
shut up nigger

^ bad ^

shut up honkey

^ good ^

brought to you by JPP

Seriously dude, not that same thing. In principle its both racism, but in practice it has none of the same effects or connotation, and this is from a guy who argues almost nothing BUT principle.

If you want to see selective about racist outrage, check out this thread:
I'm the ONLY person who said anything about that. In fact, I'm STILL pissed about that thread just reading the title. It's what sent 007 to my IL.
Seriously dude, not that same thing. In principle its both racism, but in practice it has none of the same effects or connotation, and this is from a guy who argues almost nothing BUT principle.

If you want to see selective about racist outrage, check out this thread:
I'm the ONLY person who said anything about that. In fact, I'm STILL pissed about that thread just reading the title. It's what sent 007 to my IL.

I didn't see that. It's disgusting.

Like ILA, what purpose does this 007 serve on your forum?
let me get this right. it is the same in principle, but not the same in effect...?

sounds to me like you're creating different standards for racist slurs, eg, creating different standards of racism. seems as if you're saying it is ok to use racist slurs, so long as the slur is directed towards a white person. at a minimum, you're at least saying that it is not as bad as using a racist slur directed to a black person.

that makes no sense. racism is racism and racist slurs are racist slurs.
I didn't see that. It's disgusting.

Like ILA, what purpose does this 007 serve on your forum?

what purpose do you serve? you constantly try to moderate this forum, ban members and solely dish out insults and lies. what exactly have you contributed to this forum?
Again, you don't understand the word "irony".

That was one post used to point out the irony of the words of others. I don't do that very often.

How often do you use hateful, inflammatory language towards others? Every single post. Every post you make on here. Think about that, and think about why even conservatives tell you you're a racist. How many times have you told me I have AIDS? Same thing as using the n-word. Actually, it's worse because (contrary to what Damo thinks) stating as a matter of fact that someone has AIDS is illegal and has resulted in lawsuits and internet forums being shut down. I've already proven that.)

Quit fooling yourself, or better yet...quit trying to fool us...and realize that your words prove nothing other than the absolute fact that you are a bigot, in every definition of the term.

And a troll.

I never said you had AIDS. I don't know if you do or don't. I know that being a homo is a HUGE risk factor for getting it. Like I said, you can dish it out, but you are a big puss when someone throws it back at you.
ILA you have self admittedly acted racist in the past, so it's probably a hard thing for people to just stop calling you one overnight. Additionally we have to try and get a narrow list of names, as any troll could come to the board and call you something and it's not fair to then break the agreement when the ones that shook hands with you stuck true to their word.

I think we need to be practical here. Maybe in time when people become less pissed off the racist moniker wont be thrown around, but we need to take baby steps.

So you remove the sig entirely, stop saying niggers/negroes/coloreds/spics etc

And we get others to not say white trash/redneck?/hilbilly/ whatever else might bother you

I gave my terms, they include Desh, Howey, BAC, Rune and Bijou. Start with them. Until they all categorically agree to a truce I ain't budging. Don't give me the "they can't stop overnight" bullshit. You talk about them as if they are children and have ZERO self control. If they can't stop overnight then don't expect me to. It is all or none. I already took the word out of the signature as a sign of good faith.

You have my terms. I haven't seen any of them agree to terms. In fact little ole Howey keeps on poking sticks.
let me get this right. it is the same in principle, but not the same in effect...?

sounds to me like you're creating different standards for racist slurs, eg, creating different standards of racism
. Nope, not even close.
seems as if you're saying it is ok to use racist slurs, so long as the slur is directed towards a white person
Not at all. It's not ok. But it DOES have different effects/results. Wrong or not (and I think it is wrong) it makes it different in the end.
at a minimum, you're at least saying that it is not as bad as using a racist slur directed to a black person.
No, I'm not. I simply realize it has different effects. Maybe it's just me, but I don't identify with all "white" people. Calling me a white racial slur doesn't bother me because I don't think of myself as 'white'. I'm Irish, with some other stuff thrown in. I identify myself that way. Most black people however, identify as black, not Haitian or Carrib, or Mali, Etc. Therefore it's a much bigger deal to them.

that makes no sense. racism is racism and racist slurs are racist slurs.
Yes, they are. And it's wrong regardless (if your intent is to harm someone). But the end result isn't the same Yurt.
I didn't see that. It's disgusting.

Like ILA, what purpose does this 007 serve on your forum?

what purpose do mosquitos serve in the grand scheme of life?

Some things just exist. Not everyone has to have a purpose here, or fit into some grand underlying theory of JPP. We are a community, and every community has it's share of scholars, teachers, policemen, doctors, lawyers, leaders, followers, clerks, business owners, and of course, the village idiots.

. Nope, not even close.
Not at all. It's not ok. But it DOES have different effects/results. Wrong or not (and I think it is wrong) it makes it different in the end.
No, I'm not. I simply realize it has different effects. Maybe it's just me, but I don't identify with all "white" people. Calling me a white racial slur doesn't bother me because I don't think of myself as 'white'. I'm Irish, with some other stuff thrown in. I identify myself that way. Most black people however, identify as black, not Haitian or Carrib, or Mali, Etc. Therefore it's a much bigger deal to them.

Yes, they are. And it's wrong regardless (if your intent is to harm someone). But the end result isn't the same Yurt.

i would like to clarify the issue here.

A. BAC is not the one making a stink about ILA's use of the word nigger. WHITE LIBERALS are.

B. if the term is racist, it matters not the effect you think it has on you. again, BAC is not the one calling for ILA's banishment, ignore feature etc....so how does his use of the offensive word "effect" the white posters?
that makes no sense. racism is racism and racist slurs are racist slurs.

some racist slurs are connected to hundreds of years of people being enslaved and literally second class citizens, and other words are not.

I don't know what kind of bubble you live in, but it's not reality. Just go poll a random sample of 100 people anywhere in america (maybe exclude mississippi) and ask them if "honkey" is exactly equal to "nigger" and see how many people agree with you.

In the interest of JPP peace, it might be best just not to boil any arguments down to any of those words, so we can avoid cryfests, but some words are defiantly worse than others.
I identify as white because I don't give a damn about my ethnic heritages. My heritage is Graeco-Roman and English. Not Czech, German, Slovenian, Scots-Irish, Winnebago, etc...
some racist slurs are connected to hundreds of years of people being enslaved and literally second class citizens, and other words are not.

I don't know what kind of bubble you live in, but it's not reality. Just go poll a random sample of 100 people anywhere in america (maybe exclude mississippi) and ask them if "honkey" is exactly equal to "nigger" and see how many people agree with you.

In the interest of JPP peace, it might be best just not to boil any arguments down to any of those words, so we can avoid cryfests, but some words are defiantly worse than others.

i don't think a poll has any weight in this discussion. you and others may believe one racial slur is more 'evil' than another, but the true reality is, they are both in equal in terms of intent and slinging racist crap.

it matters not what you and others think. it is truly ironic that WHITE people are defending using racial slurs against one ethnic group but not another. i note again that it is not BAC complaining or making distinctions, rather, a few white posters on the infamous JPP political board.
I don't think you can make the argument that they are the same in intent when one objectively has worse connotations and arguably a worse effect on the receiver. A random black man is likely to take a much higher offense to being called a nigger than a random white person being called a honkey.
I don't think you can make the argument that they are the same in intent when one objectively has worse connotations and arguably a worse effect on the receiver. A random black man is likely to take a much higher offense to being called a nigger than a random white person being called a honkey.

You only think that because you have been conditioned to think that through political correctness. You will deny it of course.

But the fact of the matter is this. When BAC called me a "trailer trash motherfucker" he did so with the same malicious intent that I used when I called him a "dumb nigger". You are twisting yourself in knots trying to claim one is worse than the other but the bottom line is they are both used to injure.

You have accepted the politically correct meme that it is OK to insult white people but you can't offend blacks.
I gave my terms, they include Desh, Howey, BAC, Rune and Bijou. Start with them. Until they all categorically agree to a truce I ain't budging. Don't give me the "they can't stop overnight" bullshit. You talk about them as if they are children and have ZERO self control. If they can't stop overnight then don't expect me to. It is all or none. I already took the word out of the signature as a sign of good faith.

You have my terms. I haven't seen any of them agree to terms. In fact little ole Howey keeps on poking sticks.

ok... we will work with that. thank you for removing the sig part by the way.

Now which stuff do you not want them to call you?
I don't think you can make the argument that they are the same in intent when one objectively has worse connotations and arguably a worse effect on the receiver. A random black man is likely to take a much higher offense to being called a nigger than a random white person being called a honkey.

intent has ZERO to do with how the receiver of the insult might take the insult.

i don't know why you bend over backwards to please darla and i have no idea why you think there is a difference because of how you or others might perceive the insult. using your logic, if i decide to beat the snot out of someone, what matters is how the person would take the assault, not my intent on beating the snot out of someone.
ok... we will work with that. thank you for removing the sig part by the way.

Now which stuff do you not want them to call you?

Tell em to stop calling everyone a racist just because they don't agree with affirmative action or disagree with Obama. Hell, I will even throw the whiners a bone and stop calling him names. But know this. If any of the aforementioned start with their trolling attacks then all bets are off.

Funny thing is that I can do without Jose things. The question is can they debate a topic without descending into calling someone a racist, sexist homophobe.

Like Stargazer said. They are going to call you the name you might as well have fun with it.
some racist slurs are connected to hundreds of years of people being enslaved and literally second class citizens, and other words are not.

I don't know what kind of bubble you live in, but it's not reality. Just go poll a random sample of 100 people anywhere in america (maybe exclude mississippi) and ask them if "honkey" is exactly equal to "nigger" and see how many people agree with you.

In the interest of JPP peace, it might be best just not to boil any arguments down to any of those words, so we can avoid cryfests, but some words are defiantly worse than others.

Preach on, brotha.

How anyone can see "honkey" as any kind of equivalent is beyond me. That other word, which I don't like to use even for argument's sake, has connotations for some people & a history that goes well beyond the average racial slur. And it wasn't that long ago that it was used in conjunction with unbelievable levels of violence and oppression.