DEI has been around forever.

We do not vote until November!

and you'll get chance to vote for a nominee that has never gotten a vote from a Demmycrat before the election.........historic isn't it........consider the Demmycrat legacy.......first man in Oval Office who didn't win a constitutional election.........first president forced to step down because of dementia.......first presidential nominee who never got a vote from a Demmycrat........and that's not even counting their horrible record on the economy, the border and foreign affairs........
I'll debunk your BS paragraph by paragraph:

1. A lie. All one has to do is just follow your posts & threads here to know that. As you are now repeating long debunked anti-Obama BS by the Turtle (McConnell) led GOP congress is testament to that.

Let's go through the Daily Beast's (a thoroughly pro-Obama source) claims:

1. Healthy people won't sign up. A combination canard and red herring. People who couldn't afford health insurance before and didn't qualify for expanded Medicaid didn't sign up. When Obamacare took effect there were about 25 million people without any health coverage. Eight years later there were still about 25 million people without health coverage.

2. You won't be able to keep your plan or doctor. That's absolutely true. In this respect it was a disaster. In many parts of the country you were reduced to choosing a plan from a single provider. In Arizona, there were counties, like Pinal, that had ZERO providers on the Obamacare plan.

3. Obamacare did up the deficit. Hundreds of billions a year, at a minimum had to be tossed at the system because insurers couldn't cover the cost of policies and the subsidies for those getting policies were government paid.

4. The article admits, freely, that Obamacare did hurt many state's budgets. No, no state saw its budget "busted" but that is simply a red herring in the form of an reductio ad absurdum fallacy by the article's author. It's a strawman argument.

5. Premiums did shoot through the roof. Excusing that by claiming subsidies covered people's costs, doesn't change that somebody--usually the government through taxpayers--were paying a lot more for health insurance.
I'm not sure that Kamala is presidential material, Miss Marple.

She did collude with the media to cover up Biden's cognitive decline.

The American people do not like cover-ups...she can no longer be trusted to tell the American people the truth.

Es la verdad, Senorita?
The cover up is always worse.
When your own a House Speaker has to essentially say "hey guys, let's not be racist and sexist, ok?" You know your party has issues with racism and sexism.

Let's go through the Daily Beast's (a thoroughly pro-Obama source) claims:

1. Healthy people won't sign up. A combination canard and red herring. People who couldn't afford health insurance before and didn't qualify for expanded Medicaid didn't sign up. When Obamacare took effect there were about 25 million people without any health coverage. Eight years later there were still about 25 million people without health coverage.

2. You won't be able to keep your plan or doctor. That's absolutely true. In this respect it was a disaster. In many parts of the country you were reduced to choosing a plan from a single provider. In Arizona, there were counties, like Pinal, that had ZERO providers on the Obamacare plan.

3. Obamacare did up the deficit. Hundreds of billions a year, at a minimum had to be tossed at the system because insurers couldn't cover the cost of policies and the subsidies for those getting policies were government paid.

4. The article admits, freely, that Obamacare did hurt many state's budgets. No, no state saw its budget "busted" but that is simply a red herring in the form of an reductio ad absurdum fallacy by the article's author. It's a strawman argument.

5. Premiums did shoot through the roof. Excusing that by claiming subsidies covered people's costs, doesn't change that somebody--usually the government through taxpayers--were paying a lot more for health insurance.
Let's (again) deconstruct your MAGA machinations point for point:

1. The main point of the ACA (Obamacare) was to have people get their healthcare THROUGH THEIR EMPLOYERS. The rest of your screed you pulled out of your ass (again). Here's a realistic take from Forbes 4 years ago:

2. Source please? And while you're scrambling, look at this:

3. Once again, you take a partial truth and load on a LOT of misinformation, supposition and conjecture. Newsflash: the MAJOR contributor to the national deficit is our military spending and tax breaks for the wealthy. While our Healthcare has ALWAYS been ridiculously expensive and a debt driver, it's not the main culprit. This is old news:

4. You don't even have the maturity to concede a point flat out. Instead, you try to BS your way to maintaining your erroneous contention by babbling with phrases like "reductio ad absurdum fallacy by the article's author. It's a strawman argument ". A collection of stupidity on your part, as the excerpt is integral part of the discussion. That it doesn't fully vet your beliefs has you all a fluster, and therefore comically trying to dismiss it.

5. It's not a "claim",'s a FACT. And once again you pull out of your ass an assertion that you cannot factually prove.

You excerpted this because you could not/dare not address the rest of my previous post. Like a good little Cheeto Jeezus acolyte, you'll keep revisiting the SOS of debunked and disproved Teabagger/MAGA talking points. That's insane, because the contrary facts to your drivel won't disappear. Carry on.
Let's (again) deconstruct your MAGA machinations point for point:

1. The main point of the ACA (Obamacare) was to have people get their healthcare THROUGH THEIR EMPLOYERS. The rest of your screed you pulled out of your ass (again). Here's a realistic take from Forbes 4 years ago:

In that respect it's a fail. It only switched who was getting what coverage for the most part. Even today, the number of uninsured remains about the same as it was pre-Obamacare.

3. Once again, you take a partial truth and load on a LOT of misinformation, supposition and conjecture. Newsflash: the MAJOR contributor to the national deficit is our military spending and tax breaks for the wealthy. While our Healthcare has ALWAYS been ridiculously expensive and a debt driver, it's not the main culprit. This is old news:

4. You don't even have the maturity to concede a point flat out. Instead, you try to BS your way to maintaining your erroneous contention by babbling with phrases like "reductio ad absurdum fallacy by the article's author. It's a strawman argument ". A collection of stupidity on your part, as the excerpt is integral part of the discussion. That it doesn't fully vet your beliefs has you all a fluster, and therefore comically trying to dismiss it.

5. It's not a "claim",'s a FACT. And once again you pull out of your ass an assertion that you cannot factually prove.

You excerpted this because you could not/dare not address the rest of my previous post. Like a good little Cheeto Jeezus acolyte, you'll keep revisiting the SOS of debunked and disproved Teabagger/MAGA talking points. That's insane, because the contrary facts to your drivel won't disappear. Carry on.

I just demolished all of your rant. Everything I stated was and is true.
In that respect it's a fail. It only switched who was getting what coverage for the most part. Even today, the number of uninsured remains about the same as it was pre-Obamacare.

I just demolished all of your rant. Everything I stated was and is true.
You just don't get it, do you bunky? No matter how many myopic articles you pull out from the last 10 years, the BOTTOM LINE is that MORE PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLING IN OBAMACARE. No state has been bankrupted because of it, no cascading numbers of businesses are folding up. I'll just pull the rug out from under some glaring BS mantras of yours....

And the whopper is your running to the FGA ... as if they're objective:

And I love how you double down on uninsured numbers:

These are just the more important aspects of how you insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant teabagger/neocon/maga mooks just keep on the Gobbels play book regardless of the facts from reputable sources that disprove you.

Bottom line: You clowns can whine and wail about DEI all you want, but the FACTS will always be there to make 3 monkeys out of you (as you demonstrated with the ACA). Carry on in denial.
You just don't get it, do you bunky? No matter how many myopic articles you pull out from the last 10 years, the BOTTOM LINE is that MORE PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLING IN OBAMACARE. No state has been bankrupted because of it, no cascading numbers of businesses are folding up. I'll just pull the rug out from under some glaring BS mantras of yours....

And the whopper is your running to the FGA ... as if they're objective:

And I love how you double down on uninsured numbers:

These are just the more important aspects of how you insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant teabagger/neocon/maga mooks just keep on the Gobbels play book regardless of the facts from reputable sources that disprove you.

Bottom line: You clowns can whine and wail about DEI all you want, but the FACTS will always be there to make 3 monkeys out of you (as you demonstrated with the ACA). Carry on in denial.
No, enrollment is flat.

But the increased enrollment news that the Biden administration celebrated on Wednesday has not come without cost. Some of the millions of new enrollees have only turned to the marketplace because they have been booted off Medicaid, the nearly free health care coverage offered to the poorest Americans or those with disabilities. The health plans they purchase through the marketplace will have higher premiums and copays for services.

Roughly 14.5 million Americans have been recently kicked off Medicaid after the federal government lifted a 3-year ban that barred states from removing ineligible people from the government-sponsored health insurance. States began purging millions of people from Medicaid last year, during an error-plagued process that has left thousands of children and pregnant women erroneously without health insurance coverage in some states.
Worse, the newest scam is third party agents are now switching enrollee's plans without telling them so they can make bank on subsidies and kickbacks.

So, just like Medicare / aid fraud, Obamacare has produced a black-market industry of scammers that are bilking billions from the government.
No, enrollment is flat.

But the increased enrollment news that the Biden administration celebrated on Wednesday has not come without cost. Some of the millions of new enrollees have only turned to the marketplace because they have been booted off Medicaid, the nearly free health care coverage offered to the poorest Americans or those with disabilities. The health plans they purchase through the marketplace will have higher premiums and copays for services.

Roughly 14.5 million Americans have been recently kicked off Medicaid after the federal government lifted a 3-year ban that barred states from removing ineligible people from the government-sponsored health insurance. States began purging millions of people from Medicaid last year, during an error-plagued process that has left thousands of children and pregnant women erroneously without health insurance coverage in some states.
Worse, the newest scam is third party agents are now switching enrollee's plans without telling them so they can make bank on subsidies and kickbacks.

So, just like Medicare / aid fraud, Obamacare has produced a black-market industry of scammers that are bilking billions from the government.
:rolleyes: Amazing how your first 2 paragraphs HAVE NO LINK FOR DOCUMENTATION. Essentially you just repeat the SOS that my previous post articles (that use valid, documented sources) debunks.
And as typical with stubborn MAGA mooks, since you can't BS past my links, you try to prove your assertion with articles regarding CASES OF FRAUD.

FRAUD, you blithering bumpkin! NOT SOMETHING BUILT INTO THE ACA. Fraud is perpetrated by unscrupulous folk committing a criminal act. Maybe you've heard of IDENTITIY THEFT? That's been going on for a LONG time now. Law enforcement agencies fight a seemingly never ending battle. Ever hear of insurance scams? If not, look it up. Bottom line is that the country has not grinded to a halt because of these criminals.

So for you and your fellow dimwits to latch onto this information like the ACA is the ONLY victim of such crime is pathetic. Also, YOU insinuate BEYOND the information available as to just how damaging this situation is. Here stupid, LEARN TO EVALUATE ALL THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE.

Now run-a-long and try to find yet another alley to duck down in trying to shore up your anti-Obama bullshit. Or do your usual myopic repetition while denying/avoiding contrary facts. Like your DEI whining, the facts will always be there to be your undoing. Carry on.