Did Bush keep America safe?


New member
Yesterday, the usual suspects chimed in with the expected "say what you want about Bush, but he did keep us safe since 9/11." Bush himself added about his "tough" decisions, "there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil.”

This is a fairly important debate for the country to have. If it is accepted that Bush "kept us safe," then it's a clear acceptance of his methods: what he would call "taking the fight to terrorists" with our military, using torture, violating civil rights & privacy, generally refusing to talk to nations hostile to us, letting our relationships with important allies deteriorate, etc. It is also an endorsement of the Bush doctrine (in what respect, Charlie?) & of our actions in Iraq.

I, and I suppose many, would argue that Bush has made us much less safe. Intel has repeatedly concluded that AQ is just as strong now as they were in 2001, and just as well-positioned to attack the West. It has described Iraq as a "cause celebre" for terrorist recruitment around the globe. Iran has been empowered in the region, and our options for dealing with a stronger Iran are diminished. What I would consider important aspects of what is called the WOT - like border security & security at nuclear plants - has been ignored. We have not captured or killed OBL. The biggest threat to America will likely come from a cell in this hemisphere, so the argument that "we're fighting them there so we don't have to on the streets here" rings hollow.

Given the infrequency of terrorist attacks on American soil throughout history, it's pretty clear to me that Bush taking credit for keeping us safe is kind of a like a rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Still, I'm sure it's a debate that will go on for ages, since it's all the Bushies have left.
Let's hope it goes on for ages. If we suffer a big attack here, within the next year, then that is going to end the debate i think. Even as things stand, I don't think it's much of a debate. More like a highly-financed advertising campaign.
Let's hope it goes on for ages. If we suffer a big attack here, within the next year, then that is going to end the debate i think. Even as things stand, I don't think it's much of a debate. More like a highly-financed advertising campaign.

I'd have to disagree w/ the first part. The Bushies are insane; they've been calling the economic collapse the "Obama recession" since November. If we got attacked this afternoon, it would be because Bush wasn't there to "keep us safe" anymore, and because Obama didn't torture...
I'd have to disagree w/ the first part. The Bushies are insane; they've been calling the economic collapse the "Obama recession" since November. If we got attacked this afternoon, it would be because Bush wasn't there to "keep us safe" anymore, and because Obama didn't torture...
Nah, if we got attacked today it would be because they were testing the newly minted President as predicted by Joe "The Nostradamus" Biden....

If we get attacked at any period after about 6 months or so it will be because Bush wasn't there to protect us anymore.

I'd have to disagree w/ the first part. The Bushies are insane; they've been calling the economic collapse the "Obama recession" since November. If we got attacked this afternoon, it would be because Bush wasn't there to "keep us safe" anymore, and because Obama didn't torture...

You're right.
...using torture, violating civil rights & privacy, generally refusing to talk to nations hostile to us, letting our relationships with important allies deteriorate, etc.

All of these are overblown exaggerations of the truth. We have never TORTURED anyone for any reason. Our CIA has used coerced interrogation techniques, on the worst of the worst, in order to extract intelligence. My guess is, President Obama's CIA will do the same thing, or we will be attacked again. Several terrorist plots were uncovered and foiled directly as a result of these programs. There is no such thing as "violating the civil rights" of non-American citizens! Those who are NOT citizens of the US, do not have Constitutional rights. The warrantless wiretaps were, again, part of the CIA's attempts to foil terrorist plots in the US, and if President Obama wants to abandon such practices, we will be hit by another terror attack, there is no doubt. Again, several terror attacks were averted as a direct result of this program.

You can't negotiate in good faith with enemies hostile to you, who aren't willing to negotiate in good faith. If you do, anything that is agreed is meaningless. Meeting with Ahmadinejad without any preconditions is so foolish, even President Obama backed off his comments about the possibility. As for our "important allies" ...you mean like Pakistan, whom Obama said he would consider bombing? Or maybe you mean Israel, who you'd just as soon feed to the wolves?
As with many discussions this one go for 1,000 posts and people will probably feel the same at the end as they would at the beggining. Depending on your predisposition you could argue this issue several ways. However I would argue against one of your premises and that being because we historically haven't had terrorists attacks in our country that trend should just continue going forward. Once we've been hit its kind of a whole new paridgm (sp). Kind of like Obama winning yesterday.

Alright, my bad, late for the office will continue when i get there. My fault.
Yesterday, the usual suspects chimed in with the expected "say what you want about Bush, but he did keep us safe since 9/11." Bush himself added about his "tough" decisions, "there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil.”

This is a fairly important debate for the country to have. If it is accepted that Bush "kept us safe," then it's a clear acceptance of his methods: what he would call "taking the fight to terrorists" with our military, using torture, violating civil rights & privacy, generally refusing to talk to nations hostile to us, letting our relationships with important allies deteriorate, etc. It is also an endorsement of the Bush doctrine (in what respect, Charlie?) & of our actions in Iraq.

I, and I suppose many, would argue that Bush has made us much less safe. Intel has repeatedly concluded that AQ is just as strong now as they were in 2001, and just as well-positioned to attack the West. It has described Iraq as a "cause celebre" for terrorist recruitment around the globe. Iran has been empowered in the region, and our options for dealing with a stronger Iran are diminished. What I would consider important aspects of what is called the WOT - like border security & security at nuclear plants - has been ignored. We have not captured or killed OBL. The biggest threat to America will likely come from a cell in this hemisphere, so the argument that "we're fighting them there so we don't have to on the streets here" rings hollow.

Given the infrequency of terrorist attacks on American soil throughout history, it's pretty clear to me that Bush taking credit for keeping us safe is kind of a like a rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Still, I'm sure it's a debate that will go on for ages, since it's all the Bushies have left.

False. Saying that Bush kept us safe does not mean we condone every aspect of what was done. It is also not an endorsement of his policies. That is simply a load of BS.

To suggest we are less safe is simply yet another attempt by the Bush haters to paint everything with their tainted view. You hate Bush. We get it.

If Al Queda is indeed as strong as it was, then it is the same, not less safe.

Iraq is in a better place today than it was with Saddam under control in terms of our security.

Iran was exercising influence when oil prices rose to insane levels and our money flowed into their coffers. How much have you heard from them now that oil is back below $40. Thats right. They have been muted again by the lack of money flowing into Iran. The same holds true with Russia. They are getting desperate again because they too know that their economy depends on the higher prices of oil and nat gas.

Obviously neither of us knows whether OBL is dead or alive. But when is the last time we heard from him? My guess is that he finally died from his poor health conditions.
When we get attacked again I'm blaming it on Obama and Clinton.:)

Just like the attack in 1993 of the WTT huh?

It happened 20 days into his watch.

But the WTT of 2001 9 months into Bush's watch was Clintons fault huh?
Just like the attack in 1993 of the WTT huh?

It happened 20 days into his watch.

But the WTT of 2001 9 months into Bush's watch was Clinton's fault huh?

I was just throwing out all that has been said about Clinton fault, Bushs fault.
I think instead of putting fault, we just need to keep prepared.
Doesn't he get any credit for keeping America safe from volcanic activity and interstellar invasion as well?
I was just throwing out all that has been said about Clinton fault, Bushs fault.
I think instead of putting fault, we just need to keep prepared.

Unfortunately what you called being "prepared" is following the failed ideas of Bush which bled our country of lives and treasure and made the world hate us.

You have already proven you have no idea how to keep America safe.
Doesn't he get any credit for keeping America safe from volcanic activity and interstellar invasion as well?
Apparently Obama is one of the Lizard-people we have heard so much that are infiltrating through our leaders, and some volcano in Hawaii spewed some lava. So, no.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!
Apparently Obama is one of the Lizard-people we have heard so much that are infiltrating through our leaders, and some volcano in Hawaii spewed some lava. So, no.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!

You friggin traitor... Kane was the ONLY choice for patriots.
Unfortunately what you called being "prepared" is following the failed ideas of Bush which bled our country of lives and treasure and made the world hate us.

You have already proven you have no idea how to keep America safe.

If that's the case Desh why were we hit on 9/11? Up until 1/20/01 the USA was loved across the globe. And even in Bush's first few months while he ruffled some feathers there was hardly a major backlash against him. Yet you believe in nine months he created so much anger and hate towards the U.S. that terrorists decided to plan and operate this attack?
without rehashing to much of what others have said that i agree with, i will state strongly my opposition to the statistical theory relating to attacks on american soil. it is absurdly naive to assume just because something hasn't happened before (either ever or sporadically) that it will not either happen or happen with the same "regularity", if you will, in the future. maybe we should have ignored pearl harbor because that had never happened and ergo the odds of it happening again were slim...

also, the fact remains - under bush no new attacks on american soil (save the embassy attack overseas that i was made aware of).

that is a fact. you can argue till you're blue in the face about so-called reports about the threat of terrorism now as compared to then, but it is conjecture and nothing more.