
When you say someone lied when they haven't, or that they failed to show leadership in a specific incidence when they haven't - yes, those are hater kinds of things to do.
LMAO... except he DID fail to lead exactly in the manner I said he did. You just didn't think a symbolic gesture would have meant much. He still failed to lead by example which was my point.

Until you actually show an example of the venom you keep saying I said, don't talk about who is ignoring what.

As for your 'you repeatedly called him an ass clown'... that is bullshit. Just did the search. I said it once. One little time.
LMAO... except he DID fail to lead exactly in the manner I said he did. You just didn't think a symbolic gesture would have meant much. He still failed to lead by example which was my point.

Until you actually show an example of the venom you keep saying I said, don't talk about who is ignoring what.

As for your 'you repeatedly called him an ass clown'... that is bullshit. Just did the search. I said it once. One little time.

Why do you keep lying? I said repeated ad homs, like "ass clown."

And I have provided you ample explanation for my POV on this. You just don't accept it. Enough with the distraction of "I don't have to explain myself because you haven't."

It doesn't matter. No explanation will cut it. You repeatedly stated that I either called you a racist OR implied it, when I never did. Ever. You lied.
It's not enough to just keep saying that I'm running away. I explained to you my position. To elaborate, when I typed in "Obama" under your name in the search mechanism, much of what comes up are threads started by you, with titles along the lines of "More Obama lies" or "another example of failed leadership." I bumped 2 of them, which were unfounded and exaggerative. Combined with your repeated use of ad homs like "ass clown," it's obvious that your feelings about the President are personal, not political. It's a pattern. I can't put it any more plainly than that.

You will still focus on this, and state that I'm running away - when I won't - because you don't want to address the other half of this, which is that you wrongly accused me of calling you a racist, and of being one of the posters who responds that way in a knee-jerk fashion. Your "run away" thing is just distraction from that.

You know you're wrong, and that's enough for me. Because you'll never actually say that you're wrong.

Learn to read. It might help w/ the "Lorax called me a racist" thing, too.
2) at any time all the mods have to do is tell me to stop or I will be banned. Then the choice is up to me. I like to push boundaries. That is who I am. They don't do it. Oh Grind will whine and feign indignation. But, if it really bothered them they would stop it.

There are two reasons they don't stop it

1) it stirs controversy and controversy drives traffic

2) then they would have to police thier liberal buddies like Howie and Darla

So everyone stop with the phony outrage already.

I draw a distinction between what I personally like/what I agree with, and what I think should be a rule. JPP likes to foster openness, and sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. The number 1 thing people always say when coming here (even very liberal members), is that they like that us mods are mostly hands off and that we dont get in peoples shit. In fact, it's not something people just like, they love it, and they eat that shit up. I know this from personal experience, where I would be on a messageboard and there would be some douchebag mod acting out his inflated self importance, always policing every thread over minute bullshit and minor rule infractions. It's tedious and annoying.

So I like the open platform we have here. I like it as a user and I like it as a mod.

At the same time, I feel it's sort of my role to at least guide etiquette in a particular direction, but that's all I am doing.. guiding. Users are always free to reject my suggestions, and I will keep slugging it out for my own principles, not as a mod in that regard but as a user, community member, and a decent human being.

Number 2 on your list is partially accurate however. Just not limited to those two users, but to everyone. I don't care what ones intentions are, people WILL exploit rules, no matter how clear you try to make them. The more rules, the more potential loopholes, the more petty reporting over minor infractions, the more constant infighting. It's a constant headache. I would rather let users sort it out themselves, by using ignore, the thread ban feature, posting in APP, etc. If people acted like reasonable adults and ACTUALLY ignored the people they said they were ignoring, most of the problems on JPP would be non-existent. A lot of inner conflict stems from users own lack of self-control in regards to reading posts of users that they despise.
I draw a distinction between what I personally like/what I agree with, and what I think should be a rule. JPP likes to foster openness, and sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. The number 1 thing people always say when coming here (even very liberal members), is that they like that us mods are mostly hands off and that we dont get in peoples shit. In fact, it's not something people just like, they love it, and they eat that shit up. I know this from personal experience, where I would be on a messageboard and there would be some douchebag mod acting out his inflated self importance, always policing every thread over minute bullshit and minor rule infractions. It's tedious and annoying.

So I like the open platform we have here. I like it as a user and I like it as a mod.

At the same time, I feel it's sort of my role to at least guide etiquette in a particular direction, but that's all I am doing.. guiding. Users are always free to reject my suggestions, and I will keep slugging it out for my own principles, not as a mod in that regard but as a user, community member, and a decent human being.

Number 2 on your list is partially accurate however. Just not limited to those two users, but to everyone. I don't care what ones intentions are, people WILL exploit rules, no matter how clear you try to make them. The more rules, the more potential loopholes, the more petty reporting over minor infractions, the more constant infighting. It's a constant headache. I would rather let users sort it out themselves, by using ignore, the thread ban feature, posting in APP, etc. If people acted like reasonable adults and ACTUALLY ignored the people they said they were ignoring, most of the problems on JPP would be non-existent. A lot of inner conflict stems from users own lack of self-control in regards to reading posts of users that they despise.


Ironic thread, will always be an ironic thread.
Learn to read. It might help w/ the "Lorax called me a racist" thing, too.

LMAO... ironic given your complete inability to comprehend what others write. You are a liar and a coward. You failed completely to show any venom towards Obama on my part. I have mocked many of his positions, but have not shown hate or venom towards Obama himself. You whine and cry about a one time use of 'ass-clown' and pretend that shows venom. That just shows you are going to continue stamping your feet and insisting that we all accept your warped view of venom and hate.

I have called friends ass-clowns (and worse) on occasion, it doesn't mean I hate them. It usually is when they do something stupid. I in turn, have also been mocked when I do something dumb. You need to grow the fuck up little Lorax. Labeling such as 'venomous' is quite simply... pathetic.

Now run little coward... we all know you are not ever going to point to a specific post and describe to us what you find venomous about it.
LMAO... ironic given your complete inability to comprehend what others write. You are a liar and a coward. You failed completely to show any venom towards Obama on my part. I have mocked many of his positions, but have not shown hate or venom towards Obama himself. You whine and cry about a one time use of 'ass-clown' and pretend that shows venom. That just shows you are going to continue stamping your feet and insisting that we all accept your warped view of venom and hate.

I have called friends ass-clowns (and worse) on occasion, it doesn't mean I hate them. It usually is when they do something stupid. I in turn, have also been mocked when I do something dumb. You need to grow the fuck up little Lorax. Labeling such as 'venomous' is quite simply... pathetic.

Now run little coward... we all know you are not ever going to point to a specific post and describe to us what you find venomous about it.

Seriously, do you have any idea how vicious you sound?
Quit projecting your own emotions on to others. I guarantee you are not accurate in assessing my emotions. But do keep pretending that you can. It is amusing.

Darla, I am beginning to believe we have been unfair to SF, I think he is right, he has no emotions. We should stop trying to make him human!
LMAO... ironic given your complete inability to comprehend what others write. You are a liar and a coward. You failed completely to show any venom towards Obama on my part. I have mocked many of his positions, but have not shown hate or venom towards Obama himself. You whine and cry about a one time use of 'ass-clown' and pretend that shows venom. That just shows you are going to continue stamping your feet and insisting that we all accept your warped view of venom and hate.

I have called friends ass-clowns (and worse) on occasion, it doesn't mean I hate them. It usually is when they do something stupid. I in turn, have also been mocked when I do something dumb. You need to grow the fuck up little Lorax. Labeling such as 'venomous' is quite simply... pathetic.

Now run little coward... we all know you are not ever going to point to a specific post and describe to us what you find venomous about it.

This does sound all rage-y, you know. I don't think you even know how you sound, which bolsters my "venomous" argument even more.

Here's the thing: I presented to you evidence & my reasoning for saying that you hate Obama. You didn't accept it, which is what I expected; but I offered an explanation.

You have not offered any explanation or reasoning or ANYTHING for your contention that I called you a racist or implied as much. You have enthusiastically ignored that side of this discussion for many posts now, which makes it even more glaring.

It's painfullly obvious who is creating the strawmen, who is lying, and who the coward is. So stop projecting & man up.