Democratic Super Star Running for President!

The idea that, Cynthia McKinney, who couldn't even win a Democratic primary in her home district in Georgia is going to siphon off votes from the Democratic nominee is laughable. Almost as laughable as Dano.

Yea, but it was a nice thought.
If she gets momentum going she could hurt dems in the general. Can you say President Huckabee?

Well, Huckabee is actually nuts. I mean, look into his eyes, it’s there just like I saw it long before W was ever appointed President.
But I don’t care anymore, if we nominate Hillary, I’ll vote for her (McKinney). Let America have Huckabee they are just stupid enough to elect him. I honestly am at the point where I feel they deserve him. Never have a stupider people ever walked the earth than today’s Americans. F them. I’m not voting for Hillary. I probably won’t vote for Obama…though it will be tough to vote against the first black President, I may cave on that, and hell who knows, maybe he will show me something between now and November…I will definitely vote for Edwards.
Still, there are very possible scenarios where I’d vote for Cynthia McKinney, and it would be the biggest f you vote of my life, and I have no problem doing it even if it makes Huckabee President.
Well, Huckabee is actually nuts. I mean, look into his eyes, it’s there just like I saw it long before W was ever appointed President.
But I don’t care anymore, if we nominate Hillary, I’ll vote for her (McKinney). Let America have Huckabee they are just stupid enough to elect him. I honestly am at the point where I feel they deserve him. Never have a stupider people ever walked the earth than today’s Americans. F them. I’m not voting for Hillary. I probably won’t vote for Obama…though it will be tough to vote against the first black President, I may cave on that, and hell who knows, maybe he will show me something between now and November…I will definitely vote for Edwards.
Still, there are very possible scenarios where I’d vote for Cynthia McKinney, and it would be the biggest f you vote of my life, and I have no problem doing it even if it makes Huckabee President.

:hedb: Rock on!
If she gets momentum going she could hurt dems in the general. Can you say President Huckabee?

She won't even get 50,000 votes nationwide dude. Bank on it. And I actually like her, but that's reality. I certainly hope we don't have the same deja vu in 2008, that we had in 2000. I had to run a guantlet of progressives who lectured me that Al Gore was no different Beorge Bush, and therefore why not vote for Ralph Nader? I don't think that will happen again.
Dh, can you explain what you meant by “my lover hates Obama”? I hope no one is spreading a rumor that Dano is my lover? Or that freaking top. lol
I'm still waiting to hear from DeMano on how he can, with a straight face, start by slamming Dems for not kicking McKinney out of their party, and finish by slamming them for forcing her out of the party & "not having a big tent," when all she did was lose her election, anyway.

Liberano? DeMano? Danold?
Ohhh, you mean my future lover Paul Krugman don’t you? LOL. That’s so funny DH, sorry it went wooosh on me for a minute. Or ok, three minutes.
Yeah he is not a big Obama fan, that’s true.
There's no proof she did that. It's all he said vs she said which doesn't usually work in court without some type of evidence. They said they didn't know her because she changed her hair due which is just bull because it doesn't change your face and she's been there for more then a few terms. She was one of the more liberal democrats out there. She had impeachment out there before Dennis Kucinich even thought about it (for what happened in the 2000 election). She had high ratings from liberal groups and wasn't your typical "politics as usual" Congress member.

I'll vote for her.

Any lady that punches out a cop, has got to be fearless in taking on the islamic evil doers.

I just can't get out of my mind, the image of the hapless george bush flying around the country in a panic, on 9/11.

McKinney 2008!
LOL! You're comparing this to Tom Delay? That's pathetic.

Easy enough to check. This is from the original post on FP:

"Liberal Dem Star Cynthia McKinney NOW in trouble for corruption, will SHE resign?"

""Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.

Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer's money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta."

She should resign, Delay did, but usually Liberal Democrats just cling to power rather than try and be accountable, at least corrupt Republicans resign.

But there does seem to be a double standard, why are Liberals never pushed by the media and regular people to step down? "

How embarassing....
The GOP didn't force Tom Delay out. Denny Hastert did everything he could to bring back Tom Delay which included changing House rules to do it. Oh and do some research on the corruption of Hastert as well. He's taken thousands of dollars of bribes from Turkey.

This really sums up how duplicitous Dano is. He can criticize lilberal Dems either way.

First, he takes them to task for not forcing her out, as the noble GOP does to its members who have been tainted by corruption.

Then, after he thinks everyone has forgotten, he actually criticizes them for forcing her out (didn't she just lose an election, anyway?), saying it means they don't have a "big tent."

Can you at least see the inherent & overwhelming dishonesty in that, Liberano?
Nah. I don't see that happening. Anyone who probably would vote for her is already supporting Kucinich. Plus democrats don't have a liking for third party candidates. Look at how they generally treat Ralph Nader and blame him for Gore's loss even though Gore won the popular vote.

If she gets momentum going she could hurt dems in the general. Can you say President Huckabee?
So, Dano did you answer the question:

How is she still a democratic superstar & you vindicated when she's not even on the democratic ballot?