Dick Cheney Was Right

This is such a bullshit comment. Why do you pretend that those who wish to protect the childs life and are in anguish when they die are somehow uncaring when it comes to high infant mortality rates?

Yes, in the US we bring more children to full term in the attempt to save them. That increases our 'official' infant mortality rates compared to other countries that simply kill the kid early enough for it not to 'count'.

It's not a bs comment, and there is no need for me to "pretend" that anti-choice zealots aren't standing in front of the white house, or in front of insurance lobbyist offices in DC with signs depicting real dead babies. They're simply not.

Nor have you ever expressed any concern about infant mortality here. Nor has any anti-choice person I have ever met online.

You do have a bs statement though, and that's your claim that countries like England and Canada are killing fetuses before they are born (I assume you mean via poor pre-natal care). It is a lie. It's really a very indecent lie.

Your fanaticism on this subject must put you in quite a quandary in your personal life. You're not religious and so any anti-choice female really is going to have big conflicts with you, and probably wouldn't be the type you'd be attracted to any more than she would be to you.

And any pro-choice woman, even one who was borderline and supportive of some restrictions, even supportive of a lot of restrictions, but would be against an overturning of Roe, is going to balk at your no exception in the case of rape zealotry.

Not being snarky at all. Seriously, as a writer (and I do creative writing which is no where near as lucrative as my business writing, but much dearer to my heart) I can't help things like this taking hold of my curiosity and imagination. No comment on your part required. Just an observation. Some day, I'll probably use this.
It's not a bs comment, and there is no need for me to "pretend" that anti-choice zealots aren't standing in front of the white house, or in front of insurance lobbyist offices in DC with signs depicting real dead babies. They're simply not.

Nor have you ever expressed any concern about infant mortality here. Nor has any anti-choice person I have ever met online.

You do have a bs statement though, and that's your claim that countries like England and Canada are killing fetuses before they are born (I assume you mean via poor pre-natal care). It is a lie. It's really a very indecent lie.

Your fanaticism on this subject must put you in quite a quandary in your personal life. You're not religious and so any anti-choice female really is going to have big conflicts with you, and probably wouldn't be the type you'd be attracted to any more than she would be to you.

And any pro-choice woman, even one who was borderline and supportive of some restrictions, even supportive of a lot of restrictions, but would be against an overturning of Roe, is going to balk at your no exception in the case of rape zealotry.

Not being snarky at all. Seriously, as a writer (and I do creative writing which is no where near as lucrative as my business writing, but much dearer to my heart) I can't help things like this taking hold of my curiosity and imagination. No comment on your part required. Just an observation. Some day, I'll probably use this.

Yes, it is a bullshit comment. You pretend that a person must not care about topic B because said person is discussing topic A. That is bullshit.

Just because they are more passionate about Topic A, because it is the deliberate murder of a child. That does not mean that they don't care about topic B, which is NOT related to murdering children.

Actually, we have discussed infant mortality in the past. So please, if you wish to divert this topic away from the fact that you support the murder of children, at least know what you are talking about when it comes to the new topic you wish to divert to.

Side note: I thought you were done a long time ago commenting on this thread because you weren't obsessed or anything? Also, take note, that when I do leave the thread, then I get responses from Lorax saying something like 'where did you go'? or 'Cat got your tounge'. So tell me, which is it that I am supposed to follow again?
"that when I do leave the thread, then I get responses from Lorax saying something like 'where did you go'? or 'Cat got your tounge'. "

I never said "where did you go?" I said "cat got your tongue" because you were still on the thread, but not answering the question which was & still is making you uncomfortable.
"I have never said zygote or baby = 4 year old."

You said destroying a zygote is the same thing as sticking a gun in a 4-year-old's mouth & pulling the trigger.
"I have never said zygote or baby = 4 year old."

You said destroying a zygote is the same thing as sticking a gun in a 4-year-old's mouth & pulling the trigger.

In that it ENDS a LIFE... not that the two were equivalent in terms of their development you twit.
"that when I do leave the thread, then I get responses from Lorax saying something like 'where did you go'? or 'Cat got your tounge'. "

I never said "where did you go?" I said "cat got your tongue" because you were still on the thread, but not answering the question which was & still is making you uncomfortable.

I am not uncomfortable at all with the question. As I said, it is a question developed in your fanatsy world that has no basis in reality. Even so, I answered the question in the order I would save them.

It is you who is uncomfortable admitting that an abortion ends a human life. Hence all the diversionary tactics and fantasy scenarios.
Science also dictates that it is not a fully functional HUMAN BEING. You keep ignoring that. There are certainly characteristics and functionalities that we ascribe to being a human being, or "kid." All those frozen embryos? They're not "kids." Microscopic embyros sitting in some petri dish? Not kids. Zygotes that haven't formed any human organs, including a brain? Not kids.

It's not murder, any more than freezing embryos is not freezing "babies." You are abandoning common sense in favor of a very strict definition of what constitutes a life with full rights, because of the uncertaintly surrounding when something actually "becomes" a life with full rights. And you're doing that at the expense of any consideration for the woman who actually has to deal with it.

Then we should be able to "harvest" the eggs of endangered species, since there's no real assurance that they'll actually be one of what ever species left them.
I'd grab a chair and a beer and watch them all burn.

I'd like to know what kind of hospital has babies and embryos.

You're right though, the question is loaded and they knew it.

I'd like to see them answer this:

You have a car accident and both cars are on fire; you only have time to save either your wife/husband, or 8 year old twins in the other car.
So, just to understand their situation.... Had their conjoined twins (which could not be detected until the eigth month) been born:

1) One of the twins would die
2) That should the other survive, it would be likely to have to go through multiple surgeries and even then it may die.
3) The second twin, should it survive, would most likely have experienced 'horrible pain and suffering'

so the parents solution was to fly to Kansas and:

Scramble the brains of both of their kids... so that they could both die while experiencing 'horrible pain and suffering'.

Such good parents.... they saved money by not having surgeries.... total class

You moral pigface. God, you should be shot for saying that. You are the wrost fuckign example of a human being on the planet. You make me want to puke, you immoral asshole. Shoot your fucking self.