Dick Cheney Was Right

Really? That's weird. You responded to DH's post, and didn't address me in the response.

Is that how you usually talk to people?

Homer: Marge? Since I'm not talking to Lisa, would you please ask her to pass me the syrup?

Marge: Dear, please pass your father the syrup, Lisa.

Lisa: Bart, tell Dad I will only pass the syrup if it won't be used on any meat product.

Bart: You dunkin' your sausages in that syrup homeboy?

Homer: Marge, tell Bart I just want to drink a nice glass of syrup like I do every morning.

Marge: Tell him yourself, you're ignoring Lisa, not Bart.

Homer: Bart, thank your mother for pointing that out.

Marge: Homer, you're not not-talking to me and secondly I heard what you said.

Homer: Lisa, tell your mother to get off my case.

Bart: Uhhh, dad, Lisa's the one you're not talking to.

Homer: Bart, go to your room.
Why are you so terrified to answer yourself?

The reality is if I made that choice there would be 501 deaths because I wouldn't be able to maintain their cryostasis once I "saved" them, and that if I saved them and maintained the cryostasis they'd still likely be killed by people who determine that their life has no meaning. I'd choose the action that would save 1 rather than kill 501, I would then agonize over the 500 for most of the rest of my life.
But the question to you is a no-brainer if you actually believe that an embryo is a child, kid or baby.

I mean, choosing to save one mother or one baby is actually a tough question.

Choosing to save 500 babies or one baby isn't tough at all, unless, of course, you do not think that embryos are really the same thing as babies, children, tots, tykes or kids.

Exactly! DH gets to the nut of it once again.

The question of one baby, one woman, is a real tough question. The question; would you save 500 women or one baby, is another question.

The good of the many outweighs the good of the one, or of the few. (okay i geeked out but only other geeks will get it)

So SF's counter question is not comparable.

The truth here is you are trying to cloud the issue SF because you know full well you'd save the one baby. and you know why.
No, you are incorrect. When discussing abortion, Pro-life means you support the LIFE of the child. It does not mean that to be Pro-life with regards to abortion that you must then also support all life regardless of circumstances.

Those against abortion may have co-opted the term but strictly speaking "life" is not based on the interpretation of differing agendas.

Do you also think "pro-choice" means "pro-abortion"?
Why are you so terrified to answer yourself?

LMAO... why are you so adamant about pretending I am terrified. I have told you exactly why I am not answering. It has nothing to do with fear you moron. It is because I already know the bogus response you are going to provide were I to answer. Since I already know, why bother playing your ignorant little gotcha game?
Really? That's weird. You responded to DH's post, and didn't address me in the response.

Is that how you usually talk to people?
Except when I quoted yours and informed you that I had answered. That was when I began talking to you. Usually when somebody is telling people they are "afraid" to answer the question it means they want somebody to answer it. So I did. I then informed you, in direct conversation with you, that I had answered.

The scenario is flawed, we've been over it before.
Those against abortion may have co-opted the term but strictly speaking "life" is not based on the interpretation of differing agendas.

Do you also think "pro-choice" means "pro-abortion"?

It is not co-opting the term. It is using the term in relation to the topic. You can indeed also use anti-abortion if you choose.

No, I do not think 'pro-choice' and 'pro-abortion' are the same. 'pro-choice' is a copout designed to make people feel better about supporting the legalization of abortions for convenience.
Exactly! DH gets to the nut of it once again.

The question of one baby, one woman, is a real tough question. The question; would you save 500 women or one baby, is another question.

The good of the many outweighs the good of the one, or of the few. (okay i geeked out but only other geeks will get it)

So SF's counter question is not comparable.

The truth here is you are trying to cloud the issue SF because you know full well you'd save the one baby. and you know why.

Ok fine... then would you save 500 women or one baby?
LMAO... why are you so adamant about pretending I am terrified. I have told you exactly why I am not answering. It has nothing to do with fear you moron. It is because I already know the bogus response you are going to provide were I to answer. Since I already know, why bother playing your ignorant little gotcha game?

Throw me a bone. I might surprise you.

Honestly, I am genuinely curious. By your stream of logic on this thread, my guess is that you would save the 500 embryos.

Is that correct?
by your stream of 'logic' the answer should be 13.

Alright, I'm going to assume your answer is actually the baby, because no sane human being would choose test tubes filled with microscopic zygotes over a live, crying baby in such a situation.

What does that tell you about the nature of the debate we've been engaging in, and your contention that a zygote is basically the same as a 4-year-old? Don't you think it makes sense to re-visit that assertion?
The reality is if I made that choice there would be 501 deaths because I wouldn't be able to maintain their cryostasis once I "saved" them, and that if I saved them and maintained the cryostasis they'd still likely be killed by people who determine that their life has no meaning. I'd choose the action that would save 1 rather than kill 501, I would then agonize over the 500 for most of the rest of my life.
Good show.. :D
Alright, I'm going to assume your answer is actually the baby, because no sane human being would choose test tubes filled with microscopic zygotes over a live, crying baby in such a situation.

What does that tell you about the nature of the debate we've been engaging in, and your contention that a zygote is basically the same as a 4-year-old? Don't you think it makes sense to re-visit that assertion?

See, this is exactly what I stated you would say... that somehow by choosing the baby the 'value' of the 'zygote' is somehow diminished.

The answer to your question is no. I would not revisit my assertion. Your new tactic on trying to dehumanize them is impressive and innovative, but still fails to change the basic fact that they are human.

Come up with as many scenarios as you wish. None will change that basic fact.

A fact you still shy away from.
You're pulling a Kobayashi Maru.

The understanding is that if you chose the 500, they'd actually be saved.
Which I stated in my response as well as he did in his. "If", is a pretty big if. Injecting reality into the answer and saying what would really happen. It follows that when one says "in reality" it means they are beginning to talk about what is real rather than imaginary pocket-cryo chambers. The question was answered in both ways. With the understanding that they would all survive, and with reality. When reality is interjected and knowledge that the reality is "saving" the 500 would mean 501 deaths any person who had a brain would chose saving 1 over killing 501.
Ok fine... then would you save 500 women or one baby?

It's a tough one. First of all, 500 adults can save themselves. It's really a pointless exercise but I know that's your specialty, so alright SF, I'll play.

Let's say that there are two wings of a building on the same floor and each is closed off by a locked door. I'd have to go unlock the door blocking the 500 women first, because, well, there are 500 of them.

But, after I did that, I would have no hesitation in risking my own life, or even losing it, to go get the baby. I'd do it.

I wouldn't give a rat's behind about even 5,000 zygotes. They simply are not living beings to me, period. They mean nothing. Under no circumstances would I stay in a burning building for one second longer than it took me to run my ass out of there over zygotes. Period.

You might actually risk your life to save the 500 zygotes in question, but you would save the one baby over the 500 zygotes and I think you've admitted that here, and I hope that gives you some food for thought.
It's a tough one. First of all, 500 adults can save themselves. It's really a pointless exercise but I know that's your specialty, so alright SF, I'll play.

Let's say that there are two wings of a building on the same floor and each is closed off by a locked door. I'd have to go unlock the door blocking the 500 women first, because, well, there are 500 of them.

But, after I did that, I would have no hesitation in risking my own life, or even losing it, to go get the baby. I'd do it.

I wouldn't give a rat's behind about even 5,000 zygotes. They simply are not living beings to me, period. They mean nothing. Under no circumstances would I stay in a burning building for one second longer than it took me to run my ass out of there over zygotes. Period.

You might actually risk your life to save the 500 zygotes in question, but you would save the one baby over the 500 zygotes and I think you've admitted that here, and I hope that gives you some food for thought.

This is my point, you idiots set up this scenario in which you think you have found yet another way to dehumanize a child. As I have stated repeatedly, this is the problem I have with the creation of fertilized eggs. They are still human, but they are not growing and developing in a natural manner if they are sitting frozen in a petri dish. There is a difference to me between a child that is alive and growing and developing and one that is frozen in a petri dish.

If the child is within its mother, then I will save them both. If the child is on its own because its liberal mom left it there because it was inconvenient to save it, then I will save the baby. I would also try to save the 500 as well. Because no matter how many games you idiots play, nothing will change the fact that they are still human.

So I will ask you.... If a pregnant woman who was not capable of saving herself were trapped in that hospital with someone else's baby... who would you save... the one or the two?