
You are correct. Identifying someone as a woman hater or racist, or even homophobe, isn't bad when that person obviously is a woman hater or racist, or even homophobe.
How do you identify someone as anything when you've never met them and don't know anyone who knows them?
The question is this. Are they calling you a cracker to insult you or compliment you? Would you be bothered by being called the dreaded "N WORD".
The answer is this. Even if they are trying to "insult" me they fail. The words haven't the power that the n-word has.

You have been so conditioned you can't even say the word.
No, I choose not to. One can ascertain my meaning without the need. Since it isn't necessary I can choose not to use the word, much like I choose not to curse.

For the record I don't use the word unless someone is acting like one. BAC was acting like one and had it coming. I notice that you haven't been able to find me calling anyone nigger except that one time even though you claimed I do it all the time. Just sayin ;)
For the record, I don't believe you would use the word even if you think somebody is acting like one in RL.

But in the future I will just call BAC a "ghetto trash motherfucker". That should be OK with you
Far more equivalent to White Trash...
The answer is this. Even if they are trying to "insult" me they fail. The words haven't the power that the n-word has.

Now this is just downright silly. Do you really think me uttering that word has any power over anyone? Do you really think BACs world has been turned upside down based on some anonymous person on a message board calling him the dreaded N WORD.

Hell, he isn't even complaining. It is all you white folk complaining on his behalf. You are all falling all over yourselves to see who can condemn the word the most.
Now this is just downright silly. Do you really think me uttering that word has any power over anyone? Do you really think BACs world has been turned upside down based on some anonymous person on a message board calling him the dreaded N WORD.

Yes, I believe that it is a deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction you have received. The word has power, even the SCOTUS understands that some words are "fighting words"... This would be one of those. "Redneck" not so much... "White Trash"... nope. "Cracker"... not even. "Honkey"... still not.

You know it when you see it, and I believe you knew it when you used it.

Hell, he isn't even complaining. It is all you white folk complaining on his behalf. You are all falling all over yourselves to see who can condemn the word the most.
This isn't about him, it's about you. Nor is this "punishment", it simply points out that overt racism in the modern world is only for the weak-minded who would use the "they do it too" defense of a child.

Yes, I believe that it is a deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction you have received. The word has power, even the SCOTUS understands that some words are "fighting words"... This would be one of those. "Redneck" not so much... "White Trash"... nope. "Cracker"... not even. "Honkey"... still not.

You know it when you see it, and I believe you knew it when you used it.

This isn't about him, it's about you.

Are you seriously suggesting that liberals don't use certain words in a "deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction" and yet, you haven't responded to those utterances.

Yes, I believe that it is a deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction you have received. The word has power, even the SCOTUS understands that some words are "fighting words"... This would be one of those. "Redneck" not so much... "White Trash"... nope. "Cracker"... not even. "Honkey"... still not.

You know it when you see it, and I believe you knew it when you used it.

This isn't about him, it's about you. Nor is this "punishment", it simply points out that overt racism in the modern world is only for the weak-minded who would use the "they do it too" defense of a child.

I deliberately used the word to go after BAC after he went after me. I never denied it. I have not made one excuse for what I said. Was I looking for a negative reaction from BAC? Fuck yeah and I got it. Mission accomplished. Was I looking for Darla to start this little thread dedicated to me? Not a chance.

Let me get this straight. This isn't about the guy I called a nigger even though all of your collective panties are in a wad over me calling him a nigger. So if I called you a nigger would you be offended? If so why?

And you are honestly saying that the liberals here who use those words aren't trying to garner a negative reaction? Are you really saying that? Shit and here all this time I thought they were trying to insult conservatives but they were paying us compliments. Who fucking knew? Thanks for clearing that up.
Are you seriously suggesting that liberals don't use certain words in a "deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction" and yet, you haven't responded to those utterances.

I am seriously suggesting that no matter how many times you try to use the "they do it too!" defense it is still a childish argument and a confession rather than a reason.

I am also seriously suggesting that calling you a redneck isn't nearly as offensive as calling a black man the n-word.
Are you seriously suggesting that liberals don't use certain words in a "deliberate attempt to gather the negative reaction" and yet, you haven't responded to those utterances.
Of course they do. It's always 'inbred redneck white trailer trash racist' race baiting bullshit.

When they call me that I will live up to it.

If race baiting libtards need a doormat, they need to check out Lowe's.
I am seriously suggesting that no matter how many times you try to use the "they do it too!" defense it is still a childish argument and a confession rather than a reason.

I am also seriously suggesting that calling you a redneck isn't nearly as offensive as calling a black man the n-word.

Also, what power does this word have other than to offend? Can it cause someone to lose their job? Can it cause someones wife to leave them? Can it cause them to lose their house?

It is just a freaking word for God's sake. Sure it is offensive to some, but it is still just a word. It only has the power you ascribe to it. Apparently you have ascribed alot of meaning to it. It is like the democrats in the KKK chanted the word as they were riding through town or something.

When you think about it, the word nigger really is amazing. It is at the same time the most offensive word you can use, unless of course you are a black person using it then you can throw it around like an Obama penny.
Of course they do. It's always 'inbred redneck white trailer trash racist' race baiting bullshit.

When they call me that I will live up to it.

If race baiting libtards need a doormat, they need to check out Lowe's.

But, Damo says those words don't mean anything. They don't bother him, so you should just let it go. He would just laugh it off. You should as well. Well, if someone called me the dreaded N word, I would laugh it off. They should too.
Herein lies the proof of your bigotry, ignorance, and racist attitude. It's far more than just a "freaking word", and the day you realize that will be the day you enter the 21st Century.

The you don't understand bigotry and racism other than in your narrow world view. I called one person a nigger. I never said all black people are niggers.

There is a huge difference. I would never call Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas or JC Watt niggers. Of course they would never act like one.

I treat people as individuals. You treat them as a group. You are the racist.

You don't have a problem with people calling Condi an Uncle Tom. No you laugh at that. Spare me your feigned indignation
I don't get "cracker" either. It can't make anybody feel as bad as n-word will make a black dude feel, mostly because it seems so cartoonish. Honkey makes me think of geese, and cracker just makes me want to look for cheese.

I agree and yet at the same time assert that cracker is a good description of ILA, perfect in fact.
There's no knots on this side of things. The only justification that I see happening is somebody (who shall remain nameless but his initials are I Love America) trying to use sad "insults" like white trash to justify their racism. I don't believe that you would have been any different had the insult simply been "dumb ass"... You want to be yourself, say things while you believe you are anonymous that you otherwise cannot say. I think you seethe over the fact that you can't just say this kind of thing in your real life without suffering consequences.

There is no equivalent word used against whites. No word harbors centuries of slavery and devalues a human life like the n-word, none.

I do notice that I've read a thread you started where you called people spics, nobody had insulted you there, that racism just "slipped" eh?

There is iron in your words of condemnation of ILA's racism.

I don't have a problem with people insulting others. If you believe you are treated wrongly, your answer is to also be wrong. Again, the "they do it too" confession.

I don't care who agrees with me, I'm just telling you what I see.


The choice is always up to you. You can either wallow with the "they" that you find reprehensible, or you can elevate yourself. Nobody can do that for you.

I don't believe you want to, I believe that you are at heart a racist who seeks justification for saying what he wants to say.

It does matter. I have a few black friends (yeah yeah, just like EVERYONE else). In a relaxed setting and with them I know if I said it, they would not be offend, same if they called me a Mic or Taig. Now for the record I don't, because the word has no appeal to me, but intent does matter. If I call my Italian friend a greasy wop its cool. A random guy on the street isn't going to take it the same way, and with good reason.

Dude, yurt doesn't do nuance. yurt is as prosaic as one can be.
No, yurt, I'm saying at the end of the fucking day, the end result isn't the fucking same. It's wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


But it's not the same result. Can you comprehend that two different situations have two different results?

Did you realize you are wasting your time yet?
No, yurt, I'm saying at the end of the fucking day, the end result isn't the fucking same. It's wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


But it's not the same result. Can you comprehend that two different situations have two different results?

I find the word motherfucker to be highly offensive. Would you stop using it please?