
What is hilarious is that people seem more offended by the word then by anyone's actual intent.

So we can pray for people being gunned down as Howey did and that is being ironic.

Again, you don't understand the word "irony".

The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

That was one post used to point out the irony of the words of others. I don't do that very often.

How often do you use hateful, inflammatory language towards others? Every single post. Every post you make on here. Think about that, and think about why even conservatives tell you you're a racist. How many times have you told me I have AIDS? Same thing as using the n-word. Actually, it's worse because (contrary to what Damo thinks) stating as a matter of fact that someone has AIDS is illegal and has resulted in lawsuits and internet forums being shut down. I've already proven that.)

Quit fooling yourself, or better yet...quit trying to fool us...and realize that your words prove nothing other than the absolute fact that you are a bigot, in every definition of the term.

And a troll.
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howey gets thanked for wishing DEATH on someone

but using racial slurs is calls for banishment

what the fuck is wrong with you people?
ILA you have self admittedly acted racist in the past, so it's probably a hard thing for people to just stop calling you one overnight. Additionally we have to try and get a narrow list of names, as any troll could come to the board and call you something and it's not fair to then break the agreement when the ones that shook hands with you stuck true to their word.

I think we need to be practical here. Maybe in time when people become less pissed off the racist moniker wont be thrown around, but we need to take baby steps.

So you remove the sig entirely, stop saying niggers/negroes/coloreds/spics etc

And we get others to not say white trash/redneck?/hilbilly/ whatever else might bother you
Thrive! Given an atmosphere to increase and grow and that is what has happened here to the point of you being called on the matter.

I and most of the other AOLers came to this board early in Obama's first term, and I have definitely noticed an increase in racist language from four years ago.
I and most of the other AOLers came to this board early in Obama's first term, and I have definitely noticed an increase in racist language from four years ago.

When one person is an increase it isn't "thriving", and that one person is under fire... It isn't like we're all hanging out and cheering the dude. Seriously, this is just an attempt to use the mod team to do what others should. If you don't like what he says then tell him or ignore him. I have.
so who is ILA often arguing with? Himself? Face it, plenty of liberals on JPP engage him.

It's true liberals have engaged him, certainly I have. But it's not only about his racism, it's about his vulgarity, misogyny, homophobia and the general hatred of all but those who think just like him. The women here are sick of being called cunts, along with various other sexual insults such as fist-fucked, sloppy seconds, etc. Liberals are sick of his ugly homophobia and the derogatory names he uses toward Howey and any gay individuals. We're sick of his name-calling, filth posts and vulgar insults about Obama and his family.

Yes, now I ignore him most of the time but I also don't see how his sick writings contribute anything positive to the atmosphere of this forum. And even if every other liberal here ignored him, his supporters would still give him bandwidth.
It's true liberals have engaged him, certainly I have. But it's not only about his racism, it's about his vulgarity, misogyny, homophobia and the general hatred of all but those who think just like him. The women here are sick of being called cunts, along with various other sexual insults such as fist-fucked, sloppy seconds, etc. Liberals are sick of his ugly homophobia and the derogatory names he uses toward Howey and any gay individuals. We're sick of his name-calling, filth posts and vulgar insults about Obama and his family.

Yes, now I ignore him most of the time but I also don't see how his sick writings contribute anything positive to the atmosphere of this forum. And even if every other liberal here ignored him, his supporters would still give him bandwidth.

I missed that bunch of loveliness. I often wonder where they even hear this shit? Do you know i had never heard of any such thing in my entire life, until Spider posted it on the bush board? I almost threw up, I will never forget it. I wonder who taught them this crap, their fathers? I just don't get it. A new level of sickness really.
It's true liberals have engaged him, certainly I have. But it's not only about his racism, it's about his vulgarity, misogyny, homophobia and the general hatred of all but those who think just like him. The women here are sick of being called cunts, along with various other sexual insults such as fist-fucked, sloppy seconds, etc. Liberals are sick of his ugly homophobia and the derogatory names he uses toward Howey and any gay individuals. We're sick of his name-calling, filth posts and vulgar insults about Obama and his family.

Yes, now I ignore him most of the time but I also don't see how his sick writings contribute anything positive to the atmosphere of this forum. And even if every other liberal here ignored him, his supporters would still give him bandwidth.

If you and others who don't like his attitude and how he posts ignore him he will only have people who think like him to communicate with and there are much better boards than this if your goal is to speak with only like minded individuals.

It's a discipline thing. Don't respond to him. People used to complain about Legion Troll and then go respond to one of his posts. If you want to respond to him, fine. But don't complain about it later.
I wouldn't call having one person who makes racist comments on a board with lots of people a place where racism is 'thriving'. The fact is there is (unfortunately) still lots of racism in America (and it's not all from white people). That doesn't mean we should accept racism (on this board) but its also not surprising that a racist would be included in a large group of people like we have here.

The problem is, it's not just one person. And they feed off each other.
Save the poutrage. Little words on a screen don't bother me, what I don't like I ignore. Easy. And I don't dish it out if I'm not prepared to take it.

It's amazing how so many on the left toss around the word racist, push people to the hilt and then feign outrage when the monster you create comes to life.

Scotch tape couldn't be more transparent.

While I wouldn't have reacted in the same manner, it's easy to see how the situation came to fruition.

No leftie on this board created the monster that is ILA. He came fully formed from the time he was FactsRStubborn, spewing racist crap from the beginning.
Of course not, but that's a far cry from putting up with a race-baiting schlub on a message board who has decided to call me a racist just because they can.

It's easy. Don't call me a racist and I won't act like one. I won't run around uselessly defending myself against false charges. You may do that but I have had enough.

Nobody gets called a racist indiscriminately. Posters' comments show where they're coming from, ILA's specious explanation notwithstanding.
I doubt I ever called you a honkey btw. A dumb fuck, yes. A stupid, whiny little titmouse whose brain is so tiny if you transplanted it into a bird the poor bastard would fly backwards into a tree, yes. A honkey...link up titmouse.
Nobody gets called a racist indiscriminately. Posters' comments show where they're coming from, ILA's specious explanation notwithstanding.

You haven't been following Desh's posts too closely then. She's labeled every Republican on the board a racist and even non Republicans such as WinterBorn. Who does that guy offend? What has he done racist?
When one person is an increase it isn't "thriving", and that one person is under fire... It isn't like we're all hanging out and cheering the dude. Seriously, this is just an attempt to use the mod team to do what others should. If you don't like what he says then tell him or ignore him. I have.

It isn't one person. Do I have to name names?
I missed that bunch of loveliness. I often wonder where they even hear this shit? Do you know i had never heard of any such thing in my entire life, until Spider posted it on the bush board? I almost threw up, I will never forget it. I wonder who taught them this crap, their fathers? I just don't get it. A new level of sickness really.

It's something, isn't it. I thought my knowledge was pretty broad, then I ran into certain people on AOL and here. And they're proud of what they say.