Dem house leader Pelosi thinks you all are very very stupid

Joe the P is the new EF Hutton. It's all I can do to just breathe in between his pearls of wisdom...

Me too, I love Joe the Plumber, I have never seen anything like this. My favorite part is when Joe the Plumber described what he was thinking as he spoke to Barack Obama “why, he is just like Sammy Davis Jr.” Joe the Plumber realized! And you know, I always knew Obama reminded me of somebody! It took Joe the Plumber to put his finger on it. I can’t wait for his book to come out, I’m pre-ordering!
I'd be interested to see the reasoning for that. There is a possibility that they COULD be more bipartisan; it's hard to get any worse than the past 7+ years. It's possible she's counting on the idea that Republicans will have to moderate & meet the Dems halfway to earn more seats in both houses from voters ultimately.

I think people will be surprised by Obama. I think he has much more potential to look for consensus & encourage it than Bush did. Even with plans like healthcare, he's going to have to appeal to a lot of conservative Dems, who are almost the same as liberal Republicans...
Conservative Dems? Like who? Zell Miller? Virgil Goode? The blue dogs of the 80's? I don't see any more Conservative Dems, not by voting record anyway. I barely see any Dem moderates either.

This is silly, the Dems already control both the house and senate, a house or senate that is split fifty-fifty is as bipartisan as it is possible to get, increase a majority either way and you move to being more partisan.
I'm sure a filibuster proof Dem senate is going to be REAL interested in working with Repubs they dont need.
All these arguments between parties is nice.

But the idea that we are stupid has merit. Here are a dozen pieces of evidence that Pelosi is right. I am quite sure there are many more.

1) Look at the cash registers at fast food places. Most of them have pictures now, and the cashier is to stupid to make change.

2) 47% of people surveyed thought the government should be able to censor the news.

3) How many people think we went into Iraq because of 9/11?

4) Bush was a complete joke in his first term, and then got reelected.

5) The best the dems had to offer as far as campaigns in 2004 was "I am not George W. Bush".

6) Look at the number of, supposedly, educated people who panicked and sold their stock at record low prices.

7) Michael Vick went to prison for cruelty to animals, but other pro athletes have gotten away with beating their spouses so many times the emergency room knows their registration info.

8) There is an entire museum dedicated to Creationism. And they don't make fun of it there.

9) No incumbent in the presidential race, and McCain & Obama are the best we can offer?

10) After seeing the satellite photos of Hurricane Ike, and being warned that Galveston would be underwater, people still stayed.

11) We risked people's lives to rescue the people who stayed in Galveston during Ike.

12) We still have daylight savings time and change our clocks twice a year.
I really hope they're not bipartisan. It's time to totally undo everything the Republicans have accomplished since 1994.

How about since 2000 when Bush took over?
Pill Bill
Largest ever education increase with NCLB
Unemployment benefits increase
NEA funding increase
Farm subsidy bill
Pork laden transport bill
And on and on

Undo that, go for it.
Me too, I love Joe the Plumber, I have never seen anything like this. My favorite part is when Joe the Plumber described what he was thinking as he spoke to Barack Obama “why, he is just like Sammy Davis Jr.” Joe the Plumber realized! And you know, I always knew Obama reminded me of somebody! It took Joe the Plumber to put his finger on it. I can’t wait for his book to come out, I’m pre-ordering!

funny, but Obama reminds me more of Urkel
All these arguments between parties is nice.

But the idea that we are stupid has merit. Here are a dozen pieces of evidence that Pelosi is right. I am quite sure there are many more.

1) Look at the cash registers at fast food places. Most of them have pictures now, and the cashier is to stupid to make change.

2) 47% of people surveyed thought the government should be able to censor the news.

3) How many people think we went into Iraq because of 9/11?

4) Bush was a complete joke in his first term, and then got reelected.

5) The best the dems had to offer as far as campaigns in 2004 was "I am not George W. Bush".

6) Look at the number of, supposedly, educated people who panicked and sold their stock at record low prices.

7) Michael Vick went to prison for cruelty to animals, but other pro athletes have gotten away with beating their spouses so many times the emergency room knows their registration info.

8) There is an entire museum dedicated to Creationism. And they don't make fun of it there.

9) No incumbent in the presidential race, and McCain & Obama are the best we can offer?

10) After seeing the satellite photos of Hurricane Ike, and being warned that Galveston would be underwater, people still stayed.

11) We risked people's lives to rescue the people who stayed in Galveston during Ike.

12) We still have daylight savings time and change our clocks twice a year.
I don't think we are stupid, I think Pelosi thinks people are stupid for thinking they will buy that increasing an already present Dem majority will make things more bipartisan.
funny, but Obama reminds me more of Urkel

Why is it funny? I hope you don’t think I made up the Sammy davis jr part…I didn’t. that’s what this group of fools and racists left in the republican party have been running around with. And if you think a bald headed fuck who makes 40k a year and thinks that the govt giving him a tax cut is “socialism”, comparing the democratic nominee for president to Sammy davis jr, isn’t a racist issue, then they must piss their pants with glee at the three card monte tables when they see you coming.
We bought more houses than we could afford.
How many of us are upside down on auto loans ?
Creditcard debt for status stuff ?
electing Bush Twice!
And mccain is in serious contention.
Stock panic.
having a stupid baseball comissioner.
etc etc
I'll go along with everything except the "McCain is in contention" part. Though I am not voting for him I don't in anyway believe he can/will be as bad as Bush.
I am trying to find the poll but since its 10 or 15 years old, I am having trouble.

A major poll asked americans who they trust most.

Walter Cronkite won the poll, which is kinda scary since he basically read the news.

But the person who cam in second was Betty Crocker. Betty Crocker? People trust a fictional character off a cake mix box?

And you think Pelosi is wrong?