
Seriously dude, not that same thing. In principle its both racism, but in practice it has none of the same effects or connotation, and this is from a guy who argues almost nothing BUT principle.

If you want to see selective about racist outrage, check out this thread:
I'm the ONLY person who said anything about that. In fact, I'm STILL pissed about that thread just reading the title. It's what sent 007 to my IL.

007 Is on my ignore list.
Nobody gets called a racist indiscriminately. Posters' comments show where they're coming from, ILA's specious explanation notwithstanding.
I was called a racist by Evince before I'd been here a week.

Seems to me ILA is pure fed-up with being called one, and I don't blame him.
That's why there should be no surprise to the reaction when people are labeled racists falsely and frivolously .

if someone called me a racist i wouldn't try to prove them right by being one. If someone called you retarded would you start going "DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRD HURRRRRRR daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" every thread?
if someone called me a racist i wouldn't try to prove them right by being one. If someone called you retarded would you start going "DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRD HURRRRRRR daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" every thread?

Same question I asked him earlier. Based on his prior response it sounds like he would.

some racist slurs are connected to hundreds of years of people being enslaved and literally second class citizens, and other words are not.

I don't know what kind of bubble you live in, but it's not reality. Just go poll a random sample of 100 people anywhere in america (maybe exclude mississippi) and ask them if "honkey" is exactly equal to "nigger" and see how many people agree with you.

In the interest of JPP peace, it might be best just not to boil any arguments down to any of those words, so we can avoid cryfests, but some words are defiantly worse than others.

if someone called me a racist i wouldn't try to prove them right by being one. If someone called you retarded would you start going "DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRD HURRRRRRR daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" every thread?
If I knew it would piss them off to the Nth degree -- you betcha. It wouldn't, but this does.

If someone race-baits then they shouldn't be upthet when they get what they asked for.
Same question I asked him earlier. Based on his prior response it sounds like he would.
Yep, that question was asked and answered.

Some may go the mamby-pamby, acquiescing ass-kissing route -- but it's simply not for me.

I can pick a side of the road and drive.
This would be quite an interesting board Grind if everyone followed Stargazer's philosophy of going scorched earth policy everytime a troll (or even regular poster) called someone a name.
This would be quite an interesting board Grind if everyone followed Stargazer's philosophy of going scorched earth policy everytime a troll (or even regular poster) called someone a name.
Hey pal, I don't give a damn about name calling, but people get fed up with being called racists and eventually they hit back. Kissing ass and defending yourself against bullshit charges is an exercise in futility and only gets more of the behavior.

I mean really, if you call someone a racist, why would you be shocked if they used the word nigger? Unless of course, you knew it was bullshit character assassination and you were taken off guard.
Hey pal, I don't give a damn about name calling, but people get fed up with being called racists and eventually they hit back. Kissing ass and defending yourself against bullshit charges is an exercise in futility and only gets more of the behavior.

I mean really, if you call someone a racist, why would you be shocked if they used the word nigger? Unless of course, you knew it was bullshit character assassination and you were taken off guard.

Because when a troll, or in this case Desh, makes that type of comment you just laugh at them. Dropping n-bombs like you just did shows you to be trash. She's called multiple people racist who aren't racist because that's what she does. If you can't handle someone who trolls like Desh maybe you don't have the right termperment to be on a political chat board.
Because when a troll, or in this case Desh, makes that type of comment you just laugh at them. Dropping n-bombs like you just did shows you to be trash. She's called multiple people racist who aren't racist because that's what she does. If you can't handle someone who trolls like Desh maybe you don't have the right termperment to be on a political chat board.
I've seen more than Desh calling people racists. I'm a political chat board veteran and little words on my screen don't make me come unglued. If you laugh it off when people degrade you, it shows you to have no spine.
I've seen more than Desh calling people racists. I'm a political chat board veteran and little words on my screen don't make me come unglued. If you laugh it off when people degrade you, it shows you to have no spine.

And dropping n-bombs on a chat board is having a spine? Not only has Desh called me a racist about a dozen times she has accused me of lying about where I live. I've not yet figured out her angle on why I would lie about where I live. I know who I am and I have enough confidence in myself that someone like Desh throwing out accusations like that doesn't make me feel the need to go scorched earth about it.

Now if someone I knew and respected call me a racist well damn straight I'm going to stand up for myself. But Desh doesn't fit that description.
hey sister,

you treated me like shit and lied to me while pretending to be friendly.

You are exactly who you are complaining about you duplicitous rat

I did not pretend to be friendly with you, ever. I saw your shtick for what it was from the get go. You are a partisan liar and consistent in that role.