Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

You're living in the past. Is that because it's not as threatening?

At any rate, my age isn't at issue. You claim that health care reform is bad for America; I say the opposite.

We will see who's right, and soon.
You're living in the past. Is that because it's not as threatening?

At any rate, my age isn't at issue. You claim that health care reform is bad for America; I say the opposite.

We will see who's right, and soon.

It would explain if you are either a liar (if you lived thru the Carter years) or a fool (if you did not and are too lazy to do your own research and accept what the left wing kooks tell you about the 70's)
Personally, I'm waiting to see how this healthcare reform is going to make the pharmaceutical companies stop the overcharging for medicine while at the same time keeping people from getting cheaper meds from Canada.

Someone needs to kick Obama in the shins about this.
Personally, I'm waiting to see how this healthcare reform is going to make the pharmaceutical companies stop the overcharging for medicine while at the same time keeping people from getting cheaper meds from Canada.

Someone needs to kick Obama in the shins about this.

What is "overcharging"? Anything over what you deem if proper? So what if it takes years and billions to bireng a drug to market
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Personally, I'm waiting to see how this healthcare reform is going to make the pharmaceutical companies stop the overcharging for medicine while at the same time keeping people from getting cheaper meds from Canada.

Someone needs to kick Obama in the shins about this.

What is "overcharging"? Anything over what you deem if proper? So what if it takes years and billions to bireng a drug to market

Hey asshole, next time you're VERY sick, go to the doctor and pay straight up without insurance. Then go down to the pharmacy and pay for the weeks worth of pills straight up, without insurance. Afterwards, go on the internet, and find out how much the exact same medication costs in Canada, without insurance. Hopefully, if you're honest onto yourself, you'll get the message (hope does spring eternal).
I just stop reading here. Thanks for having me not waste time. :)

But you're perfectly fine with Red having a tag line that calls anyone who voted for Obama an asshole, right Southie? Did anyone ever explain the word "hypocrisy" to you? Or are you naturally this stupid?

If you're ignoring me, then you don't have to tell me, genius. God, you are SO desperate for revenge. But you're out of your league bunky.....get use to it. You're finished here.
He is an expert at the demonstration of liberal tolerance

But it's okay for YOU to have a tag calling Obama voters assholes, right?
Like your mouth breathing buddy here, you are either clueless or forgot the definition of word "hypocrisy". Or maybe you understand the phrase, "double standard"? In any event, spare us all the posturing, because you just don't have the brains to pull it off.

You're finished, jackass.
But you're perfectly fine with Red having a tag line that calls anyone who voted for Obama an asshole, right Southie? Did anyone ever explain the word "hypocrisy" to you? Or are you naturally this stupid?

If you're ignoring me, then you don't have to tell me, genius. God, you are SO desperate for revenge. But you're out of your league bunky.....get use to it. You're finished here.

Red's bumper sticker isn't directed at anyone in particular.

What revenge? I have no reason for wanting revenge over you, since that entails that you've won something. LOL.
But it's okay for YOU to have a tag calling Obama voters assholes, right?
Like your mouth breathing buddy here, you are either clueless or forgot the definition of word "hypocrisy". Or maybe you understand the phrase, "double standard"? In any event, spare us all the posturing, because you just don't have the brains to pull it off.

You're finished, jackass.

Do you have a guilty conscience son?
Personally, I'm waiting to see how this healthcare reform is going to make the pharmaceutical companies stop the overcharging for medicine while at the same time keeping people from getting cheaper meds from Canada.

Someone needs to kick Obama in the shins about this.
I'd like to see some fix for the way that Americans are subsidizing their pharmaceuticals. It would be nice to see more equitable pricing. A simple law might do it, like, "You must charge American companies an equitable price to other nations." (Or something like that that takes up several hundred pages of legaleze).

The companies couldn't then negotiate below cost for other programs while charging the differences to the American consumer. We don't need to be the progressive payers for the rest of the world.
I'd like to see some fix for the way that Americans are subsidizing their pharmaceuticals. It would be nice to see more equitable pricing. A simple law might do it, like, "You must charge American companies an equitable price to other nations." (Or something like that that takes up several hundred pages of legaleze).

The companies couldn't then negotiate below cost for other programs while charging the differences to the American consumer. We don't need to be the progressive payers for the rest of the world.

are pharmaceutical companies charging a lower price to other countries?.....I was under the impression that drugs were cheaper in other countries because other countries were subsidizing the cost of drugs......I seem to recall Canada bitching about Americans buying their drugs in Canada because it was costing Canada money......
So if according to Emanuel, the NONdisabled should not get medical care, what is to happen to adults and children with cerebral palsy, people with dementia, or Americans who have Parkinson's?


July 24, 2009 --


Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He has already been appointed to two key positions: health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research.

Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).

He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled,
So if according to Emanuel, the NONdisabled should not get medical care, what is to happen to adults and children with cerebral palsy, people with dementia, or Americans who have Parkinson's?


July 24, 2009 --


Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He has already been appointed to two key positions: health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research.

Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).

He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled,

Obviously, they will be left to die. It's freakin scary and we we must stop it.
Obviously, they will be left to die. It's freakin scary and we we must stop it.

This is also a very KEY STATEMENT:

"Yes, that's what patients want their doctors to do. But Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else."

Who in the hell do these people think they are to determine who is better than someone else.

I want my doctor to believe in the hippocratic oath and I want him to look at me, not over my shoulder at the person next in line to decide who gets treated.

I don't believe many doctors would practice if it comes down to this.

Here's the real dirty secret of this bill. And people said it wasn't about rationing care. BS.
are pharmaceutical companies charging a lower price to other countries?.....I was under the impression that drugs were cheaper in other countries because other countries were subsidizing the cost of drugs......I seem to recall Canada bitching about Americans buying their drugs in Canada because it was costing Canada money......
You bet they are. Canada "negotiated" some sweet deals, that coupled with subsidies in pricing from their own government makes their drugs quite cheap, and we wind up subsidizing it too with higher costs here.
I'd like to see some fix for the way that Americans are subsidizing their pharmaceuticals. It would be nice to see more equitable pricing. A simple law might do it, like, "You must charge American companies an equitable price to other nations." (Or something like that that takes up several hundred pages of legaleze).

The companies couldn't then negotiate below cost for other programs while charging the differences to the American consumer. We don't need to be the progressive payers for the rest of the world.

There it is! The trouble with progressives is they don't add in that part of the equasion or others. Pharma passes costs onto American consumers in order to give nations with socialized medicine dicsounts. The other outrageous cost to our current health care is governemnt run health care! Take away the cost of fraud and other bungled abuses of medicare and medicaide combine that with the passed on costs from law suits and voila` health care becomes affordable once again!