
Thinking about this - the purpose of the filibuster is to protect against majority tyranny, but what about minority tyranny?

Then you have the fact that we just had eight years of majority tyranny, which the filibuster did not protect us against.

Now, that tyrannical majority has become the minority and seem poised to give us minority tyranny.

I mean, there's a really good case here.

Remember the republican "nuclear option" they proposed in 2005?

"US Senate Republican leadership has publicly decried Democrat efforts to block Presidential nominations that require Senate approval. Senate leadership threatens to invoke a "nuclear option" which would ban the minority from blocking judicial nominees.

Some news reports have characterized the filibuster, a historical method used to delay vote or block debate, as unconstitutional, unfair, a historical relic. Others report that it is a tool that protects the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority."

I say nuke the bastards .. and murder them politically.
Nope... you still lost. Because it wasn't an unexpected rally, it was quite expected. By me. You lose. I win.

It was expected by me, too. You see up there where I say "I expect it?" The dispute we were having is whether such a rally makes sense. You say yes, I say no.
Remember the republican "nuclear option" they proposed in 2005?

"US Senate Republican leadership has publicly decried Democrat efforts to block Presidential nominations that require Senate approval. Senate leadership threatens to invoke a "nuclear option" which would ban the minority from blocking judicial nominees.

Some news reports have characterized the filibuster, a historical method used to delay vote or block debate, as unconstitutional, unfair, a historical relic. Others report that it is a tool that protects the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority."

I say nuke the bastards .. and murder them politically.

I don't think they'll get anything done otherwise.
Darla, they just need to be murdered ('cept for the women. I don't advocate violence against women ;) ).
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Remember the republican "nuclear option" they proposed in 2005?

"US Senate Republican leadership has publicly decried Democrat efforts to block Presidential nominations that require Senate approval. Senate leadership threatens to invoke a "nuclear option" which would ban the minority from blocking judicial nominees.

Some news reports have characterized the filibuster, a historical method used to delay vote or block debate, as unconstitutional, unfair, a historical relic. Others report that it is a tool that protects the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority."

I say nuke the bastards .. and murder them politically.

But if they did that the Democrats would have no excuse for not doing the things they don't want to do. The Democrats like it just fine the way it is.