Dem coup attempt on Biden fails.

Not true. NATO thinks Joke is a vegetable. They really don't want the wrecking ball they see in Trump either. From their POV, they're screwed either way things turn out.

They know Trump will force them into spending the full amount required by treaty, or more. They don't want that because they can't afford it due to the rising costs of their Greentard plans and social spending. On the other hand, they know Joke doesn't have a clue and is likely to get them into a war they can't afford to fight.
Their illegal immigration is raising their spending also.
There might be a few who have "no concerns"...the majority are Very concerned...They're not blind or deaf...they were all at the "Big Boy" presser....
Check out the European headlines...
I see your buddy Frank kicked you to the curb for your incessant trolling. Bwahahah!

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I’d ask for evidence of your claim, but know you won’t and can’t provide it.

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday warned against underestimating President Biden, describing him as a “very focused” leader following this week’s NATO Summit in Washington, D.C.”

I have a feeling these leaders who have actually met and had discussions with Biden know more about his cogition and leadership than some dog-hair-covered obsessed and angry shut-in in Ohio. lol
I have a feeling these leaders who have actually met and had discussions with Biden know more about his cogition and leadership than some dog-hair-covered obsessed and angry shut-in in Ohio. lol

Biden reportedly is at his best in those one-on-one meetings. The man is deeply learned in international relations, as compared to Trump who is deeply unlearned.
He’s running the country and inflation is lower, wages are up, infrastructure is being improved, low unemployment, drug costs are being lowered, crime is down, there are so many positive things happening! Go Pres. Biden!
Yep! And if your retirement portfolio looks anything like ours, you go around with a satisfied grin, like we do. lol
I want him to finish what he has accomplished so far. I think he is doing a masterful job. I don’t see tired, I see focused and a seasoned politician with foreign policy wisdom we need at this time.,
Old he may be, but even so he is far, far better than the criminal painted fat old man the (R)s are trying to shove down our throats.
He will not be missed... But if things are so great... as described above... then he'll win in a "landslide"... he tried to tell those lies again last night, too... It's too bad that he doesn't care about real people enough to tell the truth .. And accept the mess he's made...
He will not be missed... But if things are so great... as described above... then he'll win in a "landslide"... he tried to tell those lies again last night, too... It's too bad that he doesn't care about real people enough to tell the truth .. And accept the mess he's made...

I've neglected you badly lately. Here, have this consolation gift. :laugh:

Old he may be, but even so he is far, far better than the criminal painted fat old man the (R)s are trying to shove down our throats.
Assuming that’s true why run a painted old turnip that has little chance of defeating the painted fat old man?
I know why. You actually WANT Trump to win, don’t you? There IS no other explanation.
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Oh look! It's more alternative Reichwing "facts"!

You are wrong, of course. NATO nations **have** been paying their share.

"The increase in defence spending means European Nato allies as a whole are collectively spending 2% of their combined GDP – worth $380bn – on defence for the first time.

"This year's estimates are set to exceed Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's projection.

In 2023, he said 18 nations were expected to spend 2% of GDP on defence in 2024."

Here's that info, same source, in graphic form:

Your article says, "collectively." That is disingenuous. NATO's membership rules state each member will put in at least 2% of their GDP towards defense.

Canada isn't doing that under the radical leftist government of Trudeau

As of 2024, 8 members are still below 2%

Not true. NATO thinks Joke is a vegetable. They really don't want the wrecking ball they see in Trump either. From their POV, they're screwed either way things turn out.

They know Trump will force them into spending the full amount required by treaty, or more. They don't want that because they can't afford it due to the rising costs of their Greentard plans and social spending. On the other hand, they know Joke doesn't have a clue and is likely to get them into a war they can't afford to fight.
You can simply say the opposite and think you are correct. However as Joe said, the NATO people were telling him what a disaster Trump would be to the whole globe. Almost all nations have elevated their defense budget to 2 percent.
Daffy Donald would destroy our alliances and trash deals unilaterally.
The world leaders know what a childish idiot Trump is. It appears to be beyond you.
Your article says, "collectively." That is disingenuous. NATO's membership rules state each member will put in at least 2% of their GDP towards defense.

Canada isn't doing that under the radical leftist government of Trudeau

As of 2024, 8 members are still below 2%

Why are you complaining about that here?
That is absolutely not true. NATO is very happy with Joe and fears what a mess Trump would be. European leaders are on Joe's side and have the same fear of Trump, that he has no respect for existing deals and treaties. That he does what he wants.
True, but to be fair it was Cheeto Jeezus that put the burr under the saddle for the NATO allies to get their financial contributions and such in order.
I disagree slightly. Biden is far from the worst. He is merely old and tired, and IMO should finish his term and ride off into the sunset.
In his career Uncle Joe has never met a war he didn't like. Then there was that business with the 1994 Crime Bill, and the famous quote that "Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”

So he's not by far the worse, but for me his record is dubious enough not to vote for him even if he was bereft of the ravages of old age.
In his career Uncle Joe has never met a war he didn't like. Then there was that business with the 1994 Crime Bill, and the famous quote that "Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”

So he's not by far the worse, but for me his record is dubious enough not to vote for him even if he was bereft of the ravages of old age.
Well, when the alternative (#TRE45ON) is even worse, guess we gotta do what we gotta do. IMO Biden's performance so far has been fine.