Did Bush keep America safe?

I don't believe conservatives are "more or less in permanent minority" now, and if that is truly what you believe, you will lose your power soon enough. As for how I value life, my comment doesn't address that issue, it addresses an overblown exaggeration about the cost of life in the Iraq war. You guys continue to want to make Iraq into another Vietnam, and it's simply not, nor ever has been a Vietnam. Not a damn thing so far, has proven to be a failure! You keep saying it, you keep repeating it, but that is not the case. Iraq is, for all intents and purposes, a functioning democracy! The surge worked, the insurgency is all but eliminated, and we are now in the final phases of wrapping things up over there. AND... it is just like I predicted it would be from the very start! Pinheads cried and moaned more loudly and intensely through the entire war, getting more and more over-the-top with the rhetoric, screaming for us to bring the troops home, until the job we went to do was complete, and the troops came home. Now you somehow think the troops coming home upon completion of what George W. Bush sent them to do, is a result of your incessant whining! The actual truth of the matter is, your protests probably kept us there an extra 6 months! If you had shut the fuck up and supported your country, we maybe could have wrapped the thing up last year! But because the terrorist thugs felt emboldened by anti-war sentiment here, they continued to blow shit up and kill innocent people! So don't talk to me about respecting life, you moron!

Dixie you seem to have come even more unhinged since I have been gone. Did you change your dealer?
He should ask "Rebel" in the cubicle next to him to post for awhile (even though they sound so much alike)...

LOL I forgot about his friend Rebel who sometimes insists on posting to defend Dixie, even though Dixie warns him not to ,because "everyone will think" he's Dixie.
I'd have to disagree w/ the first part. The Bushies are insane; they've been calling the economic collapse the "Obama recession" since November. If we got attacked this afternoon, it would be because Bush wasn't there to "keep us safe" anymore, and because Obama didn't torture...

Its got to you thats a mite insane....I've never heard of any "Obama recession" until your post and just because Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh says it doesn't mean it comes from "Bushies" (whatever the fuck you think that means)any more that what Obermann says means it comes from the Obama admin...

And If an attack comes while a Dem is president, that attack will be blamed on Bush the same as everything else was....
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Facts? Dude, you're the lying king on here. You've even admitted it on a couple of threads. Lies are generally what you use to try to make a "point."

I have to say, I give you credit for at least admitting that. Still, it makes the idea of any kind of rational "debate" with you kind of laughable.

a couple of threads? liar, have not admitted it once...nice try, i still see you can't debate and sticking to the ad hominems...way go champ!
Yurt, IBidiot is still protesting the fact that one can't be divided equally by three without producing a remainder. He staunchly believes it can be, and refuses to acknowledge mathematical fact, so he continually posts "1/3" in protest. Just ignore him, that's what I am doing.
I prevented any planetoids from crashing into earth for the last 8 yrs.
Prove I didn't.
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Given the infrequency of terrorist attacks on American soil throughout history, it's pretty clear to me that Bush taking credit for keeping us safe is kind of a like a rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Still, I'm sure it's a debate that will go on for ages, since it's all the Bushies have left.

this is eerily similar to the whole Clinton economy debate.