yurt tried to get away with), then his behavior is acceptable. Let's be clear; then the racial harassment of BAC or any black member, is acceptable to this community at large. I feel it's not, and that we should show it.

I do not disagree with you. I choose not to engage with ILA because I find his racial comments just ignorant. I have no problem with you trying to get others to ignore him.
Fair point, Darla. I will continue to not chat with ILA.

After all, his name and claim of Southern Pride are contradictory, and I hate that! :D
Ultimately what's it going to do? ILA has made racist comments in the past and chances are pretty high he'll make racist comments again in the future. I'll give an example (though this one wasn't racist).

A couple of weeks ago Superfreak asked ILA to please not use the C-word, that he found it offensive. ILA responded if the person didn't act like a C-word he wouldn't call them a C-word. In other words ILA wasn't going to stop using the term. So what next? SF could ignore ILA or leave the board. SF could try and get likeminded people who find ILA's speech offensive to all ignore him. SF could try and get him banned. What would you recommend?

Oh, I agree w/ that. It's just that some posters make a big deal about "calling out" egregious comments when they're made, whether they're on the left or the right. But clearly, even the most racist comments from someone on the right doesn't seem to matter.

It's just staggering hypocrisy, that's all.
Oh, I agree w/ that. It's just that some posters make a big deal about "calling out" egregious comments when they're made, whether they're on the left or the right. But clearly, even the most racist comments from someone on the right doesn't seem to matter.

It's just staggering hypocrisy, that's all.

Yet BACs racist posts just squeaked right by you?
Sarcasm rocks! :clink:

BTW, did you catch the Hawks-Niners game?

Yes, unfortunately I saw that ass whipping. It's so funny how torn I get because there's a part of me that was glad to see Pete Carroll kick Harbaugh's ass (on the field obviously) and yet it was painful watching the Niners get taken apart.
Good work yurt. You have proven beyond doubt that you are at a minimum a racist sympathiser, if not a racist yourself.

No big surprise really.
So having pride in the South and loving America are contradictory?

Aren't you cute? Stupid. But cute.

Yeah, you can't claim to love America when you are constantly threatening to secede from it, prominently display the battle flag of it's former enemy (your short-lived country), when you created its greatest handicap (the Democratic Party), and continue to be just another relic best left forgotten.
Yeah, you can't claim to love America when you are constantly threatening to secede from it, prominently display the battle flag of it's former enemy (your short-lived country), when you created its greatest handicap (the Democratic Party), and continue to be just another relic best left forgotten.

Funny I don't recall threatening to secede, but I am sure it will be easy for to scare up a quote since you say I constantly do it :)

Strike 1
Ok, first thing is first

1.) I absolutely 100% agree that such language is completely uncalled for and has a negative effect on this board. It's wrong and the community as a whole should shun it whenever able.

2.) Re: "some people staying silent:"

Here are all the people that posted in that thread, over the span of ~140 posts:


So all this bullshit (and yes, it's bullshit) about "the right wingers remaining silent" (on christmas, no less..) while all the JPP liberals are heroically rushing in to defeat racism is an utter falsehood. There were only 12 people (damo posted today) out of all the users on JPP that were involved with that thread.

Most people on JPP I am convinced are good people. And it's entirely wrong to try and throw so many people under the bus when there are PLENTY of liberals that didn't condemn ILA yesterday as well. Plenty.

And one of the conservatives that did post in that thread was blasting ILA.

Absence of criticism is not condoning.

3.) I would gather that just as many liberals respond to ILA as conservatives do, if not more. Afterall, when it comes to politics, conservatives might not have much to argue about with him... it's the liberals that would continuously battle it out with him.

Going forward:

We are going to be implementing something that I feel will help JPP deal with "problem" posters in a effective way. Hopefully we get that thing going soon.
I haven't been able to read the thread, when I do I'll work on it. And no, racism is not what I "want".
While I don't agree with it either; it appears that ILA is using a reverse procedure on the liberals, for the "comments" that they continually make.
Maybe if the liberals tried living up to the standards they want others to follow, then just maybe it would change others.

Darla has always tried to play the victim stance, while down playing her behavior and the behavior of those she agrees with.
While I don't agree with it either; it appears that ILA is using a reverse procedure on the liberals, for the "comments" that they continually make.
Maybe if the liberals tried living up to the standards they want others to follow, then just maybe it would change others.

Darla has always tried to play the victim stance, while down playing her behavior and the behavior of those she agrees with.



Because I won't lie down and take their BS. I follow Obamas advice. They bring a knife, I bring a gun.

I would like nothing better than to have spirited debate about serious issues, but I won't sit around and be called vile names by these libs.

They can obviously dish it out, but they just can't take it. And if anyone would take the time to notice BAC was no innocent bystander. Yet no condemnation of his actions.
Ok, first thing is first

1.) I absolutely 100% agree that such language is completely uncalled for and has a negative effect on this board. It's wrong and the community as a whole should shun it whenever able.

2.) Re: "some people staying silent:"

Here are all the people that posted in that thread, over the span of ~140 posts:


So all this bullshit (and yes, it's bullshit) about "the right wingers remaining silent" (on christmas, no less..) while all the JPP liberals are heroically rushing in to defeat racism is an utter falsehood. There were only 12 people (damo posted today) out of all the users on JPP that were involved with that thread.

Most people on JPP I am convinced are good people. And it's entirely wrong to try and throw so many people under the bus when there are PLENTY of liberals that didn't condemn ILA yesterday as well. Plenty.

And one of the conservatives that did post in that thread was blasting ILA.

Absence of criticism is not condoning.

3.) I would gather that just as many liberals respond to ILA as conservatives do, if not more. Afterall, when it comes to politics, conservatives might not have much to argue about with him... it's the liberals that would continuously battle it out with him.

Going forward:

We are going to be implementing something that I feel will help JPP deal with "problem" posters in a effective way. Hopefully we get that thing going soon.

Liberals are already shunning him. It's cons who talk to him on other threads and think they are going to skate on it. Not anymore.