Delaration of Independence: The Signers. Just a bit of history...

I'll let you know. I don't have to say under god, do I?

They will not stop your citizenship if you don't say the " help me God" part of the oath.

Contrary to what some people believe, it is still a secular gov't.
What we're talking about is economic slavery and how conservative principals encourage it, I think.

As far as racism vs white males, or whatever you guys are talking about, I don't know, the way I see it is there's only one color, green.

I encourage people to make use of their property (belongings, assets, businesses, cash, what-have-you) however they see fit. If that's encouraging "wage slavery," so be it, because that is the American way. That is Natural Rights, political freedom, and everything that truly matters.
I won't lie. That would be demeaning to me and to the event itself. I'll just keep respectfully quiet.
That's the way to go. Nobody is going to force you to pray to a God you don't believe exists. I still would love to come and watch the ceremony. It's very significant and happening to somebody that I like. :D
I encourage people to make use of their property (belongings, assets, businesses, cash, what-have-you) however they see fit. If that's encouraging "wage slavery," so be it, because that is the American way. That is Natural Rights, political freedom, and everything that truly matters.

You're a sick mockery of american values.
I don't think so.

"so help me God" is part of it though.
And you don't have to say that either, just as I did not have to say it when I took the oath as a soldier, i said affirm, and I stopped and did not say so help me god. As with that oath you are allowed to omit so help me god from the oath.
That's the way to go. Nobody is going to force you to pray to a God you don't believe exists. I still would love to come and watch the ceremony. It's very significant and happening to somebody that I like. :D

And you don't have to say that either, just as I did not have to say it when I took the oath as a soldier, i said affirm, and I stopped and did not say so help me god. As with that oath you are allowed to omit so help me god from the oath.

Thanks Capt. Reaffirm!
And you don't have to say that either, just as I did not have to say it when I took the oath as a soldier, i said affirm, and I stopped and did not say so help me god. As with that oath you are allowed to omit so help me god from the oath.

Out of curiosity, did you say "affirm" for a specific personal reason, or did you just find the language to better state your feelings toward your service?

I plan to say "affirm" sometime for no other reason than that I'm weird, but that's not really a reason...
I won't lie. That would be demeaning to me and to the event itself. I'll just keep respectfully quiet.

Welcome to citizenship, Thorn. I am proud to know you and prouder still to have you as a fellow countryman.
I think citizenship means more than keeping quiet. That seems in line with your fascism though.

I hink shewas talking about just not using the " help me God" part of the oath. Not that she was going to keep quiet on everything.

Its all in the context, asshat.