
You have lied many times - particularly this morning in your responses to BAC, where you once again imply I have called you a racist.

It's there for everyone to see. What's even better is that you tried to deny you were doing that yesterday, but came back around to it this morning. It is what you believe - that my saying you hate Obama means that I'm saying you hate because he's black. At every level, it's as stupid as anytihng I've ever seen here.

Poor little Lorax... so angry... so full of lies and hate that you continue to spew forth your venom. Simply because you were made out to be a fool and a liar?

Sorry about that, but if you are going to attack me, you better have something to back it up with. When you didn't, you resorted to your little grammar police attempts at a gotcha.

Try back later when you have calmed down a bit.
it looks like thing1/onceler is having an epic meltdown and will leave the board again because he can't control himself on an anonymous message board

Poor little Lorax... so angry... so full of lies and hate that you continue to spew forth your venom. Simply because you were made out to be a fool and a liar?

Sorry about that, but if you are going to attack me, you better have something to back it up with. When you didn't, you resorted to your little grammar police attempts at a gotcha.

Try back later when you have calmed down a bit.

I'm getting a kick out of the fact that you're trying to reduce it to a "grammar police"/word games thing.

Are you denying that you argued (several times) that I either called you a racist, or implied it by saying that you hated Obama?
I'm getting a kick out of the fact that you're trying to reduce it to a "grammar police"/word games thing.

Are you denying that you argued (several times) that I either called you a racist, or implied it by saying that you hated Obama?

I am done with your word games coward. Until you provide specifics on your accusations, we are done. Now run along little coward.
I am done with your word games coward. Until you provide specifics on your accusations, we are done. Now run along little coward.

I gave you specifics. You're a pretty well known Obama hater, and ODSer.

But you can't do the same. You have repeatedly claimed that I called you a racist, or implied such - but I never have.
I gave you specifics. You're a pretty well known Obama hater, and ODSer.

But you can't do the same. You have repeatedly claimed that I called you a racist, or implied such - but I never have.

No moron, you did not. You have yet to quote any 'venomous' words etc... you simply keep saying 'it is there, it is there'...

Not once have you quoted a specific post and explained what you found was venomous towards Obama.

You did say 'the OP is as far as you need to go', yet when I posted the OP and asked you to show us what you thought was venomous... you ran away.
No moron, you did not. You have yet to quote any 'venomous' words etc... you simply keep saying 'it is there, it is there'...

Not once have you quoted a specific post and explained what you found was venomous towards Obama.

You did say 'the OP is as far as you need to go', yet when I posted the OP and asked you to show us what you thought was venomous... you ran away.

"Ran away" is an interesting take. I explained to you the pattern, and how I see the hate in it. The threads I bumped lacked objectivity, and were shot down pretty well as such - and there were many more like them. It's what hate does - it clouds objectivity.

As I have said, I did not expect you to see this conclusion and all of a sudden grow some self-awareness, and 'fess up to it.

Nor do I expect you to ever back off your repeated claims that I have called you a racist, or implied such.
"Ran away" is an interesting take. I explained to you the pattern, and how I see the hate in it. The threads I bumped lacked objectivity, and were shot down pretty well as such - and there were many more like them. It's what hate does - it clouds objectivity.

LMAO... no you did not. You simply proclaimed it and then ran away. You did not highlight any pattern. Saying the threads lacked objectivity is quite amusing. They were my opinion on his POSITION on higher taxes. I argued for the POSITION that I thought he should take. You obviously don't have to agree with my opinion on his POSITION, but going after his POSITION does not mean I 'hate' Obama. It means I don't like his POSITION.

You have failed completely to explain how it shows hate for him. You continually run away from doing so. Then you have the gall to state that you actually explained the pattern. LMAO... you are truly a pathetic little coward.
Go ahead and run away again Lorax... we know you are not going to highlight any specifics. You are simply a coward.

It's not enough to just keep saying that I'm running away. I explained to you my position. To elaborate, when I typed in "Obama" under your name in the search mechanism, much of what comes up are threads started by you, with titles along the lines of "More Obama lies" or "another example of failed leadership." I bumped 2 of them, which were unfounded and exaggerative. Combined with your repeated use of ad homs like "ass clown," it's obvious that your feelings about the President are personal, not political. It's a pattern. I can't put it any more plainly than that.

You will still focus on this, and state that I'm running away - when I won't - because you don't want to address the other half of this, which is that you wrongly accused me of calling you a racist, and of being one of the posters who responds that way in a knee-jerk fashion. Your "run away" thing is just distraction from that.

You know you're wrong, and that's enough for me. Because you'll never actually say that you're wrong.
It's not enough to just keep saying that I'm running away. I explained to you my position. To elaborate, when I typed in "Obama" under your name in the search mechanism, much of what comes up are threads started by you, with titles along the lines of "More Obama lies" or "another example of failed leadership." I bumped 2 of them, which were unfounded and exaggerative. Combined with your repeated use of ad homs like "ass clown," it's obvious that your feelings about the President are personal, not political. It's a pattern. I can't put it any more plainly than that.

You will still focus on this, and state that I'm running away - when I won't - because you don't want to address the other half of this, which is that you wrongly accused me of calling you a racist, and of being one of the posters who responds that way in a knee-jerk fashion. Your "run away" thing is just distraction from that.

You know you're wrong, and that's enough for me. Because you'll never actually say that you're wrong.

OMG... so because I don't approve of his leadership and because I said a politician has lied... that to you is equal to hating the man? Thanks for showing what a complete buffoon you are.
OMG... so because I don't approve of his leadership and because I said a politician has lied... that to you is equal to hating the man? Thanks for showing what a complete buffoon you are.

When you say someone lied when they haven't, or that they failed to show leadership in a specific incidence when they haven't - yes, those are hater kinds of things to do.

Love how you're still ignoring the other half of this discussion, btw. It couldn't possibly be more telling.
It's not enough to just keep saying that I'm running away. I explained to you my position. To elaborate, when I typed in "Obama" under your name in the search mechanism, much of what comes up are threads started by you, with titles along the lines of "More Obama lies" or "another example of failed leadership." I bumped 2 of them, which were unfounded and exaggerative. Combined with your repeated use of ad homs like "ass clown," it's obvious that your feelings about the President are personal, not political. It's a pattern. I can't put it any more plainly than that.

You will still focus on this, and state that I'm running away - when I won't - because you don't want to address the other half of this, which is that you wrongly accused me of calling you a racist, and of being one of the posters who responds that way in a knee-jerk fashion. Your "run away" thing is just distraction from that.

You know you're wrong, and that's enough for me. Because you'll never actually say that you're wrong.

You've provided nothing that implies hate.
What you have done is show that he doesn't like President Obama and then it has been you that has "read" hate into it.
It does appear that the "hater" here, is you.
You hate to see anything that disparages your savior.
When you say someone lied when they haven't, or that they failed to show leadership in a specific incidence when they haven't - yes, those are hater kinds of things to do.

Love how you're still ignoring the other half of this discussion, btw. It couldn't possibly be more telling.

You're an idiot.
It appears that Thing2 got all of the brains.
You've provided nothing that implies hate.
What you have done is show that he doesn't like President Obama and then it has been you that has "read" hate into it.
It does appear that the "hater" here, is you.
You hate to see anything that disparages your savior.

Not at all - and the "savior" line is the last refuge of the uninformed.

I didn't vote for Obama. I hate his war policies. I hate how extended Afghanistan became. I hate his policies on marijuana. Among others.

But I hate the policies, not the man. I will give him praise when he has accomplished something good, as well as criticism. My posts aren't an endless stream of unfounded accusations of lying, with ad homs thrown in.
Not at all - and the "savior" line is the last refuge of the uninformed.

I didn't vote for Obama. I hate his war policies. I hate how extended Afghanistan became. I hate his policies on marijuana. Among others.

But I hate the policies, not the man. I will give him praise when he has accomplished something good, as well as criticism. My posts aren't an endless stream of unfounded accusations of lying, with ad homs thrown in.

It's OK.
Everyone knows you LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him and the reason is, is because he's Black.