Dems are terrorist lovers

What the Dano has shown here is that he belongs in the camp of Conservatives who when pressed needlessly resort to name-calling as if that makes their pointless ravings any more palletable. In short, it doesn't and it isn't even considered very manly in some circles. So you might want to reconsider how you look to those of us on the outside when you begin this sort of a tear... Whatever else you might think, I can assure you this doesn't help your overall image.
Not defending Dano for his insults but you should notice that Maine likes to dish them out as well.

These two have a history I don't know who started the name calling honestly.

The key is to not take these things to personally. I don't really care if people insult me I just point it out to make them look foolish.
Not defending Dano for his insults but you should notice that Maine likes to dish them out as well.

These two have a history I don't know who started the name calling honestly.

The key is to not take these things to personally. I don't really care if people insult me I just point it out to make them look foolish.

Uh you're talking to Prakosh like he's objective or something.
The guy with his pro-Dem, anti-Bush multitude of spam is vying to take the title of Dem party koolaid king from Desh.

I'll always make an effort to debate anyone who is reachable with civility, but if they aren't then what's the point?
I'll always make an effort to debate anyone who is reachable with civility, but if they aren't then what's the point?

My sentiments exactly and if they are not "reachable with civility" why spend time castigating them through name-calling, in short, "what's the point" of that?
seeing as you have never actually served in uniform yourself, it is understandable for you to think that guys who do wear the uniform as as ignorant as you are and - like you - are incapable of discerning the difference between having issues with the missions given the military by the civilian military command structure and supporting the troops who perform those missions. Let me tell you that you are quite wrong in that regard.

I spent a quarter of a century wearing navy blues protecting YOUR cowardly ass and I know full well that the suits in DC and the population at large often debate the validity of missions that the US military is sent to perform. I also know that such debate is not, in any way, indicative of a lack of support or best wishes for those who are sent to perform those missions.

Debating the wisdom of the Iraq war is what our troops EXPECT us to do.

And I know that I do more in any given week to practically provide support for the troops in Iraq than you have done since the day they got there.

My guess is, by the way, that we could have procured plent of humvee armor plating with the unnecessary tax cuts we gave to millionaires who didn't need it. don't you agree?

I talked to a kid today who had done a tour in Iraq, and might have to go back. He's in that position where they can still call him back, sorry, I forgot what he called it. I spoke with him on a University campus. I was there working the CodePink booth and when he first approached me and told me that part of his background, I was like, oh here it comes, why do they always pick me? But this guy talked for about an hour. I think he wanted someone to talk to. He was gorgeous, and young and strong, and it makes me very upset that he might have to go back. Thought that's not what he wanted to talk about.

He wanted to talk about how much he hated Bush and how he joined after 9/11 to defend his country in Afghanistan and ended up in Iraq and what happened to him there. And he wanted to talk about Rumsfeld and torture and a whole bunch of stuff.

And as he said, there are soldiers who support this President and this war...but there are many also who do not. Not the war, and not the methods.
Uh you're talking to Prakosh like he's objective or something.
The guy with his pro-Dem, anti-Bush multitude of spam is vying to take the title of Dem party koolaid king from Desh.

I'll always make an effort to debate anyone who is reachable with civility, but if they aren't then what's the point?

Oh you're full of shit Dano.
I talked to a guy who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He said that some of the stuff he's seen done by our soldiers makes Abu Ghraib look like a picnic.
I talked to a guy who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He said that some of the stuff he's seen done by our soldiers makes Abu Ghraib look like a picnic.

I wish very much that those who claim they are "supporting the soldiers" would read the book "Tiger Force" about the men who committed atrocities in Vietnam.

They were destroyed. Their lives were wrecked. They were wrecked. Most of them came home and became alcholics and/or drug addicts and died very young, some committed suicide.

There is no good in this.
Calling the war pointless is not "having issues", it is saying the job they are doing is pointless.

the job they are doing is NEVER pointless. The job they are doing is obeying the civilian command structure. Having a military that does that every single time right down the line and does not start some coup when they disagree is the foundation and the nobility of America's military service. The war might be counterproductive, but the service of our military is NEVER pointless or without value. If you had served, you would know this.

Oh fuck off, you rode out the Vietnam war on a boat and despite all your pompous bragging, you protected no one. I know guys who saw more action in Iraq or Nam in 1 month than you saw in a quarter century. And you know it.
If you are ready to say that the surface navy protects no one, then that is your opinion. Fortunately for our country, even the most moronic of our leaders has not been that stupid. I am certain that the NGFS that I participated in did indeed protect many a soldier, even if you don't think that the navy protects you in any way. And I have no doubt that there are ground forces in Iraq that saw more action than I did. But we both know that I saw an infinitely greater amount of action than you did.... seeing as your total is ZERO

Well if you tell someone that their job is pointless (ie: a pointless war), how do you think that affects SOME of their morale over there in doing it?

again..their job is never pointless. Their job is to be the muscular arm of American foreign policy and to go into whatever godforesaken place the suits in DC send then and do their jobs as bravely as they can until they tell them to stop. THAT is the job of the military. It is the job of society and our democratic form of government to constantly evaluate and reevaluate and debate the foreign policy of this nation and to adjust the mission of the military to conform to it. They know that.... and, because you have never served, you don't

Bullshit, all you do is use your corporate/capitalistic paid hours to come on here and rant against corporations/capitalism during work hours. You provide jack shit to troops.
You have no understanding of my life..and no way to make such a statement. I know what I do every week...and it is significant.... in terms of boxing up care packages and raising money for phone cards, and emailing deployed national guard buddies.... to serving as pallbearers at military funerals for young soldiers I have known since they were in grade school. What do YOU do, by the way? Beyond that bumper magnet, I mean.

I certainly don't think their job is worthless and that the Iraq occupation is useless. I think overall it would be better to leave, but I don't see things like you and the rest of the left where anything related to Bush = 100% bad.
As I said, I was 100% behind our president right up until Tora Bora. I volunteered to go back on active duty. When 9/11 happened, did YOU go down and volunteer to serve your country, or do you think the bumper magnet pretty much takes care of your contribution? and how does my thinking that Bush has 100% fucked things up since then have to do with supporting the troops in any case?
Unlike many here and elsewhere, I never supported the war in Afghanistan, either. I don't think war solves anything. The way to get bin Laden was to go after and get bin Laden. Anything else was a waste of time and money and American lives. That war was nothing more than revenge. Comparable to having you ass kicked in a bar fight and going home and coming back with a couple of guns and plenty of ammunition and shooting every one in the bar after the guy who kicked your ass has left.

And thousands of innocent people were killed and are still being killed as a result of a failed and wrong-headed policy. Bush has been a bundle of contradictions since day one. The first thing he says is that the war on terror is not a conventional war against countries with armies and borders etc...blah blah blah. Then the first thing he does is declare war on Afghanistan and Iraq, which are if many haven't noticed countries with borders and the wars Bush and his "new" Army rhetoritician Rumsfeld are fighting are very conventional and very misguided and that is why they are getting the asses of Americas soldiers kicked and handed to them. Meanwhile they act like they are accomplishing something "nobel" by being just doesn't work that way.

I know there are plenty here who think that Afghanistan was a nobel cause and Iraq was screwed up. I thought and think that both wars were just as stupid as our misguided and foolish venture in Vietnam. Ever Rumsfeld finally realized that Afghanistan was a waste of time and munitions. Who can forget his claim that "there are no good targets there." What was it all about anyway Alfie?????
If my sole goal was to make bush-republicans poll numbers crater, I would have been cheering them to invade iraq and make a collasal fuck up that I knew was probable.

Wrong. If everyone was united on iraq, and there was no alternative, as bad as it is, the whole thing would become moot and cancel out between both sides. You aren't doing bush and republicans a favor by calling them war criminals cypriss... quit being intellectually dishonest.
So you really think that our founding fathers would have approved of sitting back and not expressing our outrage and disdain for what we see as a terrible foreign policy decision simply because it would be better to show a united front? Come on.
no i didn't say that, I am saying that it's foolish to claim that us being united would have HURT bush . .. that no discourse would have HURT bush.

That calling bush a war criminal helps bush.

That is cypress's logic.