
It is funny to watch people twist themselves in knots trying to claim that words meant to insult really aren't that bad. Well, maybe nigger really isn't that bad? Why is it so bad? The only reason you think it is is because you have been conditioned to do so by the media and the liberal elites. You don't think you have, but you have.

Does saying nigger signify a beating is coming? Yes, it is a term that was mean to degrade blacks, but so are the terms "honkey" and "cracker". They aren't meant to compliment someone. But, you don't think they are a big deal so everyone else must go along to get along.

Hilarious is what it is

There's no knots on this side of things. The only justification that I see happening is somebody (who shall remain nameless but his initials are I Love America) trying to use sad "insults" like white trash to justify their racism. I don't believe that you would have been any different had the insult simply been "dumb ass"... You want to be yourself, say things while you believe you are anonymous that you otherwise cannot say. I think you seethe over the fact that you can't just say this kind of thing in your real life without suffering consequences.

There is no equivalent word used against whites. No word harbors centuries of slavery and devalues a human life like the n-word, none.

I do notice that I've read a thread you started where you called people spics, nobody had insulted you there, that racism just "slipped" eh?
There's no knots on this side of things. The only justification that I see happening is somebody (who shall remain nameless but his initials are I Love America) trying to use sad "insults" like white trash to justify their racism. I don't believe that you would have been any different had the insult simply been "dumb ass"... You want to be yourself, say things while you believe you are anonymous that you otherwise cannot say. I think you seethe over the fact that you can't just say this kind of thing in your real life without suffering consequences.

There is no equivalent word used against whites. No word harbors centuries of slavery and devalues a human life like the n-word, none.

I do notice that I've read a thread you started where you called people spics, nobody had insulted you there, that racism just "slipped" eh?

You have been indoctrinated well. It is insidious how they do it isn't it? Years of white guilt I guess.
You have been indoctrinated well. It is insidious how they do it isn't it? Years of white guilt I guess.

The whole idea that "they do it too" is justification, nay a requirement, to be an imbecile is inane.

The idea that you're just "giving them what they want" by being racist, or "giving it back" because somebody called you white trash, is imbecilic justification for spouting off what you wanted to say anyway. You are desperate for an excuse to spout racism, and attempt to justify it by saying "they are too" is at best childish.

I'll tell you what I tell my children, "They're doing it too!" is not an excuse, it is a confession. Your actions define you, it is all we can use to define you. All is see is a child trying to justify what he knows is wrong with a confession he believes is a "reason".
what is an african american? if they are offended let them speak for themselves. who made you their spokeswoman? so you aren't offended by it? should I use N word? Will that suffice for your delicate sensibilities? I don't use the term african american, so what would you prefer? You don't like nigger, you don't like colored, you don't like negro. Black OK with you? Brown? Indigo?


I am starting to feel sorry for you. I have beaten you down so badly you aren't even able to put up half a fight anymore.

Excuse me...I must have missed the memo. Since when are the words "honkey" and "cracker" used to degrade blacks?
i learn something new everyday

according to the honkey's on this board, i can call someone a n*gger so long as my INTENT is not racist, because intent matters....

The whole idea that "they do it too" is justification, nay a requirement, to be an imbecile is inane.

The idea that you're just "giving them what they want" by being racist, or "giving it back" because somebody called you white trash, is imbecilic justification for spouting off what you wanted to say anyway. You are desperate for an excuse to spout racism, and attempt to justify it by saying "they are too" is at best childish.

I'll tell you what I tell my children, "They're doing it too!" is not an excuse, it is a confession.

I am not justifying anything. I don't have to justify anything to you. You don't mean that much to me. My larger point is that you don't have a problem with anyone verbally assaulting other people. You twist yourself in knots trying to explain it away. "Well cracker and honkey aren't that bad" you say. Just because you don't think so? I come back to the original discussion which you conveniently ignore. Was BACs words toward me meant to compliment me or insult me?

Now you can say you don't think what he said was "that bad". That is your opinion and I am sure you can get loads of people to agree with you, just like those who believe in global warming. Just because people agree with you doesn't mean you are right. It just gives you numbers.

At the end of the day, it is your board. All you gotta do is tell me to stop. Then the choice is up to me.
I am not justifying anything. I don't have to justify anything to you. You don't mean that much to me. My larger point is that you don't have a problem with anyone verbally assaulting other people. You twist yourself in knots trying to explain it away. "Well cracker and honkey aren't that bad" you say. Just because you don't think so? I come back to the original discussion which you conveniently ignore. Was BACs words toward me meant to compliment me or insult me?
I don't have a problem with people insulting others. If you believe you are treated wrongly, your answer is to also be wrong. Again, the "they do it too" confession.

Now you can say you don't think what he said was "that bad". That is your opinion and I am sure you can get loads of people to agree with you, just like those who believe in global warming. Just because people agree with you doesn't mean you are right. It just gives you numbers.
I don't care who agrees with me, I'm just telling you what I see.

At the end of the day, it is your board. All you gotta do is tell me to stop. Then the choice is up to me.

The choice is always up to you. You can either wallow with the "they" that you find reprehensible, or you can elevate yourself. Nobody can do that for you.

I don't believe you want to, I believe that you are at heart a racist who seeks justification for saying what he wants to say.
I don't have a problem with people insulting others. If you believe you are treated wrongly, your answer is to also be wrong. Again, the "they do it too" confession.

I don't care who agrees with me, I'm just telling you what I see.


The choice is always up to you. You can either wallow with the "they" that you find reprehensible, or you can elevate yourself. Nobody can do that for you.

I don't believe you want to, I believe that you are at heart a racist who seeks justification for saying what he wants to say.

And you can continue to play the "See no evil, Hear no evil" card. We all always have choices. You can think what you want about me. It matters little. I don't come here seeking approval. I don't come here seeking to change minds. I come here for amusement and I get that in spades.

Politically Correct Disclaimer

My use of the word "SPADES" was in no way meant to refer to people of color, brown skinned people, or anyone of african descent. If you were offended by the word "SPADES", I deeply and sincerely apologize.
i learn something new everyday

according to the honkey's on this board, i can call someone a n*gger so long as my INTENT is not racist, because intent matters....

It does matter. I have a few black friends (yeah yeah, just like EVERYONE else). In a relaxed setting and with them I know if I said it, they would not be offend, same if they called me a Mic or Taig. Now for the record I don't, because the word has no appeal to me, but intent does matter. If I call my Italian friend a greasy wop its cool. A random guy on the street isn't going to take it the same way, and with good reason.
It does matter. I have a few black friends (yeah yeah, just like EVERYONE else). In a relaxed setting and with them I know if I said it, they would not be offend, same if they called me a Mic or Taig. Now for the record I don't, because the word has no appeal to me, but intent does matter. If I call my Italian friend a greasy wop its cool. A random guy on the street isn't going to take it the same way, and with good reason.

But the honkeys on this board are claiming intent doesn't matter. Only the words matter.

Maybe Damo can create a chart with a hiearchial listing if "bad words". We know the dreaded N word will be at the top.

The down side is that other "groups" may feel disenfranchised that derogatory words for them aren't as important as the dreaded "N word"

We know honkey will be at the bottom
Desh is partisan (not like you Annie, the very picture of non partisanship) but she's no liar.

Nor will you convince anyone here who matters that she is. As for seeing someone's shtick for what it is, yeah, I know just what you mean.

But Desh is a liar and now your support of her behavior makes you a liar also; but I digress.
Do you guys realize that if we all went by the Stargazer playbook I would have boned half the men on this board? LOL

I mean, someone along the way must have called that nut the dumbest person on the internet, because that is just dummmmmm. How many times have I been called the w word on this board over the years? Let's not even throw in the bush board, holy shit. The women there were sooo jealous of me. At one time on the Bush board I could have auctioned off an afternoon of phone sex and made a pretty penny let me tell you. I mean, the bids would have been through the roof! Higher even than my cyber neilson ratings! Who knows what I could have gotten for an afternoon in person!

But I never thought of proving a point by becoming a whore because someone called me one on the internet. That's just me though.

You didn't have to prove you were a whore; because you are a whore.
The only reason you haven't "bonned" half the men on this board; is because like you, your reputation has been around.
I don't get "cracker" either. It can't make anybody feel as bad as n-word will make a black dude feel, mostly because it seems so cartoonish. Honkey makes me think of geese, and cracker just makes me want to look for cheese.

It is supposed to have originated from slave owners who would "crack the whip" to keep the slaves in line.

It was also used to describe cowboys from Florida, who used whips instead of lassos to keep the cattle under control.
It does matter. I have a few black friends (yeah yeah, just like EVERYONE else). In a relaxed setting and with them I know if I said it, they would not be offend, same if they called me a Mic or Taig. Now for the record I don't, because the word has no appeal to me, but intent does matter. If I call my Italian friend a greasy wop its cool. A random guy on the street isn't going to take it the same way, and with good reason.

I grew up in Oakland. There were white friends of mine that grew up in mostly black neighborhoods. They used the n-word just like other black kids did. It was accepted because they were part of the community. Of course when these white kids ran into black people they didn't know they had to watch what they said.

This idea that the n-word isn't bad and the liberal elites made it politically incorrect is such garabage you almost have to ask the person if they are trolling because there's no way they could actually mean that. And the idea that the n-word is somehow similar to honkey or cracker is again laughable. To think that one must have either lived the most sheltered life or is just being willfully ignorant.

ILA, like I said on some issues you have a lot of knowledge and I enjoy reading what you have to say. But for whatever reason you obviously have issues with race and its hard to call it anything but what it is and that's racism. Now I'm not Desh who calls every Republican or anyone from the South racists. Nor am I like Zappa who probably busted a nut at home when he found the same article that Howey had already posted about the Kentucky man and the Obama watermellon figure thinking 'i'm going to make those hateful tighty whities look racist and make me look good'. I just don't call people racists unless it's something like this. What white people use the n-word like you do? No one I know. And arguing for a way that it's justifiable to use? Who thinks like that?

As I stated before as well you are your own person and can do whatever the hell you want but if we are going to be honest it is what it is.
It is funny to watch people twist themselves in knots trying to claim that words meant to insult really aren't that bad. Well, maybe nigger really isn't that bad? Why is it so bad? The only reason you think it is is because you have been conditioned to do so by the media and the liberal elites. You don't think you have, but you have.

Does saying nigger signify a beating is coming? Yes, it is a term that was mean to degrade blacks, but so are the terms "honkey" and "cracker". They aren't meant to compliment someone. But, you don't think they are a big deal so everyone else must go along to get along.

Hilarious is what it is

a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.
there are three main theories for the origin of the word:
1. the word originated from the practice of white males wishing to hire African-American prostitutes in the 1920's, and going to the appropriate part of town while honking their car horns to attract the whores. Some versions state that the reason for this was that the white men were too afraid to actually stop in those neighborhoods, so the honking would bring the hookers to them. Others say that since few African-Americans could afford cars back in that time, the honking signaled a higher-paying white client and would quickly gain the prostitutes attention.
2. the term comes from the word "honky-tonk", which was used as early as 1875 in reference to wild saloons in the Old West. Patrons of such disreputable establishments were referred to as "honkies", not intended as a racial slur but still a disparaging term.
3. "honkie" is a variation of "hunky" and "bohunk", derogatory terms for Hungarian, Bohemian, and Polish immigrant factory workers and hard laborers in the early 1900's. African-Americans began to use the word in reference to all whites regardless of specific nation of origin.
I don't have a problem with people insulting others. If you believe you are treated wrongly, your answer is to also be wrong. Again, the "they do it too" confession.

I don't care who agrees with me, I'm just telling you what I see.


The choice is always up to you. You can either wallow with the "they" that you find reprehensible, or you can elevate yourself. Nobody can do that for you.

I don't believe you want to, I believe that you are at heart a racist who seeks justification for saying what he wants to say.

Just curious; but do you intend to put this much effort into trying to get Darla, Desh, Bijou, Howey, etc, to stop labeling others as women haters, racists, and such?