
I grew up in Oakland. There were white friends of mine that grew up in mostly black neighborhoods. They used the n-word just like other black kids did. It was accepted because they were part of the community. Of course when these white kids ran into black people they didn't know they had to watch what they said.

This idea that the n-word isn't bad and the liberal elites made it politically incorrect is such garabage you almost have to ask the person if they are trolling because there's no way they could actually mean that. And the idea that the n-word is somehow similar to honkey or cracker is again laughable. To think that one must have either lived the most sheltered life or is just being willfully ignorant.

ILA, like I said on some issues you have a lot of knowledge and I enjoy reading what you have to say. But for whatever reason you obviously have issues with race and its hard to call it anything but what it is and that's racism. Now I'm not Desh who calls every Republican or anyone from the South racists. Nor am I like Zappa who probably busted a nut at home when he found the same article that Howey had already posted about the Kentucky man and the Obama watermellon figure thinking 'i'm going to make those hateful tighty whities look racist and make me look good'. I just don't call people racists unless it's something like this. What white people use the n-word like you do? No one I know. And arguing for a way that it's justifiable to use? Who thinks like that?

As I stated before as well you are your own person and can do whatever the hell you want but if we are going to be honest it is what it is.

i am simply amazed at how many white people find racial slurs ok, so long as the slur is not directed to black people, and instead directed to white people.

the double standard is mind boggling.
I grew up in Oakland. There were white friends of mine that grew up in mostly black neighborhoods. They used the n-word just like other black kids did. It was accepted because they were part of the community. Of course when these white kids ran into black people they didn't know they had to watch what they said.

This idea that the n-word isn't bad and the liberal elites made it politically incorrect is such garabage you almost have to ask the person if they are trolling because there's no way they could actually mean that. And the idea that the n-word is somehow similar to honkey or cracker is again laughable. To think that one must have either lived the most sheltered life or is just being willfully ignorant.

ILA, like I said on some issues you have a lot of knowledge and I enjoy reading what you have to say. But for whatever reason you obviously have issues with race and its hard to call it anything but what it is and that's racism. Now I'm not Desh who calls every Republican or anyone from the South racists. Nor am I like Zappa who probably busted a nut at home when he found the same article that Howey had already posted about the Kentucky man and the Obama watermellon figure thinking 'i'm going to make those hateful tighty whities look racist and make me look good'. I just don't call people racists unless it's something like this. What white people use the n-word like you do? No one I know. And arguing for a way that it's justifiable to use? Who thinks like that?

As I stated before as well you are your own person and can do whatever the hell you want but if we are going to be honest it is what it is.

Well said, other than the part I removed. It almost looks as if you actually watched the video I posted:

And to be clear, I've never said you were a racist. I've only identified the obvious racists, such as ILA, USF and RazorX.
i am simply amazed at how many white people find racial slurs ok, so long as the slur is not directed to black people, and instead directed to white people.

the double standard is mind boggling.

I think it is mind boggling that you can't see why this would be.

Basically, some dude calls me a "cracker" and it bothers me not at all, I call some dude an n-word, it matters.
I think it is mind boggling that you can't see why this would be.

Basically, some dude calls me a "cracker" and it bothers me not at all, I call some dude an n-word, it matters.

The question is this. Are they calling you a cracker to insult you or compliment you? Would you be bothered by being called the dreaded "N WORD".

You have been so conditioned you can't even say the word.

For the record I don't use the word unless someone is acting like one. BAC was acting like one and had it coming. I notice that you haven't been able to find me calling anyone nigger except that one time even though you claimed I do it all the time. Just sayin ;)

But in the future I will just call BAC a "ghetto trash motherfucker". That should be OK with you
I think it is mind boggling that you can't see why this would be.

Basically, some dude calls me a "cracker" and it bothers me not at all, I call some dude an n-word, it matters.

double standard.

it matters not what you think, it matters what the word means. using your logic, if a black person says that n*gger bothers them not at all, then the word is on level with cracker.

your feelings do not dictate what words mean.
i am simply amazed at how many white people find racial slurs ok, so long as the slur is not directed to black people, and instead directed to white people.

the double standard is mind boggling.

How many white people get called honkey or cracker? Almost none. How many minorities have called you a honkey or a cracker in your life to your face? Go ask a black person (especially an older one) how many times a white person has called them a nigger. It's not even close.

If you don't understand the history behind the n-word and really do think it is comparable to honkey or cracker I'd highly recommend you do some research on it to better educate yourself.
Well said, other than the part I removed. It almost looks as if you actually watched the video I posted:

And to be clear, I've never said you were a racist. I've only identified the obvious racists, such as ILA, USF and RazorX.

I didn't watch your video. I'm speaking from what I've experienced.
How many white people get called honkey or cracker? Almost none. How many minorities have called you a honkey or a cracker in your life to your face? Go ask a black person (especially an older one) how many times a white person has called them a nigger. It's not even close.

If you don't understand the history behind the n-word and really do think it is comparable to honkey or cracker I'd highly recommend you do some research on it to better educate yourself.

so quantity matters? that does not even make sense. well, not many people say cunt, so why are women offended by it?

i understand the word clearly. i've been called white boy, cracker, honkey by minorities dozens of times. i went to an inner city school where whites were the minority. my best friend for years had a white mother and black father. do i need to give you more "street cred"?

both words are racist, period. tell you what cawacko, you have explained to us how your black friends use the term nigger to each other, yet, you would have us believe that the word is somehow worse than cracker. if that is true, why do your black friends use the term?
I didn't watch your video. I'm speaking from what I've experienced.

Based on what you posted it is all about intent and not the word. If the is so horrendous as everyone seems to claim it is, then it should be always horrendous. You seem to be describing it as sometimes
i am simply amazed at how many white people find racial slurs ok, so long as the slur is not directed to black people, and instead directed to white people.

the double standard is mind boggling.

Yurt, first, no one is saying it's OK. We're saying that the circumstances and end result are different. If I slap you, it's different from sticking a knife in your eye. Both are acts of violence and both are wrong but they're measurably different in end effect. That's what we're saying.

Second, again, intent matters. Like when I call Mott a horse fucking inbred fag. Obviously it's how we as friends get along. If I said that to one of my customers, someone who I am not friends with, it won't get the same reaction. You can't apply blanket statements to things that are different.
Based on what you posted it is all about intent and not the word. If the is so horrendous as everyone seems to claim it is, then it should be always horrendous. You seem to be describing it as sometimes

There are some in the black community that believe the word should never be used. There are others who don't. But if you can't recognize the difference between two black people using with each other and a white person saying it to a black person then I don't know what to tell you.
There are some in the black community that believe the word should never be used. There are others who don't. But if you can't recognize the difference between two black people using with each other and a white person saying it to a black person then I don't know what to tell you.

But you just claimed there were black people your cracker/honky ass used it with.

For the record I never claimed the word wasn't offensive to some. It obviously is. I obviously used it to offend BAC. I have never denied that. The point I am making is that his intent in calling me what he called me was no different than mine. That is the salient fact you either fail to acknowledge or don't want to acknowledge. I rarely use words indiscriminately. They almost ways have a purpose.

The question is would have been racist to call BAC a "ghetto trash motherfucker"? If not why not?

For the record do not misconstrue any of my comments as making excuses for what I posted to BAC. I am a grown man. I always take responsibility fr my actions.
Yurt, first, no one is saying it's OK. We're saying that the circumstances and end result are different. If I slap you, it's different from sticking a knife in your eye. Both are acts of violence and both are wrong but they're measurably different in end effect. That's what we're saying.

Second, again, intent matters. Like when I call Mott a horse fucking inbred fag. Obviously it's how we as friends get along. If I said that to one of my customers, someone who I am not friends with, it won't get the same reaction. You can't apply blanket statements to things that are different.

i disagree. words have meaning.

you're using what you intend, in place of what others intend by using the word honkey. i've had the word thrown at me in the same vernacular as nigger. but, you would have us believe that it is no big deal because you aren't bothered by it.
i disagree. words have meaning.

you're using what you intend, in place of what others intend by using the word honkey. i've had the word thrown at me in the same vernacular as nigger. but, you would have us believe that it is no big deal because you aren't bothered by it.

No, yurt, I'm saying at the end of the fucking day, the end result isn't the fucking same. It's wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


But it's not the same result. Can you comprehend that two different situations have two different results?
Something is definitely wrong with Yurt on the topic of the n-word, and on racism in general. He claims to have all of this street cred, but he gets it less than anyone I have ever known.

To argue that the n-word and 'honkey' are basically the same is not just ridiculous - it's insane. The former has a long, long history of violence & oppression behind it, that people who are alive today lived through. The use of the word itself is often violent.

To not see that distinction is amazing.
There is no equivalent word used against whites. No word harbors centuries of slavery and devalues a human life like the n-word, none.
Do you consider terms like 'inbred white trailer trash motherfucker' to be devaluing or as having a certain connotation?

Additionally, the free-wheeling, manufactured charges of racism breed resentment and make it tempting to hit back with exactly what one is being accused of. I know that's how I feel and I suspect it is the basis for ILA's bomb dropping. Sometimes, you just want to get even, and that's a good way to do it.