

Digby says it all.

by digby

From Harry Reid just now:

"Given the unhappy choice between a bridge loan and bankruptcy, Democrats have always believed that we must give the Big Three and the millions of Americans they employ every possible chance to succeed.

"By rejecting every good-faith bipartisan compromise – including those from the White House and Senator Bob Corker – it is now abundantly clear that Republicans have no interest in keeping the Big Three from collapsing.

"Because Republicans failed to act, three million Americans are more likely than ever to lose their jobs and our economy is at risk of suffering even greater damage. Our hearts go out to those families who will now have to deal with this burden as the holidays near.

"Republicans may think that rejecting this legislation sent a message to the auto industry. Instead, they sent a message to every single American that they are more interested in settling scores than solving problems."

I'm not surprised. This is what they do. But if there's anyone left out there who thinks that these guys are on the post-partisan bandwagon, think again. They will do everything in their power to weaken Obama and fuck up this country even worse than they already have.

At this point, the only route they see power is to make things worse and blame it on the Democrats. What else do they have?

Now it's up to Bush to have Paulson release the money from the TARP, something they've been adamantly against up to now. I'm not holding my breath.
Fucking Big Three. What a bunch of losers. Too bad Republicans didn't hold to the same stance with AIG and company.

It is a principled stand for smaller government?


Obnoxious bankers and the dullards who work in insurance vote Republican whereas car workers don't?

You decide.
Fucking Big Three. What a bunch of losers. Too bad Republicans didn't hold to the same stance with AIG and company.

I think a lot of Republicans have finally showed how simple-minded they really are about things. This whole fiasco with the big 3 is staggering in its ignorance, but at least offers some clear accountability.

How is it that guys like McConnell (and 3-D) can't see that the failure of the big 3 affects us all, in a big way? How do they miss the eventual ramifications on their state, their jobs & their way of life?

But they do; they think it's just Detroit & the unions. Let 'em suffer - they've earned it. We'll be just fine.

Idiots. I'm still seriously thinking New Zealand; I've had it w/ the Keystone Kops routine here.
They are doing it to union bust.

That's a big part of it. But there's rarely only one benefit, or one explanation, for any action this big. And I think that Digby, the writer above, is correct; their only path back to power lies in doing anything they can to ensure the failure of this democratic administration. Things must get worse under Obama, or the Republicans are out of power for their foreseeable future.
Maybe. Personally im for the current bailout package but I have also heard some pretty smart people saying that ultimately from bankruptcy our car manufacturing would rise up stronger then ever and that 3M jobs is a trumped up bull shit fear tactic.

Who knows.. All I do know is when it costs us 2000 more to build a car right from the beginning versus Toyota or Honda there is no long term way of competing. ZERO
Maybe. Personally im for the current bailout package but I have also heard some pretty smart people saying that ultimately from bankruptcy our car manufacturing would rise up stronger then ever and that 3M jobs is a trumped up bull shit fear tactic.

Who knows.. All I do know is when it costs us 2000 more to build a car right from the beginning versus Toyota or Honda there is no long term way of competing. ZERO

I read that executive compensation was much less for foreign companies. But I have yet to hear anyone whine about it. Personally, I believe that having the American worker in a race to the bottom, is exactly why globalization is disastrous for standard of living. And if that is the way we choose to go, then there will be no one to buy anything. It's all so stupid.

Yeah we'll all see who's right. Looks like we're going to roll the dice. Those of us who have to make a living from succesfull businesses can start making alternate plans now.
I read that executive compensation was much less for foreign companies. But I have yet to hear anyone whine about it. Personally, I believe that having the American worker in a race to the bottom, is exactly why globalization is disastrous for standard of living. And if that is the way we choose to go, then there will be no one to buy anything. It's all so stupid.

Yeah we'll all see who's right. Looks like we're going to roll the dice. Those of us who have to make a living from succesfull businesses can start making alternate plans now.

What did you honestly think would happen from globalization? America was top of the heap. With globalization things are sure to marginalize unless we moved towards protectionism which would only be a short term fix.
Yeah we'll all see who's right. Looks like we're going to roll the dice. Those of us who have to make a living from succesfull businesses can start making alternate plans now.

Oh by the way -that's all of us. Just some of us are too dumb to know it. I have to admit it will give me a smile to hear about certain right wing ideologues going down with this. And eventually...they will. At least I don't have kids to feed.
What did you honestly think would happen from globalization? America was top of the heap. With globalization things are sure to marginalize unless we moved towards protectionism which would only be a short term fix.

Funny how it worked in the opposite direction for the execs.
I think we should really push alternative energy and come up with a Apollo type plan to be energy independent by 2020. We have the best educational institutions in the world and have proven we can be leaders in new technology (see 90's). We still have the money and the infrastructure to do it.
"Those of us who have to make a living from succesfull businesses "

What a great way to phrase it.

Except I spelled successful wrong.

But it's really amazing to watch this happen in front of our eyes. I really meant it, I think I'll get by. I don't have kids to feed, and if I have to scale way down, I can do that. But I feel as if I'm just watching the devastation of a nation and its citizens. And it's purposeful. It's purposeful. Seriously, these people should be put in prison. that's not hyperbole.
Except I spelled successful wrong.

But it's really amazing to watch this happen in front of our eyes. I really meant it, I think I'll get by. I don't have kids to feed, and if I have to scale way down, I can do that. But I feel as if I'm just watching the devastation of a nation and its citizens. And it's purposeful. It's purposeful. Seriously, these people should be put in prison. that's not hyperbole.

I'm glad someone feels the way I do. This was one of the most obvious things I've seen in awhile. It's like watching someone offer to give you a few trillion, save a few million jobs & prevent a prolonged recession/depression for $14 billion, and hearing "no", and just not being able to do anything about it.

I heard so many people say over the past few days something along the lines of "well, they're just posturing, but the idea that they'd really let this fail is absolutely inconceivable." But there you go - they did it, anyway.

And there are some people who think they're being "fiscally responsible."
Maybe. Personally im for the current bailout package but I have also heard some pretty smart people saying that ultimately from bankruptcy our car manufacturing would rise up stronger then ever and that 3M jobs is a trumped up bull shit fear tactic.

Who knows.. All I do know is when it costs us 2000 more to build a car right from the beginning versus Toyota or Honda there is no long term way of competing. ZERO

Ultimately, it is the best way for the companies in the long run. But in the short run, it was well worth the $14-15 billion to keep it from happening NOW. Just look at the markets reaction today. It is not going to be pretty. To be clear, there are other negative factors hitting the market today as well. But this certainly didn't help.

The fact that Darla had to utter the words....'Now its up to Bush' ... should tell you how fucked up this is.