
If you and others who don't like his attitude and how he posts ignore him he will only have people who think like him to communicate with and there are much better boards than this if your goal is to speak with only like minded individuals.

It's a discipline thing. Don't respond to him. People used to complain about Legion Troll and then go respond to one of his posts. If you want to respond to him, fine. But don't complain about it later.

Can I use the above argument about you and Desh, or you and signalmanken?
You haven't been following Desh's posts too closely then. She's labeled every Republican on the board a racist and even non Republicans such as WinterBorn. Who does that guy offend? What has he done racist?

Uh-huh, and bravo, DY, usf, razor have used inflammatory language and disgusting sexual slurs to all the Dems and libs.
Uh-huh, and bravo, DY, usf, razor have used inflammatory language and disgusting sexual slurs to all the Dems and libs.

Ok. You said (paraphrasing here) that no one would get called a racist unless they did something deserving. My response was simply to say that's not the case.
I thought it was "stupid honkey"... (and what is honkey supposed to mean anyway?)

I think it goes back to old Honkey Tonk country bars filled with rednecks. That's my theory anyways.

If I didn't love my name so much, I'd change it to Honkey.