Defining the Christian Life

The underlying tenet of Plato is a transcendental truth.

Platonism, neoplatonism, Transcendentalism, Stoicism, Confucianism, Daoism to name a few. Immanuel Kant and Soren Kierkegaard certainly considered a higher truth or a divine reality within reach of the human experience.

You're just wrong. And Kant argued against what you claimed.
You're just wrong. And Kant argued against what you claimed.

Transcendence or transcendent truths, in the way defined in post #140, is most definitely a part of Eastern philosophy, and quite a few western philosophical traditions from Platonism, to Stoicism, to Transcendentalism.
Too much of the Brown Acid?

Same immaculate drug conception tautology in that onward Christian Nation Klues Klucks duh Klans Fourth Reich crusade which May proceed jihad style under color of those crooks on Capital Hill national religion law "man is God" propaganda ....
Plato, probably. Kant, definitely not.

Kant definitely thought there was knowledge and truth which were beyond human reason and cognition, but I won't nitpick as to whether or not that would be considered a transcendent reality

Here is another philosophical tradition which definitely starts with the premise of an eternal transcendent truth:

Chinese Philosophy


Dao is a philosophical concept that is multifaceted and has several interpretations. The most profound interpretation is that of the Cosmic Dao, the Way of the cosmos, which is evident in nature (tian).

Encyclopedia Britannica
Kant definitely thought there was knowledge and truth which were beyond human reason and cognition, but I won't nitpick as to whether or not that would be considered a transcendent reality

Absolutely not. His entire corpus is an argument against the idea of knowledge being beyond reason.
Absolutely not. His entire corpus is an argument against the idea of knowledge being beyond reason.

That is about 180 degrees opposite from what I have read and heard about Kant, but we will have to disagree on that.

More broadly, my original point is no longer in dispute: there are Eastern and Western philosophical traditions which start with a premise that there is a transcendent truth, as defined in post 140.
More broadly, my original point is no longer in dispute: there are Eastern and Western philosophical traditions which start with a premise that there is a transcendent truth, as defined in post 140.

I never addressed the Eastern stuff, so nothing to discuss there.
Second, are you familiar with the bed of Procrustes? Everything everybody said fits into his position. How convenient.
Non sequitur. Now, if you said "literal Biblical interpretation", I agree 100%. There is whatever force is behind the Universe (call it a force, God, X, whatever) and there's mankind's interpretations of the Universe.

Example; Do facts change? Never. Facts are facts. OTOH, mankind's perception of the Universe, such a Ptolemy vs. Copernicus, does change....and quite often.

The Old Testament God, you must admit, had unbelievably less to know about that what the modern Universe(s?) present. Why should there be a 'force' behind the universe?
The third most important person in Christianity after Jesus and Paul, Saint Augustine, explicitly maintained that biblical interpretation should always be re-interpreted to conform to the latest accepted scholarly knowledge of the natural world -- and biblical literalism and inerrancy was never a tenet of Christianity until the Luther and Calvin made it a tenet of Protestantism

I'm not sure that either made it a 'tenet' - rather something that should never be clearly contradicted. A lot of early protestant stuff seems to me allegorical rather than literal.
this was all over the news.

We're moving, I bought A house. I'm only one person I need help.

I have no clue who this guy is. Nobody cares what you do. You can do whatever you want.
I didn't come to you for the job. He's telling you what to do. He's telling you what position
you're going to be working at. I didn't apply for this. He's telling you what you're going to
be earning. Have you ever heard of the witness protection program?

I'm dating these twins. You can't take one and not the other. It's not right. They get jealous.
You have to take them both. There was only one way I was able to tell the apart. Lightning
strike me down. The one gave A better B.J. than the other.

Who is this guy? Where did he come from? Why did I join the gym? It's free and designed to take the kids off the streets.
He was involved in a lot of street violence. His mother was a prostitute and was raped. His father is in jail for murder.
he Doesn't speak english and just mUmbles woRds to the cOach in his native laNguage. there was a group of kids after him.
A gang, He popped a couple of caps in the crowd and hit one in the shoulder. He was running down the block with the
pistol in his hand looking over his shoulder. There he is standing in the ring all geared up. We were mixing it up rough!
Than before I left i found out. Keep him here. Let's make sure nothing happens to him. Welcome to the dungeon. It's
just me him and captain RON.

He took a $20,000.00 credit card under my name and used it in a casino. They left me incapacitated!

This is old news. AJUM - it's my neighbors.

They split up and now him and the hasidic guy are not partners anymore. Bye bye Jersey!
The Muslim guy was mentored by the Hasidic and now works for jackie mason who was partners with the hasidic and left on bad terms.
Years later and I now work for the hasidic guy. I'm going to show the hasidic guy what the muslim guy showed me. Think about it. (:
Here comes James Bond to the rescue. See the Aston Martin? ;)
The Old Testament God, you must admit, had unbelievably less to know about that what the modern Universe(s?) present. Why should there be a 'force' behind the universe?

Again, you are anthropomorphizing an unknown force by taking the word of semi-literate desert nomads from four thousand years ago about stories that were told around the campfires for a few thousand years.

You believe the Universe just popped out of nowhere? Fascinating. Do you believe in Magick too?
Again, you are anthropomorphizing an unknown force by taking the word of semi-literate desert nomads from four thousand years ago about stories that were told around the campfires for a few thousand years.

You believe the Universe just popped out of nowhere? Fascinating. Do you believe in Magick too?

You think someone popped it out of his back pocket? Whose back pocket did he pop out of? Trying to deal with these matters in chimpanzee-type thought is a mug's game, in my view. If we are discussing the universe we need mathematical language, and if we want to decide how to behave, the 'God' notion tends to get in the way of sensible thought nowadays.
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unknown force
You think someone popped it out of his back pocket? Whose back pocket did he pop out of? Trying to deal with these matters in chimpanzee-type thought is a mug's game, in my view.
No. His? There you go again, anthropomorphizing. Speaking of chimp brains, do you think your dog understands you too?

The Universe exists. There was a Big Bang. Why the Universe exists or the forces at work are unknown. Hence, "unknown force." Why do you think all forces are male? Daddy issues or just gay? Both?
No. His? There you go again, anthropomorphizing. Speaking of chimp brains, do you think your dog understands you too?

The Universe exists. There was a Big Bang. Why the Universe exists or the forces at work are unknown. Hence, "unknown force." Why do you think all forces are male? Daddy issues or just gay? Both?

Where are all these forces coming from? I talk about chimpanzee language because that is near to our own species and gives some idea of how far we are from being able to deal with these matters in this selection of historical noises. Call it its back pocket if it makes you happy when talking about fantasised beings.
Where are all these forces coming from? I talk about chimpanzee language because that is near to our own species and gives some idea of how far we are from being able to deal with these matters in this selection of historical noises. Call it its back pocket if it makes you happy when talking about fantasised beings.
Unknown. The fact you think you know is fascinating. Does it give you comfort to claim you know it all?

un·known /ˌənˈnōn/
not known or familiar.
"exploration into unknown territory"
I'm not sure that either made it a 'tenet' - rather something that should never be clearly contradicted. A lot of early protestant stuff seems to me allegorical rather than literal.

The Church of England, aka Anglicans is England's own unique form of Protestantism, and while Anglicans took inspiration from Luther and continental Protestants, they charted their own course to a degree. No question there is substantial variation in Protestantism.

On another tangent, I recently learned that the Southern delegates to the U.S. constitutional convention were dead set against the USA capital moving to Philadelphia ---- the reason: they hated the Pennsylvania Quakers enthusiasm for slavery abolition and felt being in Philadelphia would give their slave retainers some unwanted inspiration.
The Church of England, aka Anglicans is England's own unique form of Protestantism, and while Anglicans took inspiration from Luther and continental Protestants, they charted their own course to a degree. No question there is substantial variation in Protestantism.

On another tangent, I recently learned that the Southern delegates to the U.S. constitutional convention were dead set against the USA capital moving to Philadelphia ---- the reason: they hated the Pennsylvania Quakers enthusiasm for slavery abolition and felt being in Philadelphia would give their slave retainers some unwanted inspiration.

Well, I don't live in England, and was brought up in the Church in Wales (same difference, but disestablished, after a long struggle, at the end of the First War). My father had been brought up as a Wesleyan before being ordained and my mother as a Congregationalist, but by that time I think the original beliefs were no longer examined much, so I can only go by bits and bobs of history - my own experience includes only the C in W and the Society of Friends, who are both, I suppose, pretty untypical.