
Liberals are already shunning him. It's cons who talk to him on other threads and think they are going to skate on it. Not anymore.

so who is ILA often arguing with? Himself? Face it, plenty of liberals on JPP engage him.
so who is ILA often arguing with? Himself? Face it, plenty of liberals on JPP engage him.

How? In the manner BAC is? That's completely different. The fact is I have seen plenty of cons chatting him up as if he were a person. It's not okay. Too bad if you don't like my calling attention to it, I will continue to do so. I am sick and tired of cons entertaining this disgusting bullshit here. This place is a cesspool lately.
How? In the manner BAC is? That's completely different. The fact is I have seen plenty of cons chatting him up as if he were a person. It's not okay. Too bad if you don't like my calling attention to it, I will continue to do so. I am sick and tired of cons entertaining this disgusting bullshit here. This place is a cesspool lately.

so you are ok with people arguing with ILA? And it's just people having rando convos with him that will earn the ignore?
so you are ok with people arguing with ILA? And it's just people having rando convos with him that will earn the ignore?

It's like porn, I know it when I see it. I certainly wouldn't IA bac for calling him the racist eff that he is and proceeding to kick his ass all over. You know what I am talking about Grind. But if it were a liberal who was chatting with him on something that let's say they found common ground on? Yep I'd IA their ass. I will, I don't care. I am sickened by racial harassment, and I do remember unlike so many here who have amnesia, that a particular poster once left here for a very long time because of that. And I understood why they did. I am not going to sit back and keep quiet and watch it happen again. It's wrong. It's degrading. It's the degradation of another human being and it's not alright with me.
fair enough darla, I mostly agree with you.

I am not for censoring most speech here, but people that say that type of stuff should have the community shun them. There is nothing redeeming about posters calling others "niggers," because it shows they don't have even the basic amount of respect for their fellow human beings... and if they don't have that they don't really deserve respect in return.
It's like porn, I know it when I see it. I certainly wouldn't IA bac for calling him the racist eff that he is and proceeding to kick his ass all over. You know what I am talking about Grind. But if it were a liberal who was chatting with him on something that let's say they found common ground on? Yep I'd IA their ass. I will, I don't care. I am sickened by racial harassment, and I do remember unlike so many here who have amnesia, that a particular poster once left here for a very long time because of that. And I understood why they did. I am not going to sit back and keep quiet and watch it happen again. It's wrong. It's degrading. It's the degradation of another human being and it's not alright with me.

But how will you call attention to my posts withou reading my posts?

And why is BACs attempts at trying to degrade and humiliate me OK with you? If you would notice he did start it. Unless of course y'all consider calling someone a trailer trash motherfucker to be a compliment.

I love the knots you are twisting yourself into
fair enough darla, I mostly agree with you.

I am not for censoring most speech here, but people that say that type of stuff should have the community shun them. There is nothing redeeming about posters calling others "niggers," because it shows they don't have even the basic amount of respect for their fellow human beings... and if they don't have that they don't really deserve respect in return.

Thank you.
fair enough darla, I mostly agree with you.

I am not for censoring most speech here, but people that say that type of stuff should have the community shun them. There is nothing redeeming about posters calling others "niggers," because it shows they don't have even the basic amount of respect for their fellow human beings... and if they don't have that they don't really deserve respect in return.

What if someone calls them a "trailer trash motherfucker" first? Is that redeeming behavior that you approve of? Is that a basic amount of respect? Using Darla's logic which you claim to agree with it apparently is as I don't see you chastising BAC for his degrading comments. and according to her, which again you claim to agree with, not commenting on it is tacit approval.

You are letting Darla bully you into a corner you will eventually regret. All anyone has to do from now on is accuse you of supporting actions if you don't condemn it.

Your site. Run it any way you want. But, don't think I will sit back and let a douchenozzle like BAC speak to me like that and not return fire.
Is this the board you want?

What does ILA add to this board other than the kind of hateful racism that degrades all of us?

I put this up here with your name because not one con told ILA off on that thread. In fact, yurt studiously ignored him and then chatted him up on another thread. It's this silence more than anything that is unacceptable. It is indecent. Now I know many weren't here, I wasn't either. But no excuses! I saw it, now more will see it.

Anyone who doesn't IA I love america, is supporting him. Anyone who talks to him, is supporting him. Remember, it's not the words of your enemies but the silence of your friends that cuts deepest. Anyone who is silent on this should be ashamed.

No excuses. I already had him on IA, doesn't cut it. You all have tons of time to chase Desh and Poet around the board calling them racist. But the actual racists, oh funny, none of you ever see it because you "put racists on IA'. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. No excuses.

We now know that Yurt supports ILA's racism. Let's see who else does.

This person needs to be persona non grata here and the only way to do that, under current board rules, is for decent people to give him what used to be known as, the cut direct.

Anyone who talks to him will be IA'd by me and I don't care who you are.

Thanks, I put ILA on IA almost the first day he posted.

I am sorry this type of filth exists. I am Sorry this type of filth thrives on this board.
It's like porn, I know it when I see it. I certainly wouldn't IA bac for calling him the racist eff that he is and proceeding to kick his ass all over. You know what I am talking about Grind. But if it were a liberal who was chatting with him on something that let's say they found common ground on? Yep I'd IA their ass. I will, I don't care. I am sickened by racial harassment, and I do remember unlike so many here who have amnesia, that a particular poster once left here for a very long time because of that. And I understood why they did. I am not going to sit back and keep quiet and watch it happen again. It's wrong. It's degrading. It's the degradation of another human being and it's not alright with me.

That's right and it's always the best that leave. You should all be thrilled that BAC came back at all.
And what's it going to do Cawacko? I feel that if everyone ignored ILA because he is a racist who is harassing a black member of this board with racism, that he would eventually clean up his ways, or leave. That's what I feel decent people should do, how they should react. If he's permitted to keep doing it and hardly anyone says anything, and people just continue talking to him (but on other threads so it's not so obvious the way Yurt tried to get away with), then his behavior is acceptable. Let's be clear; then the racial harassment of BAC or any black member, is acceptable to this community at large. I feel it's not, and that we should show it.

I agree, the harassment should not be allowed to continue.
Of course it wouldn't. You allow the racial harassment. More than one comment is too many for me.

However, this didn't answer the question. What is your definition of "thrive"? Your judgment of me personally notwithstanding, "one is too many" is not a definition of "thrive" it's a definition of "too many".
What if someone calls them a "trailer trash motherfucker" first? Is that redeeming behavior that you approve of? Is that a basic amount of respect?

In a perfect world, I would wish that no one on JPP would personally insult the other.

We don't live in a perfect world.

I don't see BAC running all over the board being obsessed with calling people trash, or white trash, and using quotes about white trash in his signature. You on the other hand seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the words "negro" and "niggers". Yesterday wasn't the first time you've used those terms. You have it in your sig, and while I am sure you think you are being cute and clever having a completely unrelated quote containing the word in your sig, most people see through that. It's pretty obvious you likely weren't able to contain your glee when you initially put that in.

So even if BAC were the first to insult you in that discussion, every post of yours that you make has "niggers" prominently displayed in a completely irrelevant quote.

It doesn't break the rules here, so have at it, but be aware that some people might not have the most upstanding view of you or think you are arguing here in good faith. It might result in you being called trailer trash.

Lastly, and this is a minor point because no one can truly judge how one is offended by certain words other than the individual themselves, but I would argue most in society would view the use of the word "nigger" far, far, far worse than "white trash."

I dont think you can come to a site, casually call an african american a nigger in the course of a political debate, and expect to not take some flack for it.

At the same time, I believe in redemption for everyone. If you truly want to be accepted into the JPP fold, it's very possible, but you'd probably have to change certain aspects of how you conduct yourself.
That's right and it's always the best that leave. You should all be thrilled that BAC came back at all.

FYI BAC is one of my favorite posters, and yeah I don't want him to leave at all. He's awesome. Was psyched when he came back.
However, this didn't answer the question. What is your definition of "thrive"? Your judgment of me personally notwithstanding, "one is too many" is not a definition of "thrive" it's a definition of "too many".

Thrive! Given an atmosphere to increase and grow and that is what has happened here to the point of you being called on the matter.