Democrats: Please discredit this list of Obama tax increases for me.


Abreast of the situations
Anybody with the knowledge on here able to tell me this list is BS?

Barack Obama Voted At Least 94 Times For Higher Taxes In The U.S. Senate. (RNC Research)

· To Date, Barack Obama Has Voted For A Tax Increase Approximately Once Every Five Days Congress Has Been In Session. (RNC Research; The Library Of Congress Website,, Accessed 6/8/08)

Barack Obama Voted In Favor Of The Democrats' FY 2009 Budget, Which Would Raise Tax Rates For Americans Earning As Little As $31,850:

Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats' FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85, Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea)

The Democrats' Budget Would Raise Taxes On Individuals Earning As Little As $31,850. "Under both Democratic plans, tax rates would increase by 3 percentage points for each of the 25 percent, 28 percent and 33 percent brackets. At present, the 25 percent bracket begins at $31,850 for individuals and $63,700 for married couples. The 35 percent bracket on incomes over $349,700 would jump to 39.6 percent." (Andrew Taylor, "Presidential Hopefuls To Vote On Budget," The Associated Press, 3/13/08)

In The State Senate, Barack Obama Supported "Hundreds Of Tax Increases." ABC's Terry Moran: "[O]bama was considered a reliable liberal Democratic vote in Illinois. For instance, voting for most gun control measures, opposing efforts to ban so-called partial birth abortions and supporting hundreds of tax increases." (ABC's "Nightline," 2/25/08)

In 2004, Barack Obama Voted For A $304 Million Tax Increase On Businesses In Creating The Tax Shelter Voluntary Compliance Act. (H.B. 848, Illinois Senate Floor Third Reading, Passed 30-28-1, 5/20/04, Obama Voted Yea; Dave McKinney, "Blagojevich Threatens Up To 5,000 State Layoffs," Chicago Sun-Times, 5/21/04)

· The Legislation "Triggered A Huge Outcry From Business Groups," Which Contended It Would "Drive Companies Out Of State" And Cost Jobs. "The governor's bid to raise taxes and fees by close to $400 million and reel in another $300 million-plus in corporate tax breaks has triggered a huge outcry from business groups, which contend the moves will drive companies out of state and cause Illinois to lose jobs." (Dave McKinney and Leslie Griffy, "Blagojevich Threatens Up To 5,000 State Layoffs," Chicago Sun-Times, 5/21/04)

In 2003, Barack Obama Voted For A Bill "That Raised A Huge Number Of Fees And Taxes" On Businesses And Licenses. "Obama voted for a bill during the 2003 Illinois General Assembly legislative session that raised a huge number of fees and taxes for businesses and licenses to cover day-to-day expenses of state government." (Terrence L. Barnich, Op-Ed, "4 Partisan Questions For Obama," Chicago Tribune, 7/29/04)

· The Legislation Negatively Impacted Illinois' Trucking Industry, Costing The State 25,000 Licensed Trucks In 2005. "Almost 17,000 fewer commercial trucks and 2,700 fewer trucking companies have been registered in Illinois for 2005, fueling the trucking industry's claim that Gov. Rod Blagojevich is driving businesses out of the state with his new fees and business taxes." (Brian Wallheimer, "Governor's New Fees Are Driving Trucking Firms Out Of Illinois, Industry Says," St. Louis Post- Dispatch, 5/5/04)

In 2003, Barack Obama Voted To Tax Natural Gas Purchased Outside Of Illinois. (S.B. 1733, Bill Status,, Accessed 2/11/08; S.B. 1733: Concurrence In House Amendment #4, Passed 31-27-00, 5/31/03, Obama Voted Yea)

· The Natural Gas Tax Made Natural Gas More Expensive For Industrial Buyers Such As Manufacturers. "The natural gas tax. A new policy under Blagojevich's budget will make natural gas more expensive to industrial buyers. Currently, Illinois offers an exemption on the sales tax paid for natural gas, but the new budget ends that exemption, a move that could become a major expense for steel mills and other factories that use large quantities of natural gas." (Kevin McDermott, "Area Dodged Legislative Hit On Schools, Roads," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/8/03)

· Barack Obama Voted For The Natural Gas Tax, Which Threatened Jobs, At The Same Time That Illinois Was Leading The Nation In Jobs Lost. "Just as harmful to the state's economy are the large taxes on natural gas brought from out-of-state suppliers and the rolling stock sales tax. Both of these taxes will negatively affect important businesses as well as the employees who are dependent on these Illinois companies. I have received phone calls and letters from all sectors of the business community who reported that the projected loss of revenues due to these increased taxes and fees may well cause them to close their facilities in Illinois and move to a more business-friendly surrounding state while still serving Illinois customers. Illinois leads the nation in jobs lost. We cannot afford to drive more businesses from our state." (State Rep. Carolyn Krause, Op-Ed, "Increase Tax Incentives, Not Taxes For Businesses," Chicago Tribune, 6/13/03)

In 1999, Barack Obama Voted In Favor Of S.B. 1028 To Create The Illinois First Infrastructure Program, Which Raised 146 Taxes And Fees. (S.B. 1028: Senate Floor Third Reading, Passed, 58-0-0, 3/23/99, Obama Voted Yea; S.B. 1028: Senate Conference Committee Report, Passed, 42-17-0, 5/21/99, Obama Voted Yea; Editorial, "Jack Ryan Woefully Unprepared For Attack On Obama," The State Journal-Register, 4/18/04)

· Barack Obama Also Called For A Tax On Coal And Natural Gas. Obama: "What we ought to tax is dirty energy, like coal and, to a lesser extent, natural gas." ("Q&A With Sen. Barack Obama," San Antonio Express-News, 2/19/08)

· Barack Obama Called For A Windfall Profits Tax On Oil Companies. Obama: "I think it is appropriate for us to impose a windfall profits tax on our oil companies." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Charlotte, NC, 5/2/08)

"[Obama] Wants To Raise Taxes Even Above The Levels Of The Clinton Era, Including A Huge Increase In The Payroll Tax." (Editorial, "The Obama We Don't Know," The Wall Street Journal, 6/4/08)

If Barack Obama Is Elected To The Presidency And Democrats Get A 60-Vote Majority In The Senate, Taxes Will Go Up. "What will happen to the U.S. economy if Barack Obama wins the presidency and he's backed by a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate? Taxes will go up." (Rich Karlgaard, Op-Ed, "Where Will Taxpayers Hide?" Forbes, 6/16/08)

CNBC's Maria Bartiromo Asked Obama: "Why Raise Taxes At All In An Economic Slowdown? Isn't That Going To Put A Further Strain On People?" (CNBC's "Closing Bell," 3/27/08)

U.S. News & World Report's Michael Barone Said Obama's Fiscal Policy Is Akin To Herbert Hoover's -- Raising Taxes And Backing Protectionist Trade Policies During An Economic Slowdown. "On fiscal policy, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want higher taxes, at least on high earners. They want to let at least some of the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010, as scheduled. On trade, they oppose new free-trade agreements and want to renegotiate NAFTA with Canada and Mexico. As it happens, another president embraced such policies in a time of economic slowdown and financial market turbulence: Herbert Hoover raised taxes on high earners sharply and, ignoring a letter signed by 1,000 economists, signed the Smoot-Hawley tariff in 1930. The results were not pretty. Until now, his example has not commended itself to Democrats. One wonders whether voters will agree that tax increases will stimulate the economy." (M ichael Barone, Op-Ed, "Uncle Sam Pays? Sure, Whatever," U.S. News & World Report, 4/21/08)
Mostly partisan spin. But one thing is clear to me, taxes will be raised in the near future.
it is not an Obama thing, but a no other choice thing.
well apparently hes known to be on board all tax increase initiatives as a senator and state legislature. Now he has said that he would govern differently as president but already not even a week as the presumptive nominee hes throwing out tax increase ideas.

I was hoping for a little bit more from him. I want to see him cut government spending say as an example cut 100B from military and invest that 100B into the advancement of alternative energy in America.

2.6T in tax revenue a year is plenty for this country. We dont need anymore taxes going in.
Chapdog, I would take with a large grain of salt anything the RNC and DNC put out. However Obama has publicly stated the taxes he wants to raise.

1) He wants to raise social security taxes.

2) He wants to allow most of the Bush tax cuts to expire which is a defacto tax raise.

3) He wants to raise the capital gains tax.

4) He wants a windfall profits tax on oil.

That's what I can remember off the top of my head.
Chapdog, I would take with a large grain of salt anything the RNC and DNC put out. However Obama has publicly stated the taxes he wants to raise.

1) He wants to raise social security taxes.

2) He wants to allow most of the Bush tax cuts to expire which is a defacto tax raise.

3) He wants to raise the capital gains tax.

4) He wants a windfall profits tax on oil.

That's what I can remember off the top of my head.

1) he should be talking about elimination or serious deduction or retirement age income up to x %.. so when you cash out your 401k you dont pay taxes up to like 100K a year.
2) I think he said no change for under 250k.
3) This is bad move. We should be doing nothing to discourage savings and investments. If anything he should say if you make under 200K a year you pay zero or a very low rate on any cap gains you make.
4) I dont like this because oil companies will just make us absorb it some other way.
In about 4-5 years the gummit will have to start paying back the approx 3 trillion they "borrowed " from the SS surplus. That will have to come from general funds if things are not changed.
I'd love to see that, haven't in my lifetime, which has been considerable. :cof1:

Yeah and were entering a breaking point that isn't sustainable without cutting spending. Until the public is willing to cut out Government programs we are voting in our own demise, either party your for.
Yeah and were entering a breaking point that isn't sustainable without cutting spending. Until the public is willing to cut out Government programs we are voting in our own demise, either party your for.

Exactly. I suppose that is why I tend towards conservativism, but am pragmatic about reality. It's been over 100 years since government has seriously swung into involvement in most aspects of the public's lives. I really would love to see them stick to what is essential: international/interstate trade and justice; military; borders, which should be a function of the military; establishing fair and rational immigration laws; census/record keeping; banking laws; coinage; etc. Really doing the things they have done well, in the past. Leaving the minutia to the states. I know it's not going to happen, but one can wish.
1) he should be talking about elimination or serious deduction or retirement age income up to x %.. so when you cash out your 401k you dont pay taxes up to like 100K a year.
2) I think he said no change for under 250k.
3) This is bad move. We should be doing nothing to discourage savings and investments. If anything he should say if you make under 200K a year you pay zero or a very low rate on any cap gains you make.
4) I dont like this because oil companies will just make us absorb it some other way.

He said no change for those under $250k but who are we kidding? A windfall profit tax on oil for example is going to ultimatley be paid by those making under $250k.

The AMT tax is the best example of a tax that was design to hit a small portion of the top 1%. Now look it, it has entrapped millions of middle class folks in its grip and politicians are rushing to try and stop it.
Im so fucking sick of no one wanting to pay for the debt we are encruing daily.

I just wish the peopel who voted for Bush would be willing to pay some taxes to pay for the completetly failed policies that have and will cost this country so much of its treasure.

Oh course instead they are whinning about now paying anything to correct their mistakes. HELL Im willing to help pay my share and I didnt even want any of this stupid mess.

Man and Woman up people.

Im so fucking sick of no one wanting to pay for the debt we are encruing daily.

I just wish the peopel who voted for Bush would be willing to pay some taxes to pay for the completetly failed policies that have and will cost this country so much of its treasure.

Oh course instead they are whinning about now paying anything to correct their mistakes. HELL Im willing to help pay my share and I didnt even want any of this stupid mess.

Man and Woman up people.


The U.S. government collect $2.6 trillion in taxes Desh. I'm sorry if that is not enough for you and somehow you think its good economics to continue to tax everything at as high of a rate as possible.
Im so fucking sick of no one wanting to pay for the debt we are encruing daily.

I just wish the peopel who voted for Bush would be willing to pay some taxes to pay for the completetly failed policies that have and will cost this country so much of its treasure.

Oh course instead they are whinning about now paying anything to correct their mistakes. HELL Im willing to help pay my share and I didnt even want any of this stupid mess.

Man and Woman up people.


I would venture to say that most everyone here pays MORE than their fare share of taxes. Incresing taxes on an already overtaxed population is NOT the solution.