Debate Challange: Islam in Western Culture


Well-known member
Teflon Don, (or anyone else who cares to join)

I would like to debate you on the merits of Islam as it pertains to western culture.

It is your belief that Islam as it is practiced by the majority of Muslims is incompatible with western culture. As such, you believe we have a duty to our children and country to prevent mass immigration of people who seek to change our country in vital ways.

Please share what it is about Islam that is incompatible with western culture.

Thank you
The definition of islam is "submission"

You have three choices with islam; convert, submit or die

Women are inferior under Islamic law; their testimony in a court of law is worth half that of a man; their movement is strictly restricted, they cannot marry a non-Muslim

1) Non - Muslims living in Muslim countries have inferior status under Islamic law, they may not testify against a Muslim. In Saudi Arabia, following a tradition of Muhammed who said " Two religions cannot exist in the country of Arabia ", non _ Muslims are forbidden to practice their religion, build churches, possess Bibles etc. - This is incompatible with the 1st Amendment

2) Non-believers i.e. atheists Muslim countries do not have "the right to life ". They are to be killed. Muslim doctors of law generally divide sins into great sins and little sins. Of the seventeen great sins, unbelief is the greatest, more heinous than murder, theft, adultery etc..

3) Slavery is recognised in the Koran. Muslims are allowed to cohabit with any of their female slaves (Sura iv.3); they are allowed to take possession of married women if they are slaves (Sura iv.28); the helpless position of the slave as regard his master illustrates the helpless position of the false gods of Arabia in the presence of their Creator (Sura xvi.77).

4) Here are a few of the punishments that await those who transgress in islam; amputations, crucifixion, stoning to death, floggings.

5) Quite clearly under Islam, one does not have the right to change one's religion, if one is born into a Muslim family. A Muslim may not convert to another religion, this would be apostasy which is punishable by death.

That is just a start.

Now please share with us how you think they ARE compatible with western culture. Particularly, please point to a country where islam is the dominant religion that shares our democratic values.
The things you say about Islam are not part of the belief structure for 99.5% of Islam.

They are incompatible with Western Ideology and would never be allowed here, we have nothing to fear with regards to that.
"Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So, did the founders mean all religion except Islam, cuz that's not what they said....
The things you say about Islam are not part of the belief structure for 99.5% of Islam.

They are incompatible with Western Ideology and would never be allowed here, we have nothing to fear with regards to that.

Then the worth of Islam is .5%.
"Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So, did the founders mean all religion except Islam, cuz that's not what they said....

Apparently those who support the bakery owners being fined because they exercised their religious beliefs related to faggots like you don't believe that part of the 1st Amendment.
The things you say about Islam are not part of the belief structure for 99.5% of Islam.

They are incompatible with Western Ideology and would never be allowed here, we have nothing to fear with regards to that.

Ummm why are these things practiced in just about EVERY muslime country then

And surely you can provide concrete evidence for your 99.9% claim
"Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So, did the founders mean all religion except Islam, cuz that's not what they said....

Did the 2nd Amendment mean some guns?

Now I know why you are scared of APP. You have yet to offer one coherent argument about HOW islam IS compatible with western culture
Ummm why are these things practiced in just about EVERY muslime country then

And surely you can provide concrete evidence for your 99.9% claim

true, many Muslim nations do practice some form of the things you describe, but you are confusing Middle Eastern culture with the religion of Islam.
Did the 2nd Amendment mean some guns?

Now I know why you are scared of APP. You have yet to offer one coherent argument about HOW islam IS compatible with western culture

You have not met the burden of proof to set a factual basis. Currently you are asking me to prove a negative.
true, many Muslim nations do practice some form of the things you describe, but you are confusing Middle Eastern culture with the religion of Islam.

In those countries, the culture and the religion that happens to be Islam are the same thing.
Do I, racist?

Yes. The proof, which you say you want but always deny, is that you not once responded to this thread until after I did and you thread banned me from several of your threads.

You ask for proof. There it is. Admit it or forever be considered a liar.
You have not met the burden of proof to set a factual basis. Currently you are asking me to prove a negative.

How am I asking you to prove a negative?

I am asking you what traits of islam make it compatible with western culture

You spouted off some statistic which you have yet to verify.

Now I know why you are Afraid of APP. YOU SUCK AT THIS
So let's review

1) I challenge GayRod to a debate in APP on how he thinks islam is compatible with western culture.
2) GayRod apparently can't comport to APP rules and wants me to change APP rules to suit him.
3) I obviously can't change APP rules so GayRod runs off
4) GayRod starts the same debate in the general forum
5) GayRod offers stats he can't back up
6) then in a fit of chutzpah GayRod claims I asked him to prove a negative

Man do I feel sorry for anyone he represents.
The things you say about Islam are not part of the belief structure for 99.5% of Islam.

They are incompatible with Western Ideology and would never be allowed here, we have nothing to fear with regards to that.

Your 99% number is a talking point that's not reflective of reality. Pew did an excellent study of what global Muslims believe and it's actually pretty troubling. It will take less than 5 minutes to google it.

At any rate, the better question is this: is Sharia law compatible with western values?

The short answer is it depends on which Muslim you ask. Muslims who advocate Sharia for non-Muslims are a threat to democracy; ironically, I'd wager many Muslims would advocate they not be allowed into this country.

Conversely, those Muslims who believe it's a set of laws pertaining only to Muslims would do just fine in a democracy.

As far as the numbers go, if just one percent of the global Muslim community believes Sharia pertains to everyone, you are talking about millions of Muslims, since the total population is in the billions. In other words, this isn't Fred Phelps and his little band of fringe Christians we're talking about here.

And the 1% number is almost certainly low. It's a real problem.