Desh only posts here when she is banned elsewhere.


if she isn't here, she is unbanned again at a different forum.

Just be grateful and hope it lasts for a while.
She and I both, then, to a degree - though I rather like this site for itself. Hope she comes back soon!
She and I both, then, to a degree - though I rather like this site for itself. Hope she comes back soon!

Please join our little group. You are well respected by the intelligent members. It would be a true loss were you to leave.
Sure Belieber, whatever you say. What happened to the debate? Looks like you conceded?

it is a true story. she isn't banned there now. and she posted on the same days in march. march 16. oooops, you just proved you're dumb again rune.

there is nothing to concede. you started in with your petulant "you're not debating, come back with something intelligent blach blach...." bullshit. there was nothing further to debate at that point. you simply can't handle points that you don't agree with and you start in with your petulant whiny bullshit. since it was the APP i decided not to continue as that is not what the APP is about and you specifically requested the APP section.
it is a true story. she isn't banned there now. and she posted on the same days in march. march 16. oooops, you just proved you're dumb again rune.


Exactly. She isn't banned there, and she isn't posting here. Thank you for proving my point.
Exactly. She isn't banned there, and she isn't posting here. Thank you for proving my point.

and she posted on the same days in march. march 16.

and how exactly does that prove your point? she posted here and on USMB the same day. my lord you are so stupid. you claimed she only posts here when she banned proving she was not banned elsewhere and posted here at JPP and USMB on the same day...proves your point?????? this is exactly why i stopped debating you. you don't respond to all the points raised, you simply ignore that which proves you wrong or doesn't conform to yoru world view and proclaim you're the winner.

i'm surprised grind thanked your post, he is much smarter than you, but not this time.
You concede. If not answer my points.

you still never addressed all my ignored them and simply proclaimed i must come the next day with a rational argument. fuck you rune. i'm so sick of your dishonest bullshit. i addressed your points and countered them and instead of addressing or answering my points, you merely proclaimed i had no argument and had better come back with a good argument.

you're nearly as bad as zappa
it is a true story. she isn't banned there now. and she posted on the same days in march. march 16. oooops, you just proved you're dumb again rune.

there is nothing to concede. you started in with your petulant "you're not debating, come back with something intelligent blach blach...." bullshit. there was nothing further to debate at that point. you simply can't handle points that you don't agree with and you start in with your petulant whiny bullshit. since it was the APP i decided not to continue as that is not what the APP is about and you specifically requested the APP section.

You quit because your tank was empty, except for the usual supply of vulgarity and taunts you keep on hand, and you knew you couldn't use your standard "petulant whiny bullshit" comeback on APP or you'd get booted.
and she posted on the same days in march. march 16.

and how exactly does that prove your point? she posted here and on USMB the same day. my lord you are so stupid. you claimed she only posts here when she banned proving she was not banned elsewhere and posted here at JPP and USMB on the same day...proves your point?????? this is exactly why i stopped debating you. you don't respond to all the points raised, you simply ignore that which proves you wrong or doesn't conform to yoru world view and proclaim you're the winner.

i'm surprised grind thanked your post, he is much smarter than you, but not this time.

No, Grind and I are very closely matched intellectually.
you still never addressed all my ignored them and simply proclaimed i must come the next day with a rational argument. fuck you rune. i'm so sick of your dishonest bullshit. i addressed your points and countered them and instead of addressing or answering my points, you merely proclaimed i had no argument and had better come back with a good argument.

you're nearly as bad as zappa

Please, by all means, point out whatever I didn't address.
fuck you rune. i'm so sick of your dishonest bullshit. i addressed your points and countered them and instead of addressing or answering my points, you merely proclaimed i had no argument and had better come back with a good argument.

you're nearly as bad as zappa

"Debate" YurTard style...LOL!
No, Grind and I are very closely matched intellectually.

then do explain how she posted at JPP on the same day she posted at USMB (hint: she wasn't banned elsewhere) proves your point that she "only posts here when she is banned elsewhere".
then do explain how she posted at JPP on the same day she posted at USMB (hint: she wasn't banned elsewhere) proves your point that she "only posts here when she is banned elsewhere".

bro there might be some overlap here and there but the bottom line is that, in spite of some sparse random days you may find, her posting will go down dramatically when she is unbanned elsewhere, and if she gets banned at usmb she'll be all over here like pigs in shit.
bro there might be some overlap here and there but the bottom line is that, in spite of some sparse random days you may find, her posting will go down dramatically when she is unbanned elsewhere, and if she gets banned at usmb she'll be all over here like pigs in shit.

ok. i believe it. i just know one day i was here and posting at USMB and she was posting the same shit on both boards and when rune claimed didn't make any sense. and certainly didn't prove his point of only and the fact she hasn't posted at both boards for almost a month. i hope she is ok, she is a downright nutter, but i don't wish her ill. but i think her 100 plus (in one day) manic post spurts may have worn her out.