Desh only posts here when she is banned elsewhere.

Let's subtract the time that someone lied, got him banned, and then it was proved that the person had lied.
And I am grateful to you, my friend, for working so hard to expose that lie.

That was a glorious day, the moderators, hats in hands, grovelling apologies. And the reaction from that POS Poet was as priceless as it was predictable- refusal to admit he lied, and that started his ramp-up where he committed enough bullshit to get himself banned permanently.
No PiMP, I got myself banned purposely. That makes me the fire, not the pot or kettle, and Dumb Yankee the liar who claims he can't remember how many times he has been banned., that makes you an incredibly stupid fry pan.....
No PiMP, I got myself banned purposely. That makes me the fire, not the pot or kettle, and Dumb Yankee the liar who claims he can't remember how many times he has been banned.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you did and then you purposely got your ban extended. :good4u: