
Tell em to stop calling everyone a racist just because they don't agree with affirmative action or disagree with Obama.

You're not a racist because I disagree with your stand on affirmative action or Obama.

You're a racist based upon your words of bigotry and hatred.
howey, do you believe it would be a net benefit for ILA not to be saying that stuff anymore? Would you be willing, for the sake of the site and other people not being as offended, to just stand down and not personally attack ILA in those ways if it can get him to stop using those words?
Pretty amazing that yurt has to be schooled by grind, who is not exactly mister sensitivity, on the history of racism. It's like going to Cawacko for advice on how to treat midgets, or getting SF's take on how to get a girlfriend.

I mean, this is really something when you think about it.
Pretty amazing that yurt has to be schooled by grind, who is not exactly mister sensitivity, on the history of racism. It's like going to Cawacko for advice on how to treat midgets, or getting SF's take on how to get a girlfriend.

I mean, this is really something when you think about it.

What's ironic is that SF's depiction of how to get a gf is not that different from Cawacko's twisted midget picture!

Of course, all of this is just fine and dandy with yurt. Can you say hypocrite?
Pretty twisted even for you Cawacko! It never stops with you does it?

I saw this picture years ago in a guy's cube who I worked with. I couldn't believe he had it there. Not sure why it popped into my head right now but it did.
What's ironic is that SF's depiction of how to get a gf is not that different from Cawacko's twisted midget picture!

Of course, all of this is just fine and dandy with yurt. Can you say hypocrite?

Where did SF talk about how to get a gf? That has to be some good comedy reading.
howey, do you believe it would be a net benefit for ILA not to be saying that stuff anymore? Would you be willing, for the sake of the site and other people not being as offended, to just stand down and not personally attack ILA in those ways if it can get him to stop using those words?

Whoa....I attack him????????????????????????????????????????????????

Dear friend...go back and read some of...,fuck it...all of his replies to me.

And you ask me to "stand down"? Really?


Did you really say

not personally attack ILA



btw...he won't stop. He's a racist troll.
howey, do you believe it would be a net benefit for ILA not to be saying that stuff anymore? Would you be willing, for the sake of the site and other people not being as offended, to just stand down and not personally attack ILA in those ways if it can get him to stop using those words?

I applaud your efforts, but don't expect an answer from Howey. He can't exist without trying to demean others.

But to prove a point to you, I will do the honorable thing. We will see how the libs play it.

Maybe they will surprise me. I doubt it. But, maybe
Whoa....I attack him????????????????????????????????????????????????

Dear friend...go back and read some of...,fuck it...all of his replies to me.

And you ask me to "stand down"? Really?


Did you really say



btw...he won't stop. He's a racist troll.

And here he is proving my point. Sometimes it is hard being right all the time. But it is a burden I must carry
Pretty amazing that yurt has to be schooled by grind, who is not exactly mister sensitivity, on the history of racism. It's like going to Cawacko for advice on how to treat midgets, or getting SF's take on how to get a girlfriend.

I mean, this is really something when you think about it.

X 10
Seriously dude, not that same thing. In principle its both racism, but in practice it has none of the same effects or connotation, and this is from a guy who argues almost nothing BUT principle.

If you want to see selective about racist outrage, check out this thread:
I'm the ONLY person who said anything about that. In fact, I'm STILL pissed about that thread just reading the title. It's what sent 007 to my IL.

But who designated you as the arbitrator to decide how anyone else decides what the connotation means?
btw...he won't stop. He's a racist troll.

look at it this way, if he doesn't stop he just shows himself to be a promise breaker on top of everything else.

It's not like you don't get anything out of this deal either.

I am just trying to get both sides to at least not have to throw insults at each other.