
Thrive! Given an atmosphere to increase and grow and that is what has happened here to the point of you being called on the matter.
Which would be incorrect when placed in context of our policy in the past.

I have a rule against trolls and the ability to make them disappear for a reason.

Your idea of "thrive" as presented in this post is not represented by the reality. As for "being called"... Um. I wasn't being called on the matter. Read the thread again, she used my name because it would likely cause everybody to read the thread, it wasn't me personally she was "calling out"...

BTW - Other than my use of name to get people to read the thread, this is exactly the kind of thing we should do to deal with this kind of thing...
Which would be incorrect when placed in context of our policy in the past.

I have a rule against trolls and the ability to make them disappear for a reason.

Your idea of "thrive" as presented in this post is not represented by the reality. As for "being called"... Um. I wasn't being called on the matter. Read the thread again, she used my name because it would likely cause everybody to read the thread, it wasn't me personally she was "calling out"...

BTW - Other than my use of name to get people to read the thread, this is exactly the kind of thing we should do to deal with this kind of thing...

You allow him his racists trolling on the board. He has done it in the past, he will do it, again. She is calling all mods out, but you were the one being defensive, you were the one who didn't agree that racism thrives on your message board, and it is after all YOUR messageboard.
I have a rule against trolls and the ability to make them disappear for a reason.

If you had a rule regarding trolls, ILA wouldn't be here and neither would SRJ..., Yurt and a couple of others who contribute absolutely nothing to the forum other than personal attacks and flamebaiting. And don't even try to call me out for only pointing out the right wingers, I've said before that Legion is/was a troll.

IMO when you allow the trolls to take over your forum, you have a problem. There ends up being nothing but childish personal attacks and nothing else. Take a look at the posts of those above and you'll see what I mean.
If you had a rule regarding trolls, ILA wouldn't be here and neither would SRJ..., Yurt and a couple of others who contribute absolutely nothing to the forum other than personal attacks and flamebaiting. And don't even try to call me out for only pointing out the right wingers, I've said before that Legion is/was a troll.

IMO when you allow the trolls to take over your forum, you have a problem. There ends up being nothing but childish personal attacks and nothing else. Take a look at the posts of those above and you'll see what I mean.

ironic post is ironic.

you think all right leaning posters offer nothing to forum. you, all you offer is only insults, lies and other worthless whiny crap. have you forgotten your repeated lie that you have my IP and that i tried to join your forum?
BAC is no wilting violet.

I re-read the thread and this post provoked the exchange.


I see a lot of faux poutrage going on over this.


Why would an ignorant backwoods ass trailer-trash motherfucker like you be posting to me about anything?

Very confusing.

this ok to the liberals here...no need to condemn BAC for his insults

nope...only when righties insult is it bad for the board

whiny liberal hypocrites

this ok to the liberals here...no need to condemn BAC for his insults

nope...only when righties insult is it bad for the board

whiny liberal hypocrites
The connotation is definitely inflammatory and stereotypical. It's easy to see what happened here. Unsurprisingly, this part was swept under the rug in a rush to hang ILA and pile on the bandwagon.
BAC is no wilting violet.

I re-read the thread and this post provoked the exchange.


I see a lot of faux poutrage going on over this.

He don't have to be a "wilting violet" massa. And I don't have to lick your feet so I don't get c alled a cunt or a whore. We uppity n words and bitches are equals now and we don't have to bow and scrape to you people in order not to get whipped, beaten, or called degrading names.

Funny how Grind got how ILA's signature was what precipitated this. I guess that's one thing you can always count on - smart people figuring it out without being told, and dumb fucks not getting it no matter how many times it's explained.

And you are one stupid hateful fuck.

That's an insult. You can insult me back. But if you call me a cunt or a n word then that's not something that was "provoked". Because that kind of hate can't be "provoked". You either have it, or you don't.
You allow him his racists trolling on the board. He has done it in the past, he will do it, again. She is calling all mods out, but you were the one being defensive, you were the one who didn't agree that racism thrives on your message board, and it is after all YOUR messageboard.

I wouldn't call having one person who makes racist comments on a board with lots of people a place where racism is 'thriving'. The fact is there is (unfortunately) still lots of racism in America (and it's not all from white people). That doesn't mean we should accept racism (on this board) but its also not surprising that a racist would be included in a large group of people like we have here.
He don't have to be a "wilting violet" massa. And I don't have to lick your feet so I don't get c alled a cunt or a whore. We uppity n words and bitches are equals now and we don't have to bow and scrape to you people in order not to get whipped, beaten, or called degrading names.

Funny how Grind got how ILA's signature was what precipitated this. I guess that's one thing you can always count on - smart people figuring it out without being told, and dumb fucks not getting it no matter how many times it's explained.

And you are one stupid hateful fuck.

That's an insult. You can insult me back. But if you call me a cunt or a n word then that's not something that was "provoked". Because that kind of hate can't be "provoked". You either have it, or you don't.



The connotation is definitely inflammatory and stereotypical. It's easy to see what happened here. Unsurprisingly, this part was swept under the rug in a rush to hang ILA and pile on the bandwagon.

if you notice the past few days...many liberals on this board have taken to whining about everything and proclaiming what a horrible board this is. to them, their insults are just fine, and does not demean the board. but when someone on the right insults, it is horrible and bad for the board.

i agree that there is no need for racist bullshit, at the same time though, the left, darla, BAC...etc...egg ILA on. darla can call men needle dicks, but oh lord, you can't call her a cunt.
He don't have to be a "wilting violet" massa. And I don't have to lick your feet so I don't get c alled a cunt or a whore. We uppity n words and bitches are equals now and we don't have to bow and scrape to you people in order not to get whipped, beaten, or called degrading names.

Funny how Grind got how ILA's signature was what precipitated this. I guess that's one thing you can always count on - smart people figuring it out without being told, and dumb fucks not getting it no matter how many times it's explained.

And you are one stupid hateful fuck.

That's an insult. You can insult me back. But if you call me a cunt or a n word then that's not something that was "provoked". Because that kind of hate can't be "provoked". You either have it, or you don't.
Save the poutrage. Little words on a screen don't bother me, what I don't like I ignore. Easy. And I don't dish it out if I'm not prepared to take it.

It's amazing how so many on the left toss around the word racist, push people to the hilt and then feign outrage when the monster you create comes to life.

Scotch tape couldn't be more transparent.

While I wouldn't have reacted in the same manner, it's easy to see how the situation came to fruition.
Save the poutrage. Little words on a screen don't bother me, what I don't like I ignore. Easy. And I don't dish it out if I'm not prepared to take it.

It's amazing how so many on the left toss around the word racist, push people to the hilt and then feign outrage when the monster you create comes to life.

Scotch tape couldn't be more transparent.

While I wouldn't have reacted in the same manner, it's easy to see how the situation came to fruition.

You are one of I believe two pieces of shit who actually defended Alias' rape threat. There is no unit capable of measuring my contempt for a woman like you. One who writhes and grovels at the feet of rapists, racists, and misogynists.

I don't give a fuck how you react to anything. Be very glad I put you on IA and will read maybe three of your posts over the next year, almost definitely all within a thread I created to see what contemptable hate you are spewing there. Because if I kept you off of IA, this board would become about you and me.

You will never know the depths of my disgust and contempt for a piece of shit like yourself.

Am I surprised to find you groveling at the feet of a racist hoping for a pat on the head which holds your diseased mind? As surprised as I will be when the sun rises in the east tomorrow.
You are one of I believe two pieces of shit who actually defended Alias' rape threat. There is no unit capable of measuring my contempt for a woman like you. One who writhes and grovels at the feet of rapists, racists, and misogynists.

I don't give a fuck how you react to anything. Be very glad I put you on IA and will read maybe three of your posts over the next year, almost definitely all within a thread I created to see what contemptable hate you are spewing there. Because if I kept you off of IA, this board would become about you and me.

You will never know the depths of my disgust and contempt for a piece of shit like yourself.

Am I surprised to find you groveling at the feet of a racist hoping for a pat on the head which holds your diseased mind? As surprised as I will be when the sun rises in the east tomorrow.
Maybe you should go punch a wall.

I too, think BAC is awesome. But let's not pretend he was an innocent little lamb innocently standing on the sidelines in this situation.

Like Darla just said, you will never understand no matter how many times it is explained.

ILA could START by changing his disgusting signature (which he should be banned for) but he will not, so since you support him in this as well, you are no better than yurtroll yourself. Talk about ignorant....
if you notice the past few days...many liberals on this board have taken to whining about everything and proclaiming what a horrible board this is. to them, their insults are just fine, and does not demean the board. but when someone on the right insults, it is horrible and bad for the board.

i agree that there is no need for racist bullshit, at the same time though, the left, darla, BAC...etc...egg ILA on. darla can call men needle dicks, but oh lord, you can't call her a cunt.
This crap is more transparent than a glass of water.

Always spoiling for something to feign outrage over, a scapegoat to pile on -- while their compadres spit some of the nastiest venom you will ever read.

Fake and phony as cubic zirconia.