Dems are terrorist lovers

I have no desire to help Bush....but I have a great desire to see America on the right path.... I could give a shit whether my dissent for this action hurts him or helps him.... I will continue to voice my dismay because I strongly believe we are doing a bad thing....NOT because I think my vocal dissent will "hurt Bush"
I have no desire to help Bush....but I have a great desire to see America on the right path.... I could give a shit whether my dissent for this action hurts him or helps him.... I will continue to voice my dismay because I strongly believe we are doing a bad thing....NOT because I think my vocal dissent will "hurt Bush"
In the long run, Bush is just another corrupt, greedy politician from Texas. If we can survive Nixon and Reagan, we can survive the Weed. The scary thing is the amount of damage he can do to our national interests while he's still in power.
Unlike many here and elsewhere, I never supported the war in Afghanistan, either. I don't think war solves anything. The way to get bin Laden was to go after and get bin Laden. Anything else was a waste of time and money and American lives. That war was nothing more than revenge. Comparable to having you ass kicked in a bar fight and going home and coming back with a couple of guns and plenty of ammunition and shooting every one in the bar after the guy who kicked your ass has left.

And thousands of innocent people were killed and are still being killed as a result of a failed and wrong-headed policy. Bush has been a bundle of contradictions since day one. The first thing he says is that the war on terror is not a conventional war against countries with armies and borders etc...blah blah blah. Then the first thing he does is declare war on Afghanistan and Iraq, which are if many haven't noticed countries with borders and the wars Bush and his "new" Army rhetoritician Rumsfeld are fighting are very conventional and very misguided and that is why they are getting the asses of Americas soldiers kicked and handed to them. Meanwhile they act like they are accomplishing something "nobel" by being just doesn't work that way.

I know there are plenty here who think that Afghanistan was a nobel cause and Iraq was screwed up. I thought and think that both wars were just as stupid as our misguided and foolish venture in Vietnam. Ever Rumsfeld finally realized that Afghanistan was a waste of time and munitions. Who can forget his claim that "there are no good targets there." What was it all about anyway Alfie?????

You definitely are in the minority there. I definitely did initially support the efforts in Afghanistan, from day one, and still do to some degree. I think, like all of Bush's strategies outside campaigning, its been miserably executed. If they were smart in the beginning they would went in without warning while his guard was down. Giving someone a couple of months to regroup, gain support and go into hiding in the hills of Afghanistan is a pretty fvcking bad idea.
I have no desire to help Bush....but I have a great desire to see America on the right path.... I could give a shit whether my dissent for this action hurts him or helps him.... I will continue to voice my dismay because I strongly believe we are doing a bad thing....NOT because I think my vocal dissent will "hurt Bush"

amen to that. But in getting us back on track, bush must go because he is the main part of the problem.
You definitely are in the minority there. I definitely did initially support the efforts in Afghanistan, from day one, and still do to some degree. I think, like all of Bush's strategies outside campaigning, its been miserably executed. If they were smart in the beginning they would went in without warning while his guard was down. Giving someone a couple of months to regroup, gain support and go into hiding in the hills of Afghanistan is a pretty fvcking bad idea.
I was mixed on Afganistan, but then invading and setting up a new govt has not helped much either. Taliban is coming back strong and still no OBL.
I concur...but my focus is the counterproductive policy.... as partisan a democrat as I am, I would be pushing a democratic administration just as hard. This war is TERRIBLE for America, and every day we spend there is another shitload of money and bucket full of American blood we cannot afford to waste in an effort that only makes us less safe and more despised.

We need to get out of Iraq yesterday!

And I'd be screaming for that if FDR or JFK or WJC were president.
It is only 2 billion a day Maine, just pocket change ;)
And I am not sure what Afganistan is costing us. anyone know ?
I concur...but my focus is the counterproductive policy.... as partisan a democrat as I am, I would be pushing a democratic administration just as hard. This war is TERRIBLE for America, and every day we spend there is another shitload of money and bucket full of American blood we cannot afford to waste in an effort that only makes us less safe and more despised.

We need to get out of Iraq yesterday!

And I'd be screaming for that if FDR or JFK or WJC were president.

ok... if we pullout tonight, what would your goals be, what would be your plan to restore relations, what would be you plan to protect what intrests the US has through out the world? what would be you plan to stop terror ?
Oh we can't pullout tonight. I would be for a 6 months withdrawl plan.
support the legal govt thru external support. And support any future UN actions in Iraq.
Oh we can't pullout tonight. I would be for a 6 months withdrawl plan.
support the legal govt thru external support. And support any future UN actions in Iraq.

i didnt mean it that way... but say we did have plans to do so and we are doing it...

what would your plan be too pull out ?
support the legal govt thru external support. And support any future UN actions in Iraq.

thats not a plan, just an idea
support the legal govt thru external support. And support any future UN actions in Iraq.

thats not a plan, just an idea
Well a plan has to be developed from an idea. I make not claims at being able to detail a withdrawl plan.
Of course bush did not even have an idea so how could he have had a plan ;)
my goals would be to make ourselves safer at home by significantly increasing spending on port and border security.... I would use a multi-pronged approach to terror: cutting off funding.... applying diplomatic pressure to arab countries to move towards democracy... join with the rest of the industrialized world in finding ways to address the socio-economic inequity that fuels the expansion and popularity of islamic extremism... I would continue to seek out and destroy AQ training bases whereever they may be - including Pakistan... I would bring STRONG diplomatic pressure to bear on Israel to create a two state solution to the Palestinian problem... I would work with my allies again and get multinational and multicultural pressure brought to bear on the Palestinian authority to stop violence against Israel and peacefully bargain for a lasting solution....I would allow - and covertly assist - Israel in striking at any Iranian nuclear facility that becomes problematic. I would consider tactical strikes against North Korean missile/nuclear facilities...

how's that?
my goals would be to make ourselves safer at home by significantly increasing spending on port and border security.... I would use a multi-pronged approach to terror: cutting off funding.... applying diplomatic pressure to arab countries to move towards democracy... join with the rest of the industrialized world in finding ways to address the socio-economic inequity that fuels the expansion and popularity of islamic extremism... I would continue to seek out and destroy AQ training bases whereever they may be - including Pakistan... I would bring STRONG diplomatic pressure to bear on Israel to create a two state solution to the Palestinian problem... I would work with my allies again and get multinational and multicultural pressure brought to bear on the Palestinian authority to stop violence against Israel and peacefully bargain for a lasting solution....I would allow - and covertly assist - Israel in striking at any Iranian nuclear facility that becomes problematic. I would consider tactical strikes against North Korean missile/nuclear facilities...

how's that?

good, i feel that there is alot more detail too it but its good...

usaly when i sak that after someone says we need too pull out they dont have any type of answer, or just put it off too a politician...