Democrats worry third-party candidate will hand 2024 election to Republicans

Somehow you think deflecting changes the fact Trump is a treasonous criminal

You misspelled 'Biden' again.

It is Biden that has so far committed five acts of treason:

* assuming the authority of President without being elected.
* giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* inviting invasion.
* accepting money from foreign nationals for personal gain.
* encouraging civil war against political opponents and weaponizing agencies of the government to do it.

* Biden encourages unchecked crime in American cities.
* Attempts to rule by dictat, interfering with energy markets, automotive markets, housing markets, weapons markets, and medical markets.
* Wants to borrow, print, and tax more than ever; keeping the economy in economic depression.
* Discards and denies the Constitution of the United States of America and all State constitutions.
"Third party candidate," left just in those words without situating that party ideologically, is a completely meaningless statement.

We could have third, fourth, and fifth party candidates, and they could be to the right of the republicans, to the left of the democrats, or somewhere in between the two.

No matter where they are ideologically situated, however, they're obviously not going to win.
Until an alternate party emerges with the financial power and the manpower to challenge the two major parties,
its appearance on a ballot is a complete waste of ink.

Here's the problem with casting a petulant, protest vote for such a non-major candidate.
We know that one of the major party candidate IS going to win, and which one does remains very important.
It will determine, to an extent, how we're going to live, and that includes how the people who hate both candidates are going to live.

If you realistically accept that one of those major candidates is going to win,
there has to be one of them that's less objectionable that the other.

If enough people cast votes for what are essentially the 'make believe" candidates,
it becomes very possible that the major party candidate that fewer voters would prefer,
realistically limiting the possibilities to the two,
ends up winning.

Or, nobody successfully gaining a numeric majority of the total vote,
the House of Representatives can vote for anybody they choose,
totally regardless of the wishes of their constituencies.

Essentially, then, one would have to be as fucking stupid as Doc Dutch to think voting for a non major candidate,
in today's reality,
is anything but a middle finger to the serious members of our electorate.

Actually, I take that back. Sorry.
While Dutch may not be the shiniest penny in the roll,
I think that he is deliberately extending a middle finger to the serious electorate.
Trump or DeSantis.
Nope. DeSaster has zero chance. It will be either Trump or whoever Democrat superdelegates choose to install via election fraud (seems to be Biden at this point).

Right now Democrats hate DeSantis as much as Trump and that hate will loe them elections
Democrat VOTERS? Agreed. Most of them have been programmed to hate anyone with an R next to their name. Democrat POLITICIANS? Nah. They're perfectly fine with DeSaster. He's "one of them" (elitist globalist Uniparty member). Sure, they'll do their kabuki theater BS, using "culture wars" to pretend that they oppose each other, but when it comes to economic ("eat the bugs") and foreign ("slava ukraini!") policy, they are both in lock step with each other.
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Nope. DeSaster has zero chance. It will be either Trump or whoever Democrat superdelegates choose to install via election fraud (seems to be Biden at this point).

Democrat VOTERS? Agreed. Most of them have been programmed to hate anyone with an R next to their name. Democrat POLITICIANS? Nah. They're perfectly fine with DeSaster. He's "one of them" (elitist globalist Uniparty member). Sure, they'll do their kabuki theater BS, using "culture wars" to pretend that they oppose each other, but when it comes to economic ("eat the bugs") and foreign ("slava ukraini!") policy, they are both in lock step with each other.

Democrats do not want Biden. DeSantis will be President
Democrats want Biden.

No they don't

Most Democrat voters or those who lean Democrat do not want President Joe Biden to run for reelection in 2024, according to a new poll commissioned by The Washington Post and ABC News.

According to The Washington Post, 58% of Democrat-leaning adults, 47% of Democrats, and 77% of independents who lean Democrat said they wanted the Democrat Party to nominate “someone other than Biden.”