Did Bush keep America safe?

Unfortunately what you called being "prepared" is following the failed ideas of Bush which bled our country of lives and treasure and made the world hate us.

You have already proven you have no idea how to keep America safe.

The problem is, you people keep attaching the word "failed" to Bush policies and ideas, and that is a biased and inaccurate assessment, as well as dishonest. Very little about Bush policies have been deemed a failure, and when you look at the fact that we have not been attacked by alQaeda again since 9/11, and they have tried, you have to conclude his policies were at least marginally successful. You can't have 'success' that is 'failure', it's not possible, it's illogical.

As for "bleeding our country of treasure and lives" ....Please! Enough with the melodramatic words and phrases! The war in Iraq will cost us far less than Democrats will spend to socialize medicine or dole out federal money to entitlements the next 4 years. We've still lost less lives in Iraq than in some single days of battle in WWII, so in comparison, it is not even remotely close. This is just more overblown hyperbole from the left, who remain clueless with regard to combating enemies of the United States.
"We've still lost less lives in Iraq than in some single days of battle in WWII, so in comparison, it is not even remotely close. This is just more overblown hyperbole from the left, who remain clueless with regard to combating enemies of the United States. "

That's really a horrible way to look at it. It shows how little you value life.

As for "remaining clueless w/ regard to combatting our enemies," everything you supported has failed, so spare us the lectures. Oh, and you're in a more or less permanent minority now, anyway, so no one cares what you think.
"We've still lost less lives in Iraq than in some single days of battle in WWII, so in comparison, it is not even remotely close. This is just more overblown hyperbole from the left, who remain clueless with regard to combating enemies of the United States. "

That's really a horrible way to look at it. It shows how little you value life.

As for "remaining clueless w/ regard to combatting our enemies," everything you supported has failed, so spare us the lectures. Oh, and you're in a more or less permanent minority now, anyway, so no one cares what you think.

the country is nearly evenly split among those who voted :pke:

and you little diddy at the end shows that you are really just a political hack, party over country...
the country is nearly evenly split among those who voted :pke:

and you little diddy at the end shows that you are really just a political hack, party over country...

don't ya know, now that a Democrat is President, all others who belong to other parties, are just suppose to SHUT UP.:cof1:
Really? That's the best response you could think of?


it sure shut you up, all you could say was....best response...lol...weak

you know what i posted is true, and that is why you didn't debate the facts and ran to your ad hominem data bank that you copy and paste from...

way go champ!
it sure shut you up, all you could say was....best response...lol...weak

you know what i posted is true, and that is why you didn't debate the facts and ran to your ad hominem data bank that you copy and paste from...

way go champ!

Facts? Dude, you're the lying king on here. You've even admitted it on a couple of threads. Lies are generally what you use to try to make a "point."

I have to say, I give you credit for at least admitting that. Still, it makes the idea of any kind of rational "debate" with you kind of laughable.
"We've still lost less lives in Iraq than in some single days of battle in WWII, so in comparison, it is not even remotely close. This is just more overblown hyperbole from the left, who remain clueless with regard to combating enemies of the United States. "

That's really a horrible way to look at it. It shows how little you value life.

As for "remaining clueless w/ regard to combatting our enemies," everything you supported has failed, so spare us the lectures. Oh, and you're in a more or less permanent minority now, anyway, so no one cares what you think.

I don't believe conservatives are "more or less in permanent minority" now, and if that is truly what you believe, you will lose your power soon enough. As for how I value life, my comment doesn't address that issue, it addresses an overblown exaggeration about the cost of life in the Iraq war. You guys continue to want to make Iraq into another Vietnam, and it's simply not, nor ever has been a Vietnam. Not a damn thing so far, has proven to be a failure! You keep saying it, you keep repeating it, but that is not the case. Iraq is, for all intents and purposes, a functioning democracy! The surge worked, the insurgency is all but eliminated, and we are now in the final phases of wrapping things up over there. AND... it is just like I predicted it would be from the very start! Pinheads cried and moaned more loudly and intensely through the entire war, getting more and more over-the-top with the rhetoric, screaming for us to bring the troops home, until the job we went to do was complete, and the troops came home. Now you somehow think the troops coming home upon completion of what George W. Bush sent them to do, is a result of your incessant whining! The actual truth of the matter is, your protests probably kept us there an extra 6 months! If you had shut the fuck up and supported your country, we maybe could have wrapped the thing up last year! But because the terrorist thugs felt emboldened by anti-war sentiment here, they continued to blow shit up and kill innocent people! So don't talk to me about respecting life, you moron!
I don't believe conservatives are "more or less in permanent minority" now, and if that is truly what you believe, you will lose your power soon enough. As for how I value life, my comment doesn't address that issue, it addresses an overblown exaggeration about the cost of life in the Iraq war. You guys continue to want to make Iraq into another Vietnam, and it's simply not, nor ever has been a Vietnam. Not a damn thing so far, has proven to be a failure! You keep saying it, you keep repeating it, but that is not the case. Iraq is, for all intents and purposes, a functioning democracy! The surge worked, the insurgency is all but eliminated, and we are now in the final phases of wrapping things up over there. AND... it is just like I predicted it would be from the very start! Pinheads cried and moaned more loudly and intensely through the entire war, getting more and more over-the-top with the rhetoric, screaming for us to bring the troops home, until the job we went to do was complete, and the troops came home. Now you somehow think the troops coming home upon completion of what George W. Bush sent them to do, is a result of your incessant whining! The actual truth of the matter is, your protests probably kept us there an extra 6 months! If you had shut the fuck up and supported your country, we maybe could have wrapped the thing up last year! But because the terrorist thugs felt emboldened by anti-war sentiment here, they continued to blow shit up and kill innocent people! So don't talk to me about respecting life, you moron!

Gold, Jerry....gold!
Oh yeah. I think we had all forgotten that Dixie established months ago that Bush sent all the ORIGINAL troops who went to Iraq home, therefore all the troops came home like we wanted.
Oh yeah. I think we had all forgotten that Dixie established months ago that Bush sent all the ORIGINAL troops who went to Iraq home, therefore all the troops came home like we wanted.

Let the record show, that anyone currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, is doing so voluntarily under their own volition, and have chosen to enlist or reenlist within the past 7 years. Let the record also show, that anyone who opposes the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, has had at least one opportunity to 'come home' in the past 7 years. Because we do not have a draft, we can conclude that every soldier currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, accepts the mission as assigned, and is involved because they want to be.
Heck, if they want to go to Iraq for whatever reason, who are we to stop them?

Let the record show that Dixie's comfortable leaving national security/foreign policy decisions up to individual soldiers.
Heck, if they want to go to Iraq for whatever reason, who are we to stop them?

Let the record show that Dixie's comfortable leaving national security/foreign policy decisions up to individual soldiers.

that doesn't make any sense. There is a very large difference between individual soldiers making choices about whether they want to serve vs. directing the country's war strategy.