
And dropping n-bombs on a chat board is having a spine? Not only has Desh called me a racist about a dozen times she has accused me of lying about where I live. I've not yet figured out her angle on why I would lie about where I live. I know who I am and I have enough confidence in myself that someone like Desh throwing out accusations like that doesn't make me feel the need to go scorched earth about it.

Now if someone I knew and respected call me a racist well damn straight I'm going to stand up for myself. But Desh doesn't fit that description.

"little words on my screen don't make me come unglued. If you laugh it off when people degrade you, it shows you to have no spine."

Contradictory. Taken together, that makes no sense. No surprise.

Anyway, Cawacko, maybe she thinks you are lying about where you live because she can't believe anyone could live where you live and be a miserable conservative! I have had my own doubts! I mean, I believe you, but then, I wouldn't be shocked and drop dead if someone proved you actually have lived in Idaho all along. And you were a Republican potato farmer.
I did not pretend to be friendly with you, ever. I saw your shtick for what it was from the get go. You are a partisan liar and consistent in that role.

Desh is partisan (not like you Annie, the very picture of non partisanship) but she's no liar.

Nor will you convince anyone here who matters that she is. As for seeing someone's shtick for what it is, yeah, I know just what you mean.
Do you guys realize that if we all went by the Stargazer playbook I would have boned half the men on this board? LOL

I mean, someone along the way must have called that nut the dumbest person on the internet, because that is just dummmmmm. How many times have I been called the w word on this board over the years? Let's not even throw in the bush board, holy shit. The women there were sooo jealous of me. At one time on the Bush board I could have auctioned off an afternoon of phone sex and made a pretty penny let me tell you. I mean, the bids would have been through the roof! Higher even than my cyber neilson ratings! Who knows what I could have gotten for an afternoon in person!

But I never thought of proving a point by becoming a whore because someone called me one on the internet. That's just me though.
Kissing ass and defending yourself against bullshit charges is an exercise in futility and only gets more of the behavior.

That is the point. When I started smacking Howey in the mouth he backed off. Since I have laid of him he has crawled out of his hole again. But he knows not to push his luck again
"little words on my screen don't make me come unglued. If you laugh it off when people degrade you, it shows you to have no spine."

Contradictory. Taken together, that makes no sense. No surprise.

Anyway, Cawacko, maybe she thinks you are lying about where you live because she can't believe anyone could live where you live and be a miserable conservative! I have had my own doubts! I mean, I believe you, but then, I wouldn't be shocked and drop dead if someone proved you actually have lived in Idaho all along. And you were a Republican potato farmer.

And liberals don't stereotype?
Do you guys realize that if we all went by the Stargazer playbook I would have boned half the men on this board? LOL

I mean, someone along the way must have called that nut the dumbest person on the internet, because that is just dummmmmm. How many times have I been called the w word on this board over the years? Let's not even throw in the bush board, holy shit. The women there were sooo jealous of me. At one time on the Bush board I could have auctioned off an afternoon of phone sex and made a pretty penny let me tell you. I mean, the bids would have been through the roof! Higher even than my cyber neilson ratings! Who knows what I could have gotten for an afternoon in person!

But I never thought of proving a point by becoming a whore because someone called me one on the internet. That's just me though.
Oh well, so sad, too bad. I guess as long as no one calls me a racist, there won't be any problem, right? LOL
Oh well, so sad, too bad. I guess as long as no one calls me a racist, there won't be any problem, right? LOL

It is amazing how the libs justify their behavior and how some on the right are like good little stepford wives going right along.

This board is like Congress. The libtards want to rule the roost and the so called conservatives are around to give them token opposition.

Here is a question. Would it be racist if I had called BAC "a ghetto trash motherfucker".

Cuz hell, I can call him that all day long :)
Oh well, so sad, too bad. I guess as long as no one calls me a racist, there won't be any problem, right? LOL

And just to clarify one thing. It isn't just the fact that they call people racist that bothered me. It was that they consider just about anything that doesnt comport to their ideology or that which doesn't support their president racism.

Don't support Obamacare? You are racist.
Don't support his deficits? You are racist

So I had enough and decided to have some fun with it and drive them up a wall. I would say mission fuckin accomplished if you ask me. I had a blast and they got driven up a wall.

As for the exchange with BAC it might have been a little over the top, but he was asking for it. What is really hilarious is that not one of these libtards are expressing outrage over me calling him Sambo or Toby. Maybe they just don't know what they mean which wouldn't surprise me.

But the dreaded N word? They have been conditioned like Pavlovs dogs

I got a pretty big chuckle out of that one myself. Liberals tend to have a mighty inflated view of themselves. What bothers me more than liberals are the so called conservatives who don't see them for what they really are and continue to try to negotiate/compromise with them.

How does one compromise away freedom?
"little words on my screen don't make me come unglued. If you laugh it off when people degrade you, it shows you to have no spine."

Contradictory. Taken together, that makes no sense. No surprise.

Anyway, Cawacko, maybe she thinks you are lying about where you live because she can't believe anyone could live where you live and be a miserable conservative! I have had my own doubts! I mean, I believe you, but then, I wouldn't be shocked and drop dead if someone proved you actually have lived in Idaho all along. And you were a Republican potato farmer.

Haha! Ok, you've got me. If you do make it out to San Francisco I obviously can't join you for a drink because I'll really be in Idaho! :)

I guess I'm like the opposite of Watermark, a white kid who grows up in Mississippi and is a Democrat.

My sister used to call me a FON (freak of nature). She wasn't talking about politics but in that sense I guess it could apply (growing up in Oakland and living in SF and being a Republican).
I got a pretty big chuckle out of that one myself. Liberals tend to have a mighty inflated view of themselves. What bothers me more than liberals are the so called conservatives who don't see them for what they really are and continue to try to negotiate/compromise with them.

How does one compromise away freedom?

Reagan talked and negotiated with Tip O'Neil. Do you think Reagan was a 'so call conservative'?
Dumb honkey, but I like cracker better! This little pinhead loves me some Grumpo Cracker!

I don't get "cracker" either. It can't make anybody feel as bad as n-word will make a black dude feel, mostly because it seems so cartoonish. Honkey makes me think of geese, and cracker just makes me want to look for cheese.
I don't get "cracker" either. It can't make anybody feel as bad as n-word will make a black dude feel, mostly because it seems so cartoonish. Honkey makes me think of geese, and cracker just makes me want to look for cheese.

And when is the last time people used "honkey" anyway? It makes me think of like 1970's Starsky and Hutch reruns or something.
It is funny to watch people twist themselves in knots trying to claim that words meant to insult really aren't that bad. Well, maybe nigger really isn't that bad? Why is it so bad? The only reason you think it is is because you have been conditioned to do so by the media and the liberal elites. You don't think you have, but you have.

Does saying nigger signify a beating is coming? Yes, it is a term that was mean to degrade blacks, but so are the terms "honkey" and "cracker". They aren't meant to compliment someone. But, you don't think they are a big deal so everyone else must go along to get along.

Hilarious is what it is
Please don't use that word. It's offensive to the African-American members of our forum and their friends.

Excuse me...I must have missed the memo. Since when are the words "honkey" and "cracker" used to degrade blacks?

what is an african american? if they are offended let them speak for themselves. who made you their spokeswoman? so you aren't offended by it? should I use N word? Will that suffice for your delicate sensibilities? I don't use the term african american, so what would you prefer? You don't like nigger, you don't like colored, you don't like negro. Black OK with you? Brown? Indigo?


I am starting to feel sorry for you. I have beaten you down so badly you aren't even able to put up half a fight anymore.