
why not just call him a moron? he didn't call you a honky or cracker.

white trash, imo, is not the same, not even close. i don't consider the term white trash to be racist, hell, i use it from time to time. i don't think most people think it is racist.

there is still no outrage over his words. so...did your ploy to sink lower than him work? doesn't look like it.

i have sigs blocked, so i have no idea what your sig says.

interesting, obama is your hero and role model.

for the record, i don't think racists should be banned, nor should racist speech. i do find such speech deplorable however.....

Well you at entitled to your opinion. There was no ploy. It was meant to smack him in the mouth. And yes it worked.

As for everyone's response? That is up to them. I understand it. They have been conditioned through political correctness that "nigger" is absolutely the worst word anyone could ever say. Unless of course it is another black saying it.
fyi this should be the first thing anybody does, and something you and many others should have done literally years ago.

It is what I have been doing for years, to many posters, but unfortunately, as Darla stated, there are those who still post to the POS.

I probably have more people on ignore than do most who post here.
It is what I have been doing for years, to many posters, but unfortunately, as Darla stated, there are those who still post to the POS.

I probably have more people on ignore than do most who post here.

Shit, there are only 15 people who regularly post here.

It is what I have been doing for years, to many posters, but unfortunately, as Darla stated, there are those who still post to the POS.

I probably have more people on ignore than do most who post here.

everyone makes a value judgment of every poster here. If they aren't ignored, that it can only imply that on some level they desire to see what that person has to say. Maybe they enjoy being mad, enjoy being offended, like arguing with dickheads, who knows. The ignore feature is your own personal ban, and everyone for almost 7 years has always been able to permanently silence offending parties from their presence. It should be everyone's go to option, and it is far underutilized on jpp.
everyone makes a value judgment of every poster here. If they aren't ignored, that it can only imply that on some level they desire to see what that person has to say. Maybe they enjoy being mad, enjoy being offended, like arguing with dickheads, who knows. The ignore feature is your own personal ban, and everyone for almost 7 years has always been able to permanently silence offending parties from their presence. It should be everyone's go to option, and it is far underutilized on jpp.

I love it!
ILA how about this deal:

(completely serious)

First, now that you've learned that a lot of people have taken offense to your sig, that you remove it. Whatever your intentions were, it bothers people and also undermines your credibility here.

Then, stop calling people negroes, niggers, and stop using those terms in general.

In return, we get others to agree to stop calling you and others white trash, needledick and other names along that vain.

In time, we try to increasingly make arguments about ideas, and not personal attacks.

It wont be a rule, just a gentlemen's agreement.

It is my belief that regardless of the "anonymity" one believes one has, it is wise not to say anything to people here that you wouldn't otherwise say to their face.

I think the gentlemen's agreement is the best way to go, but also simple common courtesy should apply.
It is my belief that regardless of the "anonymity" one believes one has, it is wise not to say anything to people here that you wouldn't otherwise say to their face.

I think the gentlemen's agreement is the best way to go, but also simple common courtesy should apply.

Was just discussing such with my SIL's sister Christmas Eve. How nasty folks have become, regarding politics and related. She's a staunch Obama supporter, I'm not. We both have always gotten along, are on facebook together. Both of us have posted things that let those few in our loop know where we stand, yet have never demeaned each other or our contrary opinions.

We spoke of some friends we have in common that have. Can't understand that. Imagine coming together for a wedding or funeral, having said those things? Not me.
ILA how about this deal:

(completely serious)

First, now that you've learned that a lot of people have taken offense to your sig, that you remove it. Whatever your intentions were, it bothers people and also undermines your credibility here.

Again, it was meant to bother people, but not in the way that you think. It was meant to remind them that the democrats aren't these defenders of blacks as they portray themselves to be. It was meant to poke a hole in their pious baloon

Then, stop calling people negroes, niggers, and stop using those terms in general.

I have only called one person nigger. My use of the word negro again is an attempt to turn the liberals accusations around on them. If you don't support their policies, you are branded a racist, homophobe, sexist blah blah blah. Now some choose to counter their accusations with "No, I am not". I choose a different route. They are going to accuse me of it any way, so I might as well have fun with it. In exchange for me discontinuing my use of the word negro/colored etc, the liberals must refrain from calling conservatives a racist/homophobe/sexist just because we don't agree with them

In return, we get others to agree to stop calling you and others white trash, needledick and other names along that vain.

In time, we try to increasingly make arguments about ideas, and not personal attacks.

It wont be a rule, just a gentlemen's agreement.


For the record, their name calling doesn't bother me. You have never seen me run crying to the mods about anything they have called me. I assume that this post is an acknowledgement that BAC was over the line, but nobody wants to call him out on it.

With all of that said, it is your board and I am a man of honor and integrity. I am willing to accept this offer with the above stated conditions thrown in. You get the left wingers (BAC, Desh, Darla, Bijou and Howey) to agree to said terms and I will as well. But, if they return to form then all bets are off.

As a token I have changed my signature line. Bear in mind, I am only changing it for the time being until the aforementioned agree to said terms.
Was just discussing such with my SIL's sister Christmas Eve. How nasty folks have become, regarding politics and related. She's a staunch Obama supporter, I'm not. We both have always gotten along, are on facebook together. Both of us have posted things that let those few in our loop know where we stand, yet have never demeaned each other or our contrary opinions.

We spoke of some friends we have in common that have. Can't understand that. Imagine coming together for a wedding or funeral, having said those things? Not me.

hey sister,

you treated me like shit and lied to me while pretending to be friendly.

You are exactly who you are complaining about you duplicitous rat
For the record, their name calling doesn't bother me. You have never seen me run crying to the mods about anything they have called me. I assume that this post is an acknowledgement that BAC was over the line, but nobody wants to call him out on it.

With all of that said, it is your board and I am a man of honor and integrity. I am willing to accept this offer with the above stated conditions thrown in. You get the left wingers (BAC, Desh, Darla, Bijou and Howey) to agree to said terms and I will as well. But, if they return to form then all bets are off.

As a token I have changed my signature line. Bear in mind, I am only changing it for the time being until the aforementioned agree to said terms.

Hey dumbfuck; you didn't change it enough. Get fucked.
Hey dumbfuck; you didn't change it enough. Get fucked.

You see, there is just no compromising with you liberals. I mean LBJ actually said "niggers". But, to account for your delicate sensibilities, I have changed it to the more acceptable N word. When you liberals accept Grind's conditions I will remove it all together. My guess is that you are less offended about the word and more upset to have a quote from a revered liberal thrown right back at you. That is what really bothers you. You merely hide behind the word.

You, however, are not getting off to a good start and posts like yours will get me to change it back to LBJ's full quote in all of its glory.
My use of the word negro again is an attempt to turn the liberals accusations around on them. If you don't support their policies, you are branded a racist, homophobe, sexist blah blah blah. Now some choose to counter their accusations with "No, I am not". I choose a different route. They are going to accuse me of it any way, so I might as well have fun with it. In exchange for me discontinuing my use of the word negro/colored etc, the liberals must refrain from calling conservatives a racist/homophobe/sexist just because we don't agree with them

I had the same idea on another board. I called it exchanging racism for race-baiting. The troll who followed me over here, stalked me on another board calling me racist for months. Finally, I started replying with things like "so, is this where I'm supposed to call Obama a nigger?" and "what's up my nigga?" The faux outrage was worse than it is here, although no one had a single problem with the reason which prompted it.

So, I understand where you're coming from totally. While I never called anyone that personally, I was using the word for the same exact reason. It's amazing, people are labeled racists and when they live up to the label, the character assassinators come completely unglued.

If you are going to label someone a racist, then don't cry when they live up to your prophecy. Simple.

I had the same idea on another board. I called it exchanging racism for race-baiting. The troll who followed me over here, stalked me on another board calling me racist for months. Finally, I started replying with things like "so, is this where I'm supposed to call Obama a nigger?" and "what's up my nigga?" The faux outrage was worse than it is here, although no one had a single problem with the reason which prompted it.

So, I understand where you're coming from totally. While I never called anyone that personally, I was using the word for the same exact reason. It's amazing, people are labeled racists and when they live up to the label, the character assassinators come completely unglued.

If you are going to label someone a racist, then don't cry when they live up to your prophecy. Simple.

You are a 1000% correct. They don't know what do to when someone throws it back in their faces which is why Darla started this thread. It is the same tactics they tried on Rush Limbaugh but on a smaller scale. They try to shame other posters into not conversing with me. They are just trying to shut down speech they don't like.

They call people racist for one simple reason, they know that NOBODY wants to be called a racist so they quickly cow to the liberals whims. I refuse to do it and it fires them up even more that their tactics don't work. They are nothing more than bullies and there is only one way to deal with a bully.

Notice how nobody yet has even hinted that BAC went over the line? Or that Howey actually wished that another poster would be shot and killed? That is perfectly acceptable to the left wingers.