Desh only posts here when she is banned elsewhere.

what a coincidence. i am here looking for new perspectives as well, once all of the other ones resort to fallacy for their Cause on other sites and i get banned, instead of the slackers who have to Try to get banned.
what a coincidence. i am here looking for new perspectives as well, once all of the other ones resort to fallacy for their Cause on other sites and i get banned, instead of the slackers who have to Try to get banned.

Well it's hard to get banned here. It's impossible in fact if you have a modicum of intelligence.
what a coincidence. i am here looking for new perspectives as well, once all of the other ones resort to fallacy for their Cause on other sites and i get banned, instead of the slackers who have to Try to get banned.

Is there such a thing as a new perspective? I haven't noticed anyone anywhere on the internet coming up with something that made me stop and say, wow, I've never heard anything like that before, that is a totally new way of looking at this. I'm pretty sure you're going to be disappointed, but welcome!
Is there such a thing as a new perspective? I haven't noticed anyone anywhere on the internet coming up with something that made me stop and say, wow, I've never heard anything like that before, that is a totally new way of looking at this. I'm pretty sure you're going to be disappointed, but welcome!

In my case, I just let all of the other ones resort to the fallacy of diversion because they usually don't have a clue or a Cause; even if what you claim is true.
I axed how many times you have been banned.from JPP.

Can you answer?

Didn't you get banned for 30 days and then have it extended; because you tried to cheat??

I don't know if I can stand any more good news and/or happiness. :)


Just to aid in keeping track:

Howey = 50 days - 12/05/13
Darla = 59 - 12/14/13
Rune = 29 - 11/14/13


I can see that things continue to be interesting; what with Rune getting more time (around 3 more months) added on to his banishment to limbo. :)


Just to aid in keeping track:

Rune = 115 - 02/12/14 (yes, that's 2014)
Howey = 45 days - 12/05/13
Darla = 54 - 12/14/13

Does anyone have a suggestion on what we should call Darla and Howey?
Not that it would matter; because they can't reply, at least for a while.

Poet is a POS racist who sees racism in every post by others, unless they are liberal. Maineman is a POS racist, apologist for the Democrat Party...
poet is an egotistical narcissistic unaware prick. glad he's gone. I hope he plays in traffic.

maineman is cool.

007 was in fact, very hilarious.