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Over 1,000 St. Louis Tea Party Taxpayers showed up to attend the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in South St. Louis. They were Locked Out! But... The Carnahah staff was sneaking in SIEU members in...

[ame=""]YouTube - DEMS SNEAK UNION THUGS INTO CARNAHAN TOWN HALL-- Tea Party Taxpayers Locked Out![/ame]
I'll put my own head on a pike, proud to be a martyr for liberalism!

Now, that would be a site to see.
Waterstain placing his own severed head on a pike.

I can see the commercial now.

This is your brain
This is your brain on drugs

the hypocrisy of the dems shows yet again.....DEAFENING SILENCE

but a few republicans get a wee loud and they are fucking mob and are not americans

dems are out in '12
Union thugs. I love it. Hey, where's that other video of the old fat woman with a cane in an SEIU t-shirt? She's was totally thugged out.
Union thugs. I love it. Hey, where's that other video of the old fat woman with a cane in an SEIU t-shirt? She's was totally thugged out.

so you have no problem with the Democrats stacking their town halls with union members to drown out and if necessary attack American citizens..which we've now been seeing this happen..
so you have no problem with the Democrats stacking their town halls with union members to drown out and if necessary attack American citizens..which we've now been seeing this happen..


Bullies hate being stood up to.

Newflash dummy - union members are American citizens too.
Ugly American..can't speak to people without calling them names..
So are the protesters. But only one of the groups were effectively shut out by their representative.

My congressman had to be escorted out of his townhall meeting by FIVE police officers.

Act like animals, that's what you get. I don't know what you people expect, but you're the only ones who can't see it.
And btw, the LI Progressive community was caught off guard, but they'll be no more running our representatives out of their public meetings.

We're ready now. So expect your jackboots to get more and more frustrated as they are stood up to. Don't like it? Cry me a river.
My congressman had to be escorted out of his townhall meeting by FIVE police officers.

Act like animals, that's what you get. I don't know what you people expect, but you're the only ones who can't see it.
Please. I love these anecdotes, we can match it to others. Tancredo had some serious security when he spoke... he had death threats, etc. I read some of the letters...

All of it is anecdotes, and it happens with many representatives.

If more video comes out where union reps are literally man-handling old people into corners, etc. it will bring even more people out who are a bit "angry".

Yeah... "act like animals" and gain Darla's support...
hahaha, such a tough bunch those Progressives...
Only problem for them, there are more Americans who aren't commies, so I don't think they are going to be taking this shit lying down..

now Lets Roll..
As far as perception goes in the general public, it's a no brainer right now.

The GOP is seen as under the thumb of talk radio, taking their marching orders & having their minions drown out opinion rather than offer it.

I'll take that; it's definitely seeping into that subconscious that Damo likes to talk about so much.
So are the protesters. But only one of the groups were effectively shut out by their representative.

Not knowing the background, I agree that it looks untoward that 2 (two) SEIU shirted people were allowed in after the doors had been closed.

Having said that, when 1000 people show up to a 200 seat event (A Forum on Aging, by the way, not a healthcare town hall) lots and lots and lots of people will be "effectively shut out" by the fire code. It shouldn't be too surprising.