Democrat corruption on the rise. Blagojevich

On the local level in my state its an absolute clusterfuck how many of the Dems are sleazy. Im convinced both sides have plenty of scum bags to go around but it seems that when one party has all the power it emboldens the criminal elements of the party.
On the local level in my state its an absolute clusterfuck how many of the Dems are sleazy. Im convinced both sides have plenty of scum bags to go around but it seems that when one party has all the power it emboldens the criminal elements of the party.

Funny that you did not talk of this 8 years ago....
On the local level in my state its an absolute clusterfuck how many of the Dems are sleazy. Im convinced both sides have plenty of scum bags to go around but it seems that when one party has all the power it emboldens the criminal elements of the party.

Exactly why I found an upside to McCain being elected over Obama. With divided government no side gets its way .. and the lesss these bozos in Washington do, the better it is for the American people.
Exactly why I found an upside to McCain being elected over Obama. With divided government no side gets its way .. and the lesss these bozos in Washington do, the better it is for the American people.
I agree with that. The best our government does is when the government is divided.
That kind of split gov't/gridlock is best philosophy may work at times, but now is not one of them. Bold action is needed, and I'm glad there is one party control going into the new year.
This will be interesting:

A three-year federal corruption investigation of pay-to-play politics in Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration has expanded to include his impending selection of a new U.S. senator to succeed President-elect Barack Obama, the Tribune has learned.

Federal authorities got approval from a judge before the November general election to secretly record the governor, sources told the Tribune, and among their concerns was whether the selection process might be tainted. That possibility has become a focus in an intensifying investigation that has included recordings of the governor and the cooperation of one of his closest friends.

Not sure what it means, but if this guy solicited or accepted bribes relating to who he names as a successor to Obama I hope he goes down hard.
They way things roll in Illinois they almost ought to pre-emptively arrest the next person who declares he/she wants to run for Governer.
Another Corrupt Democrat. They are on a roll,0,7997804.story

UPDATE: Source: Feds take Gov. Blagojevich into custody

A source said today that Gov. Rod Blagojevich was taken into federal custody at his North Side home this morning. The U.S. attorney's office would not confirm the information, and a spokesman for the governor did not immediately return a phone call for comment.

Illinois, no shortage. I missed this and just posted.
Oh fuck, I hope he wasn't talking to anybody connected with Obama

One of Rahms associates (not sure how close) is supposedly the one that wore the wire that helped take him down. According to the article he was helping the Feds. That is the only connection I have seen. So if anything the very loose connection to Obama has done the right thing.

Completely seperate from the above.... my money is now on Jesse Jackson Jr. getting the seat.
Typical. Though history has shown us that every time one party has complete control we get screwed. I hope Obama sets a new precedent.

That's a pretty simplistic exaggeration. There is no cookie cutter for one party rule throughout history, and I would disagree that we "get screwed" every time.
On the local level in my state its an absolute clusterfuck how many of the Dems are sleazy. Im convinced both sides have plenty of scum bags to go around but it seems that when one party has all the power it emboldens the criminal elements of the party.

hey watermark, you catch that? your state has crooked democrats. :cof1:
Typical that this would become a concern of yours only after 8 years of right wing one party rule.

To be honest, I had the same hope that Bush and the Rep Congress would be the ones to set the precedent. They deserved the ass kicking they took in 2006 and 2008.