Dick Cheney Was Right

LOL... ok... Pro-innocent life. In cases that are certain... as in 100% (Dahmer, Bundy etc) I am fine with the death penalty. But I do think that the vast majority of death row should be moved to life without parole. Especially older cases.

I am for individual rights as well. Which leads us to the real question on abortion. Should the unborn child be entitled to those same basic human rights protections?

That is it, this guy HATED kids, forced himself to have 4 and they then had 10 themselves. Great cover for a child killer. We should expose them all for what they are. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard you say on here. Tiller didn't just perform late term abortions for the fun of it. I lived in Kansas for 3 years, went to law school there. One of my class mates wife was pregnant. First sonogram somehow missed the fact that her child was going to be anecephalic. Meaning that while the child would have made a perfect right wing republican prolifer, the child was otherwise not going to have a brain. They caught it in the 8th month. She was crushed, she wanted a child more than anything. She had to go to Tiller, and your friends protesting outside yelled at her calling her a murderer and a whore. This woman who wanted nothing more than to have a child but instead got stuck with a body that had half a head. Tiller did not perform that abortion because he lusted to kill another child. He did it to save her the pain of going through the birth process only to see that her child was not a child at all and then watch as the brain stem slowly wound down and the body ceased to function. This is what is wrong with your side of the argument. You see nothing but fetuses and think they should all be forced into the world. That would mean another 1.3 million unwanted children in the world, clogging an already over taxed system that has 10s of thousands of unadoptable children stuck in limbo. This made all the more difficult because many of your prolife friends also don't want nasty old fags and dykes adopting children. The right wing in this country, like the left, very rarely EVER looks at the long term unintended consequences. All they see are the pictures of in utero children at 8 10 12 weeks of conception and see the cute little fingers and toes, and immediately equated aborting that fetus with putting a gun to 4 year olds head a shooting her. Nanny state do gooderism from the right is no better than it is from the left.

My heart goes out to all of these people that have to make these decisions.
I have been very fortunate!
I just have two questions for you ladies. If you're gonna go Dick Cheney on us and get midevil, then;

#1. Can I be first?

#2 and do I have to pay extra? ;)

Thanks for the compliment! We'll let you know in advance!
exactly. to give equal status to zygotes and people is silly, IMO.

A zygote may be a form of human life, but I don't think it has any rights when compared to the woman in whom it is a parasite.

I think that it's incorrect to call it a parasite. A parasite is an organism that has entered into a symbiotic relationship with another organism to the detriment of the other organism.
what would you save in a burning hospital, 500 embryos or one baby?
No, I did not dear emotional one. No matter how hard you wish it to be so.

Freezing the fertilized eggs does not kill the child. Sticking a sharp metal spike into its brain and scrambling it like an egg.... that kills a child. One is murder. The other is not.
It is the thawing out that kills them, do you know how many die?
The fertilized egg is still HUMAN you moron. What I said did not change that.

The difference between a frozen embryo and an embryo that has implanted in the uterus is what?

come on.... you know the answer.... just say it...
Can't happen without the mother?
I think that it's incorrect to call it a parasite. A parasite is an organism that has entered into a symbiotic relationship with another organism to the detriment of the other organism.

and if the woman carrying it does not wish to...is it not to her detriment to be forced to do so against her will?
1) Dirsegarding the frozen children, fertility clinics destroy hundreds of thousands of fertilized eggs each year. I guess my question for you, given your strong feelings about all of this, is why you aren't out trying to get them shut down immediately. That's an awful lot of baby-killing and you don't need to overturn Roe v. Wade to end it.

2) Stasis? OK. That's cute. I mean, I guess I can freeze my two year old and tell the cops that he is in stasis but i don't think they'll buy it. If my two year old is a child and a fertilized egg is a child, we ought to be able to treat the two the same way, no?

I would have liked to do that to a couple of teenagers I knew...